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Isn't this double negation? If what the industry is doing is unethical and what Alexandra is doing is considered "illegal" in the eyes of that industry... wouldn't that make it actually legal and ethical?

I think it's quite important to distinguish between 'legal' and 'ethical'. What Alexandra is doing is illegal and ethical. If we don't view those two as separate it becomes way too easy to excuse unethical behaviour on the basis of 'just obeying the law'

I've tried both (but have not completed them): In contrast to OSSU, TYSCS focuses purely on the fundamentals.

> wasting their time writing blog posts

Mind expanding on this?

If you’re writing blog posts then you’re not spending the time working on your projects.

Writing is an engineering skill. There is no such thing as a good engineer who cannot write.

Believe it or not, there are senior engineers with comp packages of $300k+ who spend 80%+ of their time writing and being in meetings and very little if any actual coding. You could really call what they do as writing blog posts, just for the company.

Blogging about a topic is a good way to build network and raise awareness. A 10x developer surely strives to be a good blogger; writing is a key skill of such developer, and it needs to be continuously improved.

Technical writing is a great skill and a valuable one. I used to write blog posts, a lot. It truly improved my ability to write great documentations, and i'm getting appreciated a lot by that skill, well on the other hand, if you are talking about the "how to reverse a string in x?" types of content, it's completely understandable.

I first learned this from Tim Ferris (btw, that guy isn’t full of it he actually gives out some good stuff) : it’s better to learn things JIT (just in time) than JIC (just in case).

He isnt always full of it. I'd say for every 7 useful things he shares there are 3 useless things.

What you said sounds correct however it’s not really as black and white as it may seem. Figuring out pmf means figuring out what make your product unique relative to your competitors which makes it a bit hard if not downright impossible to skip this step.

Honestly, for me, the hardest one to replace is YouTube. I think the best I can do is to create an account specifically for it + use firefox containers.

I think there is also a difference between lock in and just using a service. If your primary email is Gmail, it's hard to switch and it's worse than YouTube. With YouTube, if Google decides to lock you out, you can more easily move to PeerTube or another service. I also recommend that if you create content for YouTube, you also upload it elsewhere.

Switching from gmail and forwarding to your new address sounds easy unless you insist on deleting it and changing every account referencing the old email.

Forwarding to a new address doesn’t solve the whole Google problem, as GMail still stores and processes all your emails.

Your final point is the pertinent one. Without content elsewhere that is interesting and easy to find, there will be no alternatives.

YouTube UX has gotten really bad. I don’t know where to start. Auto continue eg or the fact that you can’t continue watching in the background on your smartphone unless you pay.

But I agree it can’t be replaced currently

The broken back button has to be the worst thing on the YouTube UXthough jumping video ads out of the comments section is also a huge pain though I can see how it's more profitable

Background watching has suddenly started working for me on Firefox on Android recently.

Do you post content there or just subscribe and/or comment? If just sub/comment, you can use an RSS reader to "subscribe" to channels and give up commenting.

Same, I'm rid of Google except for Youtube. There are just too many creators I follow there that I really enjoy to give it up. A few upload their videos to Patreon (usually for early access) and I think if I ever manage to ditch Youtube that is how it's going to happen.

mpv + youtube-dl and RSS as replacement for subscriptions.

Also, Kurzgesagt released a cool video about it: https://youtu.be/dSu5sXmsur4

In my experience it’s got more to do with expectations.


Maybe take a look at Nest.js: https://nestjs.com/

Thanks OP for sharing this podcast/episode! For me it was very informative (and dare I say, pretty cool). I'm wondering what other podcasts I'm missing out on!

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