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Just check the SNAP stock value for the past 6 months[1] and you'll see that it had lost roughly 70% of its stock value.

With today's earning announcement, it has just recovered some of those lost market value. Still, with this positive news (i.e. about 60% increase in stock value, post earning announcement), they're around 50% down from its peak (which was just in the recent past, less than 6 months ago).


[1]- https://finance.yahoo.com/chart/SNAP

You might also like to check Dr. Jeannette Wing's talk on the same topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2Pq4N-iE4I

I know something about the work I've in front of me; still, I thought, it's good idea to seek others opinion on this important matter. Otherwise, it's really easy to fool oneself by taking our existing ideas too seriously without cross checking them with others.

Anyway, thanks for your comment.

For some reason, I had to close the website quickly after browsing for a little while. For a moment it felt like I'm looking and going through someone personal desktop (which has been left unlocked) without their consent while at the same time I was really well-aware that it's just a personal website for public. Weird feeling :)

Edit: On second thought, it looks like it did one thing really well is refreshing my own personal memory of Windows 9x (personally, I've good memory of Windows 98, before I switched to Linux based desktop -- Ubuntu specifically).

In my case, I didn't see any reset in Firewall settings or Limit Ad Tracking as I just updated one of my macOS Big Sur from v11.2.2 to v11.2.3 (on a MacBook Pro 2015).

P.S.: I checked these settings after reading your post and before updating my laptop.

I highly recommend that you consult the original book (also referenced in TFA) as your primary source to find answer to your question.

> Let it be understood at once that we are wholly in favour of the proposition that most people ought to be able to read faster than they do. Too often, there are things we have to read that are not really worth spending a lot of time reading; if we cannot read them quickly, it will be a terrible waste of time. It is true enough that many people read some things too slowly, and that they ought to read them faster. But many people also read some things too fast, and they ought to read those things more slowly. A good speed reading course should therefore teach you to read at many different speeds, not just one speed that is faster than anything you can manage now. It should enable you to vary your rate of reading in accordance with the nature and complexity of the material.

> Excerpt From: Mortimer J. Adler. “How to Read a Book.”

And, what a "blip"!!

From the course description:

Category theory is a relatively new branch of mathematics that has transformed much of pure math research. The technical advance is that category theory provides a framework in which to organize formal systems and by which to translate between them, allowing one to transfer knowledge from one field to another. But this same organizational framework also has many compelling examples outside of pure math. In this course, we will give seven sketches on real-world applications of category theory.

For those in mobile:

Category theory is a relatively new branch of mathematics that has transformed much of pure math research. The technical advance is that category theory provides a framework in which to organize formal systems and by which to translate between them, allowing one to transfer knowledge from one field to another. But this same organizational framework also has many compelling examples outside of pure math. In this course, we will give seven sketches on real-world applications of category theory.

Randy Pausch's 2007 "Time Management" lecture video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blaK_tB_KQA

>To my surprise, PostgreSQL v9.5 on Ubuntu 14.04 does not default to unicode schema.

PostgreSQL does (if unicode character set was specified when PostgreSQL database cluster is initialized first time); it's Ubuntu OS which creates PostgreSQL database cluster with ASCII character set (encoding) after PostgreSQL's installation.

> Here is the snippet that I had to use: ...

Instead of resorting to those hacks, follow the PostgreSQL documentation[1] to do it the right way. The simplest way is to initialize your PostgreSQL database cluster as:

initdb --encoding=UTF8 --pgdata=<database-cluster-dir>

If you want to use an existing database cluster, PostgreSQL documentation shows how you can do it.


[1] - https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/multibyte.html

Using the distro-supplied packages for PG (or any database server) is typically not the best choice for a production deployment.

    > Using the distro-supplied packages for PG
    > (or any database server)
Or almost any of your application environment, really.

Distro supplied packages are a handy way of receiving timely security fixes without keeping too close an eye on recent CVEs + application changelogs.

For regular packages, sure. But for highly-active, well-maintained codebases like postgres – who package their software for your OS, upstream is going to be quicker with security fixes than distro.

I would like to hear more about that. Our Server Team swears on using CentOS Packages with Backports for everything for security purposes. This slows us a bit down, but so far we haven't had any security or audit related issues. How do you deal with CVEs and these staying audited and secure?

We use the official PG packages from their repo on CentOS. It appears there is an apt repository for Ubuntu too: https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/

We use CentOS but PostgreSQL's official packages from their repo, just like we did when we were Debian based. http://yum.postgresql.org/

Ubuntu has lots of poor defaults and this is a good example of one.

Wouldn't this be worth raising a bug report for?

Probably, uphill battle though IMO, it's not like Ubuntu has a good reputation of sane defaults or quality packing or timely security updates.

actually that is not true for ubuntu 16.04 there it will use the locale setting:

newly setup:

                                      List of databases
       Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |   Access privileges   
     postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | 
     template0 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
               |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres
     template1 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
               |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres
    (3 rows)

It's good news that they've changed the default PostgreSQL character set (encoding) from ASCII to UTF8 in Ubuntu 16.04. It'll definitely save a good amount of time of new PostgreSQL users who need UTF8 encoding as default.

No it's not the "default" the default is 'use locale settings'.

So LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 will load a de_DE.UTF-8 Database, while my LANG previously was en_US.UTF-8, i can change LANG to something different and it will create the cluster to the value I've set my LANG to.

> Instead of resorting to those hacks, follow the PostgreSQL documentation[1] to do it the right way. The simplest way is to initialize your PostgreSQL database cluster as:

This is actually poor advice. The right way on Ubuntu is to use the packages provided by PostgreSQL Development Group (https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Apt), and in that setup you use pg_createcluster instead of initdb.

The snippet in the original article was so hacky because it fixed an existing cluster instead of destroying it and creating a new one in UTF-8.

> This is actually poor advice. The right way on Ubuntu is to use the packages provided by PostgreSQL Development Group (https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Apt), and in that setup you use pg_createcluster instead of initdb.

initdb is part of standard PostgreSQL utilities/tools[1] for initializing your PostgreSQL server that's why I suggested using it. On the other hand, I don't see any reference to pg_createcluster command in the official PostgreSQL documentation. So I don't know why you think using a non-standard PostgreSQL tool (in place of a standard one i.e. initdb) is the right way of initializing a PostgreSQL database cluster.

[1] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/reference-server....

Since we're talking about Ubuntu, I would use the Ubuntu tools. They make it very easy to maintain several Postgres clusters side-by-side, e.g. /var/lib/postgresql/9.4/main vs /var/lib/postgresql/9.5/main. You can also control which binaries you use with the PGCLUSTER variable, like this:

    PGCLUSTER=9.4/main pg_dump foo
    PGCLUSTER=9.5/main pg_dump foo

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