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The problem is that many people in our industry lie or stretch the truth a bit. Some of them are even good at bullshitting about it.

I work with several people who have over a decade of experience with "mission critical" applications and do not have the commensurate skills.

Their enterprise license is pretty comparable in price to something like Perforce, which does not include hosting. Do you also find Atlassian's Stash pricing to be high?

HIPAA covers far more than privacy.

Many of us who have had jobs for a long period of time know exactly what problems need solving and how to solve them. What the market wants is not always a mystery.

Dr. Winston Royce came to this conclusion over 40 years ago. Unfortunately people read his paper and developed the Waterfall methodology instead. See Step 3:


"That mobile device don't work 4 Rich. Use a real machine."

no mobile, part of the joke.

I do not get it.

I wonder whether your coworkers enjoy being interrupted frequently.

Having the luxury to be interrupted frequently and yet not get frustrated is likely a indication that you are doing a lot of small tasks that don't require long hour focus.

If you are doing something important that needs you to be focused on on particular a thing for long hours,without any interruption, frequent interruptions are disastrous.

There are also more ways to look at it.

If you are doing too many small time tasks that don't demand any serious focus. Its likely you have taken the wrong direction with regards to your career.

If you are doing too many small time tasks that don't demand any serious focus. Its likely you have taken the wrong direction with regards to your career.

Great way of putting that. Can I borrow this? :)

Sure. :)

When working on a project that needs to be extremely reactive and accomodate functionality at short notice often requires quick, on target communication.

If my coworkers aren't able to communicate quickly, and efficiently with myself and the other team members then the project will lose agility.

Often we will have tasks that require not being disturbed and in the stand up meetings we flag this.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the POINT of "agile" (seeing as you just used the word) software development to both increase communication AND eliminate distractions by keeping a single line of communication open between the product owner and the development team so things can be filtered out and brought up at appropriate times?

If you need immediate communication, there are other far less distracting methods, such as IM or email, that one can safely ignore until they have managed to lessen their memory load until they've reached a safe point to stop. If you're constantly interrupting your fellow developer while they're in the middle of a high-memory task you are deliberately DESTROYING any "agility" of your project by wasting their time rebuilding their mental state before you interrupted them.

As defined by Wikipedia agile favours amongst other things;

* responding to change over following a plan * individuals and interactions over processes and tools * working software over comprehensive documentation * face-to-face conversation * co-location and pair programming

And also...

"Agile methods emphasize face-to-face communication over written documents when the team is all in the same location. Most agile teams work in a single open office (called a bullpen), which facilitates such communication. Team size is typically small (5-9 people) to simplify team communication and team collaboration."

I could go on. Almost everything in agile is about flexibility and that's exactly what we need in our team and exactly what being able to sit close together without cube walls enables.

Agile certainly is not about single lines of communication, it's almos the complete oposite of that. Agile doesn't have 'appropriate times' since unknowns must be accommodated as and when. Being agile is about iteration, firing and then aiming, talking to each other, collaborating, and getting it done.

And as I said before, if individuals need uninterrupted time to get their work done this of course is accommodated. We're not school children, we know how to behave.

IM and email are all ok communication tools, but they are inefficient compared to a quick conversation - especially if you need to look at a visual front end bug on your colleague's screen in order to understand what the problem is.

I'm sorry, but that is a weak excuse. It is not necessary to have everybody sitting in one big open room, in an environment where anybody can interrupt anybody (or everybody) at the drop of a hat, to be agile.

I would also argue that if your project is being that reactive that it should be considered an anti-pattern, and that you should examine ways to make things less chaotic (erm, I mean, "agile").

Just because anyone can interrupt doesn't mean this happens all the time. People are pretty considerate, and if you need to concentrate you'll be left alone.

As for 'anti-pattern' I'd say that describes our set up rather well. And yes, changes need to be made to make the work more predictable but until someone cracks that nut the boots on the ground definitely benefit from sitting together and being able to turn to talk.

There's a machine to help you be left alone. It's called a door. They are outstanding, if you have one.

People initiate communications for social reasons, or if they cannot proceed on a task without additional information. These "choke points" don't line up, from person to person. When you're at a choke point you have a decision to make -- defer work and interrupt your own flow, or interrupt the flow of someone else so you can keep your own rolling.

Unless problems are pedestrian or communication times are aligned, it's zero-sum. And that's presuming that the initiator has kept his own flow going (at the expense of someone else's).

You can sometimes (but not always) maintain a queue of tasks and switch to another, instead of interrupting someone else.

But the best thing to do is to get into flow prepared. Figure out beforehand what you don't know, and get it straight. Don't just dive in. Spend a few minutes sorting out what you're missing, line that up first, then head into flow.

Perform a job search for the same two topics.

The cheapest Campfire plan is $12 per month and the second cheapest is $24. HipChat is $2 per user per month. 20 euros per month with no user limit is entirely in line with this pricing.

I find it rather annoying that someone on HN will complain about the price of a service no matter how low it is. $20 per month is absolutely nothing. Most of the other team chat services cost more, and for good reason. Businesses are more than willing to pay a lot of money ($20 is not a lot) for software. Broke college students are not a good target demographic.

Before someone attempts to nitpick, 20 euros per month is nothing as well.

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