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You might also like the Scribblenauts series[0].

It's 2D and it doesn't include text-based positioning (or, indeed, any kind of freetext scene description -- you just 'summon' objects by typing their attributes+name), but its database of nouns and adjectives is notably vast, and it also includes a fairly sophisticated trait-based interaction system.

E.g. a 'hungry boy' will always seek food (that is, any object in the scene which has 'edible' trait). Combine that with the game's physics engine and recreating the classic 'carrot-on-a-stick' setup is few clicks' work.

To more directly compare the two:

Taking a random featured scene (https://www.wordseye.com/view-picture/23507), here is my quick attempt at recreating it in Scribblenauts Remix (Android): http://i.imgur.com/vkq3ha8h.jpg

Parts list: bike (x2), colossal white spotty sphere, cherry, immobile beagle, immobile strawberry, huge red sphere, huge red puddle.

The 'immobile' adjectives are used because the beagle would destroy everything by happily running around, and the almost-round strawberry would inevitably fall off the round top of the sphere.

[0] http://www.scribblenauts.com/

Also, the X220T is not a "tablet" in the modern sense, it's a convertible laptop with a touchscreen.

Depends on the value of "occasional", but did you try asking your friends?

I've seen that being done around here, since the hardware you're describing really is pretty close to a beefy desktop/home server which usually spend their lives idly spinning their fans.

Very nice!

Why not make the third component live -- and include a webcam feed in the background instead of the static image?

Completely unrelated, and the IRC client predates the IM service by 8 years.

Cool, so OBML remains on Presto until it is phased out completely?

Can you point to any papers/specs/sources concerning OBML or the likes?

I was always fascinated by it (and have been trying to do something similar for my own amusement, most recently with webkit), but while getting a serialised render tree to display is trivial, making something half as usable as Opera Mini has always been seems impossible.

I believe there is still a huge market for smaller devices (probably smaller than feature phones) on which this style of web access is much thought after.

Sorry, all of that is proprietary.

What do you think Chromium and Opera is written in?

s/At least they don't have to use C++/OK/

Struggling to find any point of that comment that was downvote-worthy.

I was confused for a moment, since where I come from, "self-hosting" means something different.


We've taken "self-" out of the title, since it's ambiguous, as you point out, and doesn't seem necessary here.

We also took "is an operating system" out of the title for similar reasons.

So now instead of sending my friends a URL I have to give them vague instructions about where to find the content?

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