I do like Rust, but I've only come across a few "higher profile ish" projects. None were really that important or useful that I actually bothered to remember them.
You're replying to Steve Klabnik, co-author of the Rust book [0] and (previously) a core team member for years. If he says it's been used on big projects I'd be inclined to believe him.
Note that it's likely that some of the biggest applications aren't public and so even if identified you couldn't actually count the lines yourself.
I only left them off because we’re talking about size here, and I don’t know how much code that actually is. I am a Windows user, so I’m quite excited to have Rust in my kernel! But as far as I know it’s just one small bit, with more to come!
> I've only come across a few "higher profile ish" projects
Of course, your mind is biased towards things that have existed for years before Rust gained traction. Those codebases aren't necessarily going to be rewritten overnight (if at all) in Rust. Others have mentioned it, but tech companies are writing foundational software with Rust, check out Cloudflares repository list for example:
C/C++ is arguably the safer choice in terms of actually completing and maintaining a project of this magnitude.