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# 1. Add this line to your list of repositories by # editing your /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://repository.spotify.com stable non-free

# 2. If you want to verify the downloaded packages, # you will need to add our public key sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 94558F59

# 3. Run apt-get update sudo apt-get update

# 4. Install spotify! sudo apt-get install spotify-client

Thanks it worked.

Looks really nice. Would be nice if the language % also included closed projects. (and bitbucket always gets to little love :-))

If you too find d3 very difficult, have a look here: nvd3 creates boilerplate examples for typical graphs. It's almost plug and play: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4366018

I just made this with nvd3 this past weekend: https://github.com/tayl0r/ib-simple-charts

I had some trouble with the tooltips and getting the x-axis to like Date objects, and I really wish all the examples showed the source data (not just some random function that generates the source data), but other than that it is pretty solid for boilerplate charts. The other weird thing is that some charts work without a height attribute on the svg / div element and others don't, and you kinda just have to figure that one out for yourself =)

A similar wrapper library for d3 is Rickshaw: http://code.shutterstock.com/rickshaw/

Very nice, for what little I can see. One of those loonies who have deleted my facebook account. I have twitter, openID etc.

Podio is in Denmark. Send them a line.

http://www.crimsonhexagon.com/ does (did?) this pretty good.

That's really intuitive and simple. Love it... This for small things like pictures and documents, ge.tt for big things.

I have a 5gb file size limit.

On mac I use Clipmenu[1]. While dragondrop is certainly intuitive and clever, I personally dislike the move away from keyboard interaction. Of course we super-users (not my mother) can be more productive with 102 interactionspoints than we can wit 2.

Any ways - congrats; but not for me :-)

[1]: http://www.clipmenu.com/

I have no idea why web2py gotten such a bad rep. I am a beginning webdeveloper and seriously: web2py is a pleasure to work with. Simple to start, deploy, port and hack. It's backwards compatible and has a template language that really is non existant as so far as its pure python.

Compare that to Rails - which is (comparable) hell to set-up and breaks with upgrades etc.

If you want python web development to be simple, web2py is the way to go. Since I don't have a CS degree and I have often been wrong before - there might be a real problem somewhere. But I don't think so. One of the reasons for this is that Jakob Moss removed his web2py bashing from this thread. Didn't edit - removed it: https://www.quora.com/Is-web2py-a-good-Python-web-framework/...

> But I don't think so. One of the reasons for this is that Jakob Moss removed his web2py bashing from this thread. Didn't edit - removed it: https://www.quora.com/Is-web2py-a-good-Python-web-framework/....

What did he remove?


This isn't the first instance of Django/Flask people not agreeing with web2py design and implementation, and they have been vocal about it a couple of times.


Look for comments by mitsuhiko(flask dev) and jacobian(django dev).

Sorry - I remembered that I on an earlier occasion couldn't find JKM' answer. It's there now - and I personally don't find it convincing. Again - I am a novice and has no authority here. – I'd edit above if I could. I am sorry that I wrote wrong info.

Thanks for the reddit link. As you say it seems to me most of the flak is from not agreeing on something. But can an oppinion be correct?

And yes: Mitsuhiko seems to be a super cool, clever and friendly guy. In my last project I played around with request. Lovely it was.

Anyways: my point was not to express that web2py is the greatest thing invented since bacon. Only that I don't understand why the python community dislike it so. After all - web2py makes it very easy to build stuff. Hence it will probably attract people to the language. Hence make it more feasible for webhosts to offer python friendly environments. And that should be a good thing? Especially in the context of OP - "how do PHP guy start with python"?

>And yes: Mitsuhiko seems to be a super cool, clever and friendly guy. In my last project I played around with request. Lovely it was.

That would be kenneth reitz https://github.com/kennethreitz

But I do agree, mitsuhiko is a super-cool guy!

I don't know what I'll use it for - but I like it :D

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