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I'm not quite sure I understand what the log support entails. Also, it says for Node.js that this is coming soon. Any idea of the ETA on this one?

You can select a method and see the logs generated for that method. Idea is to have all the information - request parameters, return values, logs, metrics all in one place to make it easier to troubleshoot problems.

I'm going to second aerovistae. I think there are plenty of glaring differences between Uber and Tesla that make your comparison just amount to throwing shade:

1. First, I haven't heard many people argue that they think Musk's end state isn't viable. That is, Musk has already proven you can build a great electric car, the question is just whether he can solve the production issues and scale up (especially battery production) fast enough before he runs out of money. But if he does get there before he runs out of money, people agree he will have huge moats around his business with his technology, brand desirability and the gigafactory. Contrast this with Uber, where a lot of people think that in the end state (when VC money stops subsidizing every ride) that it will essentially be a commodity business with very poor economic fundamentals.

2. Uber has had story after story of fundamental problems with their corporate culture, while everything I've read about Tesla appears to be almost the exact opposite.

So what? 10% of all healthcare costs is a gigantic number. And you'll have to excuse me if I take a position paper from Pfizer with a grain of salt.

Also, this is arguably the most corrupt aspect of medical pricing. Putting these sociopathic predators under the thumb of good governance satisfies a moral as well as an economic desire.

On what grounds do you dispute the figure?

I'm not disputing the 10% number (though I don't know what all it includes - does it include drug delivery systems, like what is under discussion in OP's article?). I'm disputing the overall conclusion in that paper that "drug costs aren't really worth focusing on." I also dispute the assertion that other areas of health care aren't also being focused on for cost insanity. 10% is still a huge number, and if you happen to be one of the unlucky souls dependent on a medicine that goes up in price by many multiples it's a gigantic deal to you.

I think that's kind of the point, though, that OSes and shells have gotten to the point where all that complexity is hidden behind an easy installation. With modern web frameworks, all the "guts" are still fully exposed, warts and all.

It kind of reminds me of the state of Linux in the mid-late 90s, where you'd have "install fests" with a roomful of 25 people and it took a whole day to get Linux installed on your machine (and your sound still didn't work, that took another afternoon).

From these links, main number seems to be "Nearly 10 million Americans, or 4.1 percent of the adult population, used prescription opioid painkillers for nonmedical reasons in 2012-2013". Numbers I've seen for marijuana were about 11.5% in a year, though that was for 2001.

So certainly higher usage for marijuana, but definitely not "many orders of magnitude"


The "fun facts" he listed re: the board members were just that - interesting tidbits (that I was personally intrigued to find out) but yes, not relevant to other aspects of the case.

The fact that "Carmack was enthralled with VR" is very much relevant to the story of why Carmack decided to spend so much effort (apparently using some Zenimax's resources according to the post) to work on technology that at the time wasn't immediately relevant to what Zenimax was doing.

I'm completely convinced by 'Wut', I guess.

But with this technology it seems like it would be straightforward to build a slightly larger, more practical house. Though I agree, I think building a house with at least one actual bedroom would have made a better demo.

> almost certainly decrease the quality of output

I think this is a dubious statement. The bifurcation of American society, with increasing concentration of wealth in cities, and increasingly desolate rural areas, has only accelerated in recent years.

The fact is that most in demand knowledge workers want to live in central urban areas. You say you can have commute "only 20 mins longer than your average Long Island commuter" - does that mean your door-to-door time is over an hour each way? No thank you, I'd much rather live in a small apartment with a 15 minute walkable commute.

>The fact is that most in demand knowledge workers want to live in central urban areas.

That's definitely false. There are hot markets for "knowledge workers" in every American metro, and a hot virtual market that is more than happy to pay for talented developers no matter where they're located.

In local markets, salaries may be adjusted based on the cost of living, but in relative terms, valuable knowledge workers have a lot of opportunity and are compensated well for their work wherever they live.

You might be conflating "my classmates at the university" with "in-demand knowledge workers", but it's incorrect to assume that people who could match the profile of a recent graduate comprise the majority, or really even a substantial part, of the "desirable worker" market. Real-world experience is immensely valuable, and real-world experience is generally only found where age, the necessary corollary of experience, exists. That is frequently not urban centers.

I know a senior developer who, in his mid-50s, left behind the Seattle metro for a quiet life in the mountains of Idaho. As long as he had an internet connection, his clients were more than happy to keep him on board.

I've spent my entire career in metro areas of respectable size, but not the "urban centers" or tech hotspots that you're probably referring to. There are good (and bad) developers everywhere.

>No thank you, I'd much rather live in a small apartment with a 15 minute walkable commute.

That works while you have 1 -- maybe 2 -- inhabitants in your "small" (read: tiny) apartment. If you ever have kids, the impracticality of this plan will be immediately visible. This further suggests that you're constraining your view of "in demand knowledge workers" to the under-30 set. I suggest you get out more!

I think it has more to do with stage of life than type of worker. For example, now that I have a family, I find that I'm willing to spend a few extra minutes driving to the office in order to have a more spacious house and more open space for the kiddos.

That's assuming that the jobs are actually in the city, as opposed to industrial parks in the suburbs. Although urban offices are more common that they were 20 years ago I'd be willing to bet that there are far more engineering jobs in suburban locations than there are near walkable urban cores.

I'm door to door to work in in the morning in around 10 minutes. About 25 if I walk.

My comment is more about the idea that we demand that people work in overcrowded cities in large offices, where most jobs can be done remote or in small offices.

The bar for predatory pricing is very high, and Uber doesn't hit it: https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/competition-guidance/guide-a...

The main issue, as others have pointed out, is that the network effects and barriers to entry with Uber are quite low, so even if they beat Lyft they won't be able to jack up prices well above cost. In Austin, Uber and Lyft left after city voters passed driver fingerprinting requirements, and a flood of new companies entered the market. These new apps and companies had problems at first, but I currently use RideAustin (a non-profit, mind you) frequently, and despite being slightly more expensive than Uber is currently, the experience is pretty much indistinguishable.

Huh? Your answer surprises me, as I can think of tons of examples. Designers are often asked to provide a portfolio to show the work they are capable of. Same thing for photographers. In a previous life I was a ballet dancer, and the whole purpose of auditions is to demonstrate that you are a competent dancer.

I generally prefer an existing portfolio of code (e.g. github repos) to see the kind of code someone produces, but if you aren't able to show some fairly extensive examples of your work, homework is usually a bunch better assessment of your skills than what can be accomplished in a ~45 min interview.

Continuing: Imagine a guitarist wanted to join your band, but they refuse to let you hear them play until they're hired, saying they won't work for free.

Fair. I should've thought of designers and photographers. Ballet makes sense, since there are trials for prestigious orchestras and the like, but that isn't something I knew about.

When I wrote my comment, I was thinking of the medical profession, dentistry, auto & other mechanics, appliance and other device repair, construction ("there's a pile of lumber in the back, you have an hour to build a shed and then we'll consider hiring you"), plumbing, civil engineering ...

Most of those other professions you listed have much more meaningful and standardized certifications than software. A board certified cardiologist has already demonstrated real proficiency by going through the process to get certified. In software, the whole reason for these complicated hiring processes is that no one really trusts software certifications, and even company pedigree is not always a reliable signal.

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