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And likely they're either: 1. Dumping into the market to gain market share and decimate competition which is often illegal, depending on your locale in which case that coffee will be a bunch when they own the market (or they go out of business) 2. They have suppliers that are so tainted nobody buys their source and you probably shouldn't either

There are so many coffee shops in Israel, so I doubt they can take over the market. There’s a few major chains, but even Starbucks tried to enter that market and failed miserably.

Title should include (2010)

That's my bad. Is there a list of rules somewhere? I didn't see anything mentioned about the year here: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html

I appreciate you calling it out!

Hi about pulling a sample of good random every N invocations to still allow for fast PRNG but to ideally defeat these schemes. Maybe use the real signals RNL value to seed the PRNG. Just a thought.

And in the end, the terrible people won. Because you stopped caring seeming about anything, you're likely living a worse more jaded life, and your next company isn't getting a good employee.

Learning an important lesson isn't about flushing your aspirations down the toilet. That's just cementing your destiny as someone who will never achieve moderate success. If that's your goal, shrugs?

No. Terrible people won because terrible people were in positions of power, as is the case often.

Good jobs, great jobs even, can and do turn to shit overnight. It's often the management itself.

People don't leave bad jobs they leave bad people.

The job is something in their life workers, in a non-slave market, can take control of.

There's no good reason for a person to stay working for nutters.

There's no good|sane reason to reward bad behavior.

They have ZERO obligation to fix a toxic workplace and culture.

That is management's failing entirely.

>your next company isn't getting a good employee.

Your next employee|team member isn't getting a good boss|colleague.

> the terrible people won ... you're likely living a worse more jaded life

Respectfully, I think this is rather judgemental (I realize the irony that I am judging you, too :)

It doesn't have to be a battle, there doesn't have to be a winner. Everybody is free to explore their limits and boundaries, and put energy into the areas of life that they find most fruitful.

Maybe OP really does want a kick-in-the-pants "get back in there and fight!" pep talk — in which case, ignore me. But maybe they just decided that it was not their particular hill to die on. It takes all kinds.

Life is more than your job.

> the terrible people won...

When that dynamic takes hold, it is more that the good people failed. There is an extremely real subset of the population that gets a thrill out of telling other people what to do and damn the technical consequences of their orders. If people who are uncomfortable being in charge don't figure out a way to get over their own reservations; then guess who will hold all the positions of power? People who really want to. And not necessarily because they are nice or capable people, but because they'll say or do anything.

The part that frustrates me is that technically competent people often get brutally attacked because they lack charisma. It is wildly counterproductive.

> flushing your aspirations down the toilet

hmm, i seem to have made this a hobby of mine.

It's less about liberal arts, and more about those that graduate or not. It's more about those that fall into the "some collage" category. Most of the costs of a full degree, but none of the benefits.

Versus what, tv where the medium demand the highest cost per eyeball and every single person is a captive audience (unless you DVR)? Still smells like a good deal for advertisers unless the idea have changed significantly in the years since I cared to know anything about the ad markets.

I think advertisers haven't adapted well to the youtube market at all. They're still operating under the TV model where ad breaks are an expected part of the tv viewing experience and don't understand that on youtube they are intrusive as hell . This also couples negatively with advertisers viewing youtube apparently not putting any limits on ad length as an opportunity to deliver a sermon. I think most people would be annoyed but not totally put off by a couple 15 seconds ads but the issue is that users just have no idea if they'll get a 15 second ad or a 15 minute ad so they skip everything out of extreme frustration with the entire experience.

Its like they forget people go to the fridge or bathroom or pull up the phone when there is a commercial. No one watches the shamwow slot with bated breath unless they have a mental illness.

Advertisers have zero self awareness how stupid their copy is. Ever see the latest reddit ads? “TIL the acura rdx is best in class edmons power train muh lease rates” yeah, its not pretty but its obvious the people defining this ad spend are just throwing shit at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.

You can make the likely accurate claim that democracy can't function without functional, effective independent journalism. So how much is it worth requiring so that democracy is upheld?

This seems like a solution for pets. If you have a lot of pets, this sounds totally reasonable, but it isn't some universal truism. People are moving away from pets as they're often harder to work with cattle. That also means you need an observability aggregation which can make sense of what's happening everywhere, not just one instance of on machine.

COBOL was great until it wasn't.

Would not say that COBOL is still great (never wrote it) but the main problems in COBOL horror stories usually mismanagement and underinvestment, not the technology.

Yeah, gimp is pretty crap and it is what it is sure. Clearly they work in a world that has more smaller boutiques where replacing Adobe with supporting OSS alternatives isn't a clear winner. Industries that have a ton of engineers are more likely to build their own alternatives, and some of them realize that they can cost share by being OSS.

Gimp is fine for my purposes, whipping up a favicon or making a bit of random developer art as filler until an actual artist can do the job.

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