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i've only left 2 jobs in the last 12 years but both gave me counters.

hope you are also comparing chattel slavery as practiced in the americas vs slavery is Africa at the time.

no end to end encryption?

This is seriously one of the killer features. How can a company use this if everything is in the clear? How can you even have a conversation if at any time it can all be dragged up and pored over? The double ratchet of Signal, for instance, is open source so just implement it already.

But companies want records of communication! They want/need auditable records.

If two employees want to chat in secret, companies sure don't want that happening

There are some viewpoints that should not be tolerated though.

Can you give me an enumerated list so I can be sure to not commit wrongthink?

Answers like this truly surprise me. Do you not see a problem with normalising the idea of telling people how and what to think?

I'm glad you agree with my super conservative grandmother.

Everything is political especially the conditions under which your exchange your labor for survival / comfort.

328 million monthly active users and still not happy.


there's a pretty good book out there "Data Science from Scratch" it's all in python and really lays out the workings of popular data science / analysis algorithms without relying heavily on external libraries.

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