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"Its not a team, if its working with hot magma"...

When everyone is experienced/educated/elevated past that point (crescendo cooling), you have a solid team and/or company (four-leaf unicorn rare).

I immediately thought of "Hail Mary" strategies when reading the article, which keeps the talent/veterns safe and highlights a possible "why" its only an organizational chart arrangement and not a team environment.

If its an org chart arrangement, its definitely not you (but as other comments suggest, you still have to perform/produce/thrive regardless of disfunctions or detached from RL management shuffles)...

VMs have so much utility, so +1 to the author on the nerd nugget for compartimentalizing the use as a game cartridge.

VMs and VEs (environments) have gotten so portable that IOT and 5G will have to compete with raw storage (TB's) for the best user experience in a post-filtered world.

Possibly OT (or use case), but I've demod LTSP [0] to run multiple environments on a single server (PXE menu) and clustered multiple LTSP servers (bouncing to other LTSP menus by manually adding a server list to boot menu(s)) and treated them as books with chapters (each LTSP being a book).

Customizing each chapter by OS needs and media/content/apps has so many uses (immersive news,learning,entertainment) and paves the way for offnet productivity/entertainment that currently doesn't exist in the market (ala Home Library/Encyclopedia Server).

LTSP was not as PnP as it needs to be for consumer use (and external PCIe form factors were pricey), but anyone writing a VM (or decorating the interior) is already riding the next wave of physical data subscriptions/refills that bypass metered networks (SDCs or SSDs in TB capacities with OS agnostic data) for 8k video, VR and compilation/mixedtape datasets.

Portable VMs are a trend waiting to happen, so anything you can learn about it (inside-out) is not a waste.

[0] https://ltsp.org

The best part about new 21st century cities being built from scratch is kindergarten for tenure with primary services.

Resetting tenure for a new century solves 99% of the problems with trying to build on-top of inefficiency (schools, public utilities, local government, etc).

Toronto would have been better off with a sister city, developing a DFW-like economic area for the future instead of accelerating urban rot.

>is kindergarten for tenure with primary services.

i know what those words mean, but not in this context. what does this mean?

I think it means "there are no employees in school, fire, health, police services to resist reform" in a tone somewhere around "condescending."

Sorry I missed this, but am on a first-time trip to a rain forest in America, so my perspective may be temporarily biased (the air is phenomenal and the ASMR soundtrack is better than atmos fwiw).

Instead of "condescending", its probably just a clean canvas imbued with natural growth cycles (hence kindergarten, with nothing in-place to resist).

Saying "We the People have evolved" may be a stretch, but tenure and bad math are basic components of the rot-ops/rot-optics of prior innovations.

Fresh timestamps on the wrong answer defeats the purpose of a wiki.

I`ve personally seen a Fortune 500`s informal wiki/support infrastructure and knowledge consolidation is not as black and white as FIFO or GIGO (it was nonexistent aamaf).

Its rare to find an F500 company that has big data analysts working front-line roles to even get a grasp on a consolidation strategy, but shareholders can dream.

/It frankly sounds like he'd be on board with the EARN IT act./

"Infinite Retail Networks Invalidate Technology" can easily be achieved by segregating dot.com to its own "Internet/Network".

"Snowglobe or be snowglobed" is a better analogy than "everybody lives in a glass house except them".

ISH(water) and IRN(oil) don`t mix without constant agitation, so who better to add "business cycle" to archived knowledge and put a price on bits and bytes?

If they called it "Dim Some Networks", do you think the US could make a billion people laugh at the same time?

The Internet has been the best version of Dim Sum for a hungry mind, so its a shame possesive cultures ruined it for themselves...

Appreciate the DV`s :)

Some jokes never get old [0].

[0] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_finger_trap

Using the term "tools" loosely, fork and spoon comparisons digest better than apples and oranges.

Eating soup with a fork is still a success with enough intelligence.

Pfffft. Spoon-fed geniuses raised with only forks was a cruel joke.

Let me guess... For an encore, they'll do a study that says AI is more successful.

A suckers iterated ever minute on the Internet with a path/information like that.

I hope the downvote was for being incomplete.

A fork, spoon and a knife are required tools for most meaningful job/professional successes.

It may even mirror the mind, body and soul tools needed to achieve personal successes. 2 outta 3 sucks. 1 outta 3 is worse..

Foundations matter, so legally this is a raw emotion debate and only changes the course of the IA (pivot while the forgiveness/permission quote still applies).

Maybe proposing an annual charity drive for "published" material to fill these new "shared resource" vacuums that you`ve uncovered will satisfy the hybrid-capitalism model that you desire.

Making teaching resources HC compatible (with permission windows or indefinitely) may make compromise-it-forward a movement that is uniquely yours.

Even though Nielsen and the music charts have not figured out how to accurately count digital figures, the tax deduction angle looks promising as part of a formal model.

If you`re one of the parties on the leading edge of the transition to "artificial beauty", the champagne will continue to flow.

Beyond the fad and hype sales cycles of fashion perhaps art will flourish again with all of the excess natural beauty that is still in demand. Its still timeless!

If you want to stand out from the crowd... Don`t stand in crowds... BLHO`s are nowhere to be found.... Because they have already left the building.

"Die looted" is not referencing the information quality/concentration, but BLHO types know better.

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