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Jetbrains is pretty ok on this front. I've been enjoying using my beefy computer to do work from my potato laptop.

The way I read it, the message you replied to was a complaint about parts of VSCode being proprietary. Do you mean to say Jetbrains is pretty ok on the "not being proprietary" front?

Yeah, 100%. I'm not a hardcore FOSS only person, but for my core workflow, when a FOSS tool exists and works well, I am not likely to use a proprietary alternative if I can avoid it at all.

So yeah, I'll use Excel to interoperate with fancy spreadsheets, but if LibreOffice will do the job, I'll use it instead. I tried out several of the fancy proprietary editors at various times (SublimeText, VSCode, even Jetbrains), but IMO they were not better _enough_ to justify switching away from something like vim, which is both ubiquitously available and FOSS.

What are you using for glue? Just python?

Yeah, though for now it's just proof of concept stage.

I'm thinking you would like langgraph

Title is a cut down synopsis of the video.

The creator cites sources close to the excavation, stating that any substantial work should wait for her technology.

Let's say they capture 2 percent of the market.

23mil x 40 x 12 = 220.8 mil

I don't know how many developers want to give up their bespoke IDEs. Moving away from JetBrains products (even given all there warts) would be a hard sell for me. I also don't know how many developers even pay for an IDE.

Context? What is FreeValve?

It replaces cams with electronic actuators

Here's the original YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us4e-nhESzc

My best guess would be accident occurrence prediction.

Are you considering user-level abstractions other than files? Perhaps a plan9-like everything-is-a-file-system?

A file is a manufactured concept that has served us well for a long while. But I'm not convinced that it's the right abstraction for everything. Files are just binary blobs (even if they're text), with no uniform interface to interact with them other than open/read/write/close. In order to compose processes around files, they have to agree on a certain format (e.g. lines of text for most Unix commands); there's no structure other than what each process assumes it to be.

My idea is that processes should compose in a statically typed manner, where opening a channel for reading gives you a Channel[T] to read entities of type T. Two sub-abstractions of Channel[T] would be Source[T] and Sink[T], where they can be used to read and write to any source/sink (including files) as long as there's a registered (de)serializer for T.

This sounds like a great idea to me.

Have you played at all with nushell? It's fun in a composing-processes-via-types kind of way, although it's a bit more on-the-surface than what you're describing.

My impression is that much gets done via builtins--you have to start writing nushell plugins for everything if you want to extend the fun to arbitrary programs which nushell knows nothing about. (unless you're happy with json I/O, but you're talking about static typing here).

It sounds like the source/sink type registry that you're describing would solve that problem in a much nicer way.

I haven't used nushell (although I'm aware of it). I'm aware that the idea of piping statically-typed objects between proceses is not new (PowerShell has had this since 2006). But the problem is that this is confined to the shell, i.e. you can't do this kind of composition outside the shell.

My idea is that everything in the system should be able to use statically-typed channels, including syscalls and calling into system services. This opens up the possiblity of, for example, composing GUIs in a manner similar to writing a shell script.

I bet it would do wonders for observability. I'd love to be able to enable a custom visualizer on some data stream without having to do any explicit plumbing besides ensuring that the types match.

I'm rooting for you.

This sounds similar to some of the concepts in the robotics framework I'm writing. It's pretty powerful to be able to separate out the transport data has from the serialization it has.

You might enjoy reading about Ethos's Etypes. My understanding is that they punted a bit and their design still has byte streams, but the operating system provides helpers to parse them and injects filters to guarantee well-formed input/output, including over the network. They failed to produce anything but papers, but the papers are interesting.



Can confirm.

I'd be curious how hard it would be to add things like teleport or double jump. I was telling my brother that these would make pretty interesting FPS maps (really probably not what most people would be using this for).

Double jumps work for me.

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