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I applied for a backend role here end of February but I never heard back...

Your direct dependencies are not the only problem.

SEEKING WORK - remote (I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Software Engineer working with full stack JavaScript applications over the last 3 years. I work mostly with Node.js, Redis, Express.js, PM2, CouchDB, Babel.js and MongoDB.

Github: https://github.com/a0viedo

LinkedIn: http://ar.linkedin.com/in/aoviedo

CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9PXm1VeoiQjV0UxTnFCT2NfZE0...

Email: alejandro.oviedo.g AT gmail DOT com

I think it could be great to give an order for reading the series for someone that's learning JavaScript. I often recommend this series but everyone asks me where should they start reading.

Great point! The order of titles listed here is the intended reading order:


Also, the "Up & Going" title, Chapter 3, has descriptions about the titles and the narrative/story arc being told across them, which helps understand the intended order as well:


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