Switched to gitlab @ work from github (the enterprise edition) and it's been much nicer. Really appreciated the integrated CI/CD support, and we're just about to start using the built in container repo.
Glad to hear that! We're very excited about our upcoming CI/CD features. We just released environments and next month we'll have deploys that require manual confirmation https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/17010
This is hilariously awesome!
Aparently it's using ymacs (which I didn't know about until now) http://www.ymacs.org/ for the 'emacs'and an emscripten compiled version of Gambit (scheme).
We've been working on a project to capture the last flights of the Space Shuttle Program. It's meant a lot of time out with the bugs, heat, sun, gators and ever present pad security folks.
Once the sound hits, the maniacal laughter you hear is me!
Now we wait a couple of hours to see how our cameras faired. We're at the media center 3.2 miles from the Orbiter, our cameras are at 500-600 feet... I feel for them.
I'm about 45 miles south of the launch pad. We watched it go up this morning and came in once it had disappeared into the sky (far higher than this video as we had a clearer view). Once we came back in and I sat down at my desk, the sound finally hit us, some 3.4 minutes after take off. It was still powerful enough to feel. I couldn't imagine being that close to one.
Started programming "Paper Computers" around 8, first got my hands on a "portable teletype" connected to a (who knows what) operated by Tymshare.
My language path looked something like:
Paper Assembler (hand assembled, hand executed),
APL (on an IBM-5100 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_5100)
National Semiconductor SC/MP Machine Code (hand assembled, and entered on hex keypad http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Semiconductor_SC/MP),
C++ (dark days indeed),
Scheme (ahh... that's better!),
Javascript (hey... not unlike Scheme),
Powerpoint (became an "executive"),
Groovy (surprisingly awesome, been meaning to write a "Groovy is an acceptable Lisp" post)
Never done anything meaningful in Java (all the ugly of C++!), Ruby (just haven't had a reason) nor Haskell (but think it's kind of pretty)
Scheme is still my favorite by far since I find it the most beautiful and powerful.
I cracked myself up when trying C-M-q using the Command (clover) key on my mac, which of course was seen as CMD-Q by the browser, which for you non OS X folks means QUIT.