Thinking that "Working software over comprehensive documentation" means "don't write documentation" is one of the biggest misunderstandings about agile and I feel your pain.
While I suspected the disappearance of big software boxes had something to do with available shelf space, it didn't know it was competition from DVDs that were the main factor.
> Yes, they modelled it after Epita which was also about code, code, code.
I don't know where you last got your information about Epita, but this has been less and less true for around 10 years now.
They sought to have a state certified engineering degree for a long time and implemented a lot of changes around 2003-2007 that made the cursus a bit less about code a more about common engineering stuff (maths, physics, english, ...) with more structure (they structured classes with a credit system, made more standard student evaluations, ...)
Source: graduated in that era, been in touch with later students.
I've also been through Epitech which is the school that greatly inspired 42 (same founders) and I would like to add some details on top of that.
Even if it's true that Epitech us mainly about coding, the program enforce a coding standard that is a huge part of the final grade of each coding project (small functions, 80 char per line of code...). Fom the second year, components decoupling and basic design patterns are part of the program.
Nevertheless, the school doesn't really make the most to teach basic good engineering practices or at least I don't remember (doc, tests, vendoring, observability...) and this is one of the main pain point.
They have the same rules at 42 to code, 80 columns, 25 lines for a function, ect...
Where Epitech is better is that from the middle of the third until the end of the beginning of the five year, you have to work on a end study project. You need to prepare everything before coding, database schema, how will you do your tests, ect..
Even tough I find Epitech better than 42 on this, Epitech is also lacking a lot of things. Some teachers to explain to you the best practices, code review, ect.. would be really nice.
> organic foods improve vascular function and prevent insulin resistance in the organs
This is bullshit.
> Many of the 'deposits' in Alzheimers are composed of quarantined pathogens (lyme, chlamydia, etc) and fasting + diet + exercise can help minimize those.
Buhner protocols have helped many tens of thousands of people with tick borne diseases and is widely used by a number of lyme specialists throughout the world.
If you feel healthier eating processed food containing higher levels of pesticides, herbicides, etc then please continue to consume them. Be the center of your own black hole.
> Low carbohydrate real, organic foods improve vascular function and prevent insulin resistance in the organs
Yes, low carb can reduce chronic hyperglycemia and thereby keep insulin resistance at bay. I wouldn't be surprised if there were vascular benefits from avoiding processed foods as well. What's with the cherry-picking in your quote?
And I don't know who Steven Buhner is, but you rarely see ad hominem arguments in such raw form on HN these days, not to mention an overall response that adds so little and in such a rude tone. Please try harder or go elsewhere.
GP took the time to write down a thousand words, and you just call bullshit, bullshit, and crackpot. Why don’t you convert your knee jerk reaction into an argument that we all can follow?
Have you ever looked at what rape is in REAL life ? It's something done massively by men and a huge proportions of rapes are by men on women. Words don't exist in a vacuum. Rape is not some vaporous ethereal concept.
How funny that one side going nuts is "Hey look at meeee !" and the other side is "I hope you get raped and killed and whatever, bitch".
Do you really think that those behaviors are equivalent ? Because they're not. Some female players may be behaving badly, but in terms of scale and gravity it doesn't match the abuse of male players towards female players.
Perhaps you didn't meant to, but your comment sounded like white people always bringing back anecdotal cases of anti-white racism to try to make up for the most common cases of racism. Or the male-rape vs female-rape issue.