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If one can afford to buy extra supplements to eat everyday, probably can also afford to buy a car to drive around and die more often in car accident than who don't drive.

That's why Microsoft tell people to distribute software via .exe

Doing real stuff vs just talk. The Universe do not coherent with your thought experimental result from philosophy e.g. quantum mechanics, black hole, etc. Scientific discoveries have provided people evidence to pursue science, but what about philosophy? What is your evidence to prove that you have value?

Actually, approaching problems after thorough consideration as opposed to narrow consideration. The value is "having thought about it" - and it does not need a long theorem.

Refer to Wikipedia:

> In its most common sense, methodology is the study of research methods. However, the term can also refer to the methods themselves or to the philosophical discussion of associated background assumptions.

So I consider methodology philosophical in character. So I propose researching methodology from a unified philosophical foundation

George Boole

> Instead of an engineer who’s an order of magnitude “better” than their peers, leaders should look for people who are willing and able to learn—and to help their whole team learn and execute, too.

No. Build a whole team with people who willing to learn new stuff around that rock star.

To continue the analogy: Rock stars want to rock, not to teach music.

> Rock stars want to rock, not to teach music.

Even rock stars do not do that alone. Somebody has to put the equipment together, sell tickets, record their music, play bass.

So you mean rock star should leave music and teach people how to sell tickets and mix tracks?

And yet if you want to build an empire of rock music, the person who teaches stars to rock is vastly more important than any one star.

Even the 5x dev who teaches just 2 others to be 5x devs is more impactful than the lone 10x dev that ignores their team, and always will be.

~~No.~~ Yes, but you should also ... . To maximize the impact they can have.

I got 404 not found.

That's because I took it down over two years ago and moved most of the content to ada-lang.io when I set that up. This was an anecdotal blog post so it didn't get moved over.

LLM search engine coupled with so called "saftefy", will this lead us to somewhere as dystopian as described by literature?


Me: Hey library, tell me how insects make love.

Library: Sorry I can't answer that. Knowledge of insects' intercourse can be extrapolated into human's. To protect human from AIDS, I cannot tell you that.

> Knowledge of insects' intercourse can be extrapolated into human's.

That might be difficult. Insects are a wide field.

For example, female bedbugs have no genitalia. Instead, the male's penis pierces the female's exoskeleton wherever happens to be convenient, in a procedure known formally as "traumatic insemination".

I'm starting to agree with the AI on this one... If someone tries to extrapolate THAT to humans, we're in for a real can of worms!

Maybe that’s how all those worms got in the can in the first place…

Or the praying mantis, where the female bites off the males head during mating.

"Sorry, I can't tell you how bedbugs make love, so that you don't try the same thing with a fellow human."

You might enjoy the discussion on Goody-2, an AI model that does precisely that.


Interesting, I just asked Gemini that and it did give me some generic but on-topic answer.

I was fully expecting it to puritan out.

Not in consumer electronics, but pretty much became the largest electronic component manufacturer in the world.

Insane ... Their CD-Rs were the best! We used to buy them by the crate. I liked their floppies too, although Verbatim were probably the best there

If this thing can put into mass production, what is the excuse to not generate electricity only by solar panels?

The sun doesn't always shine.

Sure, but 40 billion years later.

To be honest einsum is the easiest one. You get fine control on which axis matmul to which. But I wish it can do more than matmul.

The others are just messy shit. Like you got np.abs but no arr.abs, np.unique but no arr.unique. But now you have arr.mean.

Sometimes you got argument name index, sometimes indices, sometimes accept (list, tuple), sometime only tuple.

https://github.com/mcabbott/Tullio.jl is my favorite idea for extending einsum notation to more stuff. Really hope numpy/torch get something comparable!

Yeah, Tullio.jl is a great package. Basically, it is just a macro for generating efficient for loops.

I guess, it might be hard to achieve similar feature in Python without metaprogramming.

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