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I use mbsync, mutt, and notmuch. The searching is superb with notmuch and the level of integration with mutt is great.

I thought this was the typical use case - reading the first few comments here…I guess it integrates well with many clients.

A person makes a mechanical keyboard from scratch without breaking the bank.

Thanks for the suggestion. That is my one gripe with Ranger. It can be sluggish at times...

Take a look at Ranger. Ranger gives you the ability to do things like bulk edit files within a vim editor. Try doing this on the cli with the same efficiency and speed. This is where a term file manager really begins to shine...

nnn has an in-built batch-renamer as well as a more powerful POSIX-compliant plugin to do that.

List of features: https://github.com/jarun/nnn#features

These posts are similar to the "I quit Twitter/Facebook/other social media" announcements to the world declaring their freedom from said entanglements.

I was a longtime Subsonic user and was mostly pleased. For some reason, I stopped using it after moving to a new server.

These days, I have been very pleased with https://radioparadise.com. It is an eclectic mix with a couple of different channels. This station offers familiar tunes mixed with new ones. It is a nice gem that I love to tell other music lovers about.

Note: I am in no way affiliated with Radio Paradise. Just a listener/fanboy.

After reading this account, I felt somewhat sorry for his father.

I work at a place that has tons of CCTV cameras monitoring the bird droppings and the comings and goings of people throughout the day. When crime occurs, we review the CCTV footage. We often capture footage of people behaving badly and even breaking the law. We curse under our breaths at the terrible acts these people have committed. Next we try to identify the people. This is the hard part. Normally, we have no way of identifying the people captured on film. Perhaps if our company permitted us, we could upload this footage to say, Youtube and let the hive algorithm attack and identify. Until then, our film will end up on a hard drive until forgotten about and deleted. When the cameras are all doing facial recognition we should worry. Until then, I think, there is a certain degree of anonomity when captured by CCTV surveillance cameras.

...ah yes...countless hours were spent on my MythBox, which mostly worked. Before my MythBox went out the door, it had four TV cards a couple of huge drives and a ton of memory. It was a very nice machine. Before that, I used the XBMC on a couple of Xboxes. I remember using Splinter Cell and a memory card, I think, to perform the hack to get it going. That was a lot of fun.

Fast forward to today, I was using a a little single board computer (le potato) to run Kodi. That worked okay but always required hacking to get it working with Netflix or other services. I finally gave up and bought the Nvidia Shield Pro. It works great and I haven't had a single (major) issue since buying it. It runs Android TV and allows me to install Kodi as an app. I still run Kodi along with many of the other apps. No longer do I have to run into the room and ssh into the box to get it to do something.

While I am happy with the Nvidia Shield, in my heart, I feel like I gave up some freedom. The early days of HTPC were about figuring out how to make things work without the infrustructure of any big companies (other than the $19.99/year I paid to schedulesdirect!). Just a community of people making things work they way they wanted them to work. Yep. I am a sell out (that is watching tv with a knowing smile on his face).

I remember in grade school where we practised turing to an approximate page in a book. I always think of it like this.

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