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It is a shell company, except that it is not Google (or its equivalent) who is creating it. It is the Infosys and Cognizants (or other bodyshopping firms) of the world who create this structure to satisfy the demand created by the Googles.


(Almost) Impossible Integrals, Sums, and Series - Cornel Ioan Vălean

The MIT integration bee has some good problems. So do the Putnam tests.

Nitpick but it was Paul Buchheit who came up with “Don’t be evil”.

It looks like there are multiple stories [1] — some crediting Amit, others Paul. I guess I'd heard or read the one crediting Amit previously.


[1] https://www.vox.com/recode/2021/2/16/22280502/google-dont-be...

It gets proportionally easier to say such things with a straight face as the size of the exec's golden parachute increases.

From the article: "One theory is that such CEOs are overpaid because they have too much influence over the board that should be monitoring them on shareholders’ behalf and too much influence over the committee that sets their pay."

Quite a few future field medalists in that list. The collective math IQ of the group is off the charts!

Indeed. Hans Bethe did serious and solid scientific work way into his 90s.

Something very similar is the theme of the book "The Goal" by Eli Goldratt, which outlines the theory of constraints in a factory setting. The key is to identify bottlenecks and use them to increase/control throughput to match the downstream demand.

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