Since Firefox does not support MP3 or AAC, and IE/Safari do not support OGG they would have to do it in Flash unless they are transcoding server side or only supporting certain browsers.
The reason why they don't go full <audio> and whatever is not because of compatibility. It's about security and copyright infringement. It would be free downloads for all and that would make all the RIAA execs they have deals with very mad.
On it says "The front-end technology has been rebuilt in HTML 5" but doesn't mention anything about the actual playing of the audio.
The whole point of HTML5 tags like <audio> are to make content completely open. Unfortunately, that's the exact opposite of what what any major record label wants. I'm pretty sure they'll use flash in the background to play the audio, even if the entire site all the way down to the progress bar are HTML5.
If it is your credit card information, you would seem to be the victim. In that case Sony is playing the role similar to the US government and is only offering you a shirt instead of a bullet proof vest.
The original analogy though is only accurate depending on where this is taking place. A person living in the suburbs would seem silly for wearing a bullet proof vest. A person walking into a war zone without a vest is an idiot. The question is, which of the two locations best describes the internet.
If it's my credit card information then all the merchants who end up passing my card fraudulently are the victims, because they are the ones who won't get paid.
I won't have to pay a dime for transactions I didn't authorize.
I suppose I could call "victim" for having to watch my statements more closely, but everyone does that anyway, right?
Doubtful since Netflix already runs on several Linux devices, most notably the Roku, the Boxee Box and the WD Live TV. Just like with android devices it all comes down to built DRM which regular Linux distributions will not support.
Amazon should put an upper bound on the maximum price a product can be. Can credit card companies even process a transaction in the tens of millions of dollars?
They should redesign the header so that the site title looks like an actual header instead of a large text box. I spent a while trying to click on it to enter in my own site to check.