Willing to relocate: Yes; Prefer to relocate (but not to the Bay Area)
Technologies: Front end Web; JavaScript, HTML/CSS, jQuery, Mustache/Handlebars, all non-Angular browser frameworks, Jasmine, FuncUnit. Also; Flask, Rails, Node, MongoDB & all major RDBMSs
Front end specialist (Web), looking for senior-to-architect level engineering or combined architect-PM roles. 14+ years experience in software development, last 5-6 years focused exclusively on rich UX. JS debugging virtuoso, old school AJAXer (predating jQuery), keen interest in making software usable.
Prefers small companies over large, especially if they’re [made up of] small teams of smart people. If that sounds like your company, let’s talk.
> If your organisation needs to rely on 'confidence' to determine who is competent, then by definition it cannot directly discern which employees are competent.
That's correct specifically because in the absence of the ability to judge competence (the original research by Dunning and Kruger showed that those low in competence overestimated the competence of others as well as their own), confidence becomes the stand-in. So over time if you don't start with the most competent people in positions of leadership, and maybe even if you do, you end up with the most confident (and probably least competent) people in them over several refresh cycles.
Front-end testing consultant; I’ll help you get started with unit-testing your JS code, and running functional and integration tests on your UI, if you’re new to writing browser code (e.g. you were a Rails shop but you are transitioning your app to being based on Angular/React/Ember and REST services). The package includes infrastructure for your dev and build environments and training for your developers.
Also don't forget to source the image and the containing page at the same server, or alternately to set document.domain of each side to the common superdomain.
Eight tabs? I have well over 100 open at any time with Opera. This sort of browsing behavior chokes Firefox 2.x. I'd like to see whether Firefox 3 can handle it.
I'm always about keeping a variety around. For beers produced within my own country (USA), I like the products of Sam Adams (Boston Lager, Winter Lager, Summer Ale, and some of the other winter seasonals), Dogfish Head (Midas Touch, ##-minute IPAs), Wachusett (country ale, blueberry ale, "monsta" double IPA), Gritty McDuff's, Yuengling, and Oskar Blues (Old Chub). Import choices include any Irish stout (Guinness, Murphy's, Beamish), McEwan's Scotch ale, Bass IPA, Newcastle Brown, and Lindeman's framboise and kriek lambics.
The impression that I always got was that your best shot at using a domain to SEO (shudders) is to have a one or two word name that people would punch into a search engine as one or two words. thus the example given in the article (ten spaces => tenspaces)
Remote: YES
Willing to relocate: Yes; Prefer to relocate (but not to the Bay Area)
Technologies: Front end Web; JavaScript, HTML/CSS, jQuery, Mustache/Handlebars, all non-Angular browser frameworks, Jasmine, FuncUnit. Also; Flask, Rails, Node, MongoDB & all major RDBMSs
Résumé/CV: [short] https://angel.co/bradley-momberger
Résumé/CV: [full] https://shinythingsnetwork.com/hosted/binary/momberger.bradl...
Email: <airhadoken but with an underscore between the ‘r’ and ‘h’>@yahoo.com
Website: http://shinythingsnetwork.com/
Twitter: @air_hadoken
Front end specialist (Web), looking for senior-to-architect level engineering or combined architect-PM roles. 14+ years experience in software development, last 5-6 years focused exclusively on rich UX. JS debugging virtuoso, old school AJAXer (predating jQuery), keen interest in making software usable.
Prefers small companies over large, especially if they’re [made up of] small teams of smart people. If that sounds like your company, let’s talk.