July 27, 2013: “Great benefits, great learning but ethically wrong! ”
"Also the company deals in fake online university degrees and also providing research papers to students. The research paper part would not be so bad if the quality was good enough for students to not fail."
Jun 28, 2013: “Kills your market worth as a professional”
Oddly, I find the employee whose effusive praise of the company included phrases like "business is truly LEGAL I LOVE AXACT" to be a more damning indictment...
I find the idea (that having particular job experience could kill my market worth) intriguing, given that I could always just leave the job off my resume.
In some places gaps in your CV are a big problem, as they want to know exactly what you were doing and why you were not employable. The idea that you might have chosen to take time out is pretty new in some areas.
Could you really? I presume most employers will ask you what did you do in that omitted period. At least listening to Career Tools podcast gave me that impression.
Y, I've have several other friends with similar competitions at their companies, prizes handed out every few months. Fitbit isn't the only brand of fitness monitors.
Good HR departments are handing them out as part of Open Enrollment and Health programs.
An informal competition has sprung up among the engineers at my company but we are mostly trying to hack it. Does anyone know what happens when you put a FitBit in a paint shaker?
July 27, 2013: “Great benefits, great learning but ethically wrong! ”
"Also the company deals in fake online university degrees and also providing research papers to students. The research paper part would not be so bad if the quality was good enough for students to not fail."
Jun 28, 2013: “Kills your market worth as a professional”
"Unethical businesses"