However, because of Apple's new strict rules on what it considers user aggregated content, privacy, and etc. It's been stuck on beta for a while. I originally wanted to create a YouTube aggregator (like yours) however, I'm almost certain Apple will reject it.
Just for the record 'Kowloon Walled City' (now a pleasant public park) was a few blocks contained within Kowloon, the name for the part of Hong Kong on the mainland directly across from the Island ... Kowloon is very much alive and kicking and a vibrant city
Yeah, last year my gf and I were in HK and we went over to that side of the water. Being a good internet denizen, I'd seen the walled city pop up several times. I couldn't get it out of my head as we walked through that lovely park. What a wild transformation :)
It currently takes around ~0.3s on average to extract the colors. However, with my new PR (, it takes around ~0.14s on average. IMO this is still slow, I would like to bring it below 0.1s.
I tried to optimize this with k-means to reduce total number of colors, but the result was slower and worse color choices. If anyone has methods to improve the performance, please make a PR.
With 24 bit color you can create an array with an element for each of the 16 million colors and just build the histogram. Running k-means on that is going to be less efficient than just making the histogram buckets larger, e.g. 2x2x2 = 8 colors per bucket, or whatever. So yeh you should be able to do that in a few milliseconds I would have thought. For more speed look at using SIMD instructions.
I too have been playing with color quantization as an exercise so I won't like at your library as I've been trying to do it all on my own and don't want to see other approaches yet, but here he is not quantizing them so his is going to be faster. Also there really is a trade off in trying to reduce the number of pixels and then clustering versus just clustering on them all. How many times you loop and how much those loops costs isn't as cut and dry as I thought.
What takes so long in your approach? I would think extracting simple statistical values from an image is a very easy to vectorise and parallelise task.
I've been reading a lot about this "ancestral hijacking" lately and have tried to cut out on a lot of them. My phone now only has two possible notifications: phone calls and Things app. I have 0 social apps or games. I am also slowly cutting out sugars and extra carbs. I think you guys should read about supernormal stimulus [1].
There is this comic [2] about supernormal stimulus that shows how man, and man alone, has the ability to overcome it.
There are times, when I can't honestly claim that my behavior is any smarter than that of the houseflies that die in front of the window, or the salmon that spends the remainder of its life searching for a way past a dam. The environment might be more complex, but the behavior is not. It is helpful to have a name for the system that is responsible, makes it much easier to recognize and derail it.
I believe Sir Mix-A-Lot studied the problem thoroughly in the 1990s, but in the end, had to concede that he was unable to take control of his own reptile brain.
One of the books that really allowed me to think differently and sometimes overpower my train of thought is called "The Power of Now". The rhetoric can be super flowery at times (especially in the beginning), but the point he tries to get across was incredibly novel to me and there's strategies in there to help you control your brain and use it more as a tool.
I often think that salmon has it better than us humans. The salmon is focused on doing what it's doing at the moment, and doesn't have the time or capacity to build a sense of 'self' that they are proud or ashamed of, that colors their actions and gives them pain in the moment because it wasn't what they wanted or thought it would be. They just want to get up stream.
That's because you value your power over your peace of mind, which is fine and true for most people. I think they just meant in terms of a purely happiness based value system.
Honestly, as an enthusiast of all things callipygian, Sir Mix-A-Lot's treatise (BGB) was groundbreaking.
To your point about being unable to control his own reptile brain, however, I don't know how much I buy that. From the get-go, SMA acknowledges that "[he] cannot lie", which I think is a concession to determinism more so than one to biology.
I have a lot of experience in designing and developing products from web to apps (please look at my site for some examples: However, I am really interested in CS + finance and looking to get into a HFT, quant firm, hedge fund or a bank.
This is reminiscent of auteur theory in film, which essentially says that the director is the author of the film. Similar to corporations, making a movie requires a lot of people with different skills/talent. The director overshadows everyone and is the person primarily credited with authoring a film, they even overshadow the writers of the screenplay. One of the leading arguments for auteur theory is that the director has the vision of the film and they set out to create it. This is the same narrative used in the startup world: the founders have the vision. So this extends to why we credit founders for the invention of products, just like how we credit directors for films.
Maybe 100 years from now we will say "Steve Jobs invented the iPhone/smartphone", just like how we say "Thomas Edison invented the light bulb" or "Martin Scorsese made Taxi Driver".
It's older than that, how many innovations are credited to Emperors, and victories in battle to Generals? I think it must be the product of some parts of human nature.
Yes, I think people naturally need well-defined figures to look up to, to praise, and to try to emulate. It's a lot more powerful to say "George Washington" won the US Revolutionary War than to talk about all his subordinates, even when those subordinates made many independent wartime decisions that were essential to winning the war. And yet I can't even name one of those people offhand.
Alexander Hamilton is the next easiest to mind, due directly to the musical. One of Hamilton's complaints in real life and emphasized in the musical was that he wanted as much, if not more, to be as brave/glorious as the generals and soldiers of the War, but was "stuck" in such an inglorious position of being Washington's aide-de-camp and helping Washington run the war.
ETA: The explicit irony being that most of Hamilton's work during the war is of course attributed to Gen. Washington, and in the current zeitgeist the only reason people remember his involvement today being the popularity of a musical of a biography of his.
It is of course an illusion created because all the talent around a director is taken for granted. Put Steve Jobs or Elon Musk is Somalia and come back in 10 years and see what they had accomplished. Probably not very much at all. Elon Musk himself realized early that he could not achieve his dreams in South Africa and left.
The danger of focusing too much on the leading person, is one easily forgets that if one doesn't create a society full of talented engineers, scientists, teachers, with good infrastructure etc, then these people will not be able to do their magic.
It is easy to think that without Eddison there would have been no lightbulb, but really when you look at it, it becomes clear that if he had not lived somebody else would have done it. But they wouldn't have done it any random place. With high chance it would have been the US as well due to the presence of the right sort of mix of talent, drive, money and opportunity.
If you fail to create this environment then "great" leaders are useless.
Napoleon was a brilliant military strategist, but if he not lived France probably would have gotten another brilliant military strategist taking over Europe? Why because the French revolution created a system that allowed talent to flourish. Talented generals moved up the ranks fast rather than those with the proper names and family.
* Your layout is a bit confusing. It's kind of difficult to figure out what title is the company name and your job title. I suggest you keep the EXPERIENCE and EDUCATION labels on the left and move everything else to the right. I've done a rough mock:
* I'm not a fan of the design, but that's just my opinion. You can search for better resume templates
* Add a section where you point out what languages you know
* Another section for all the frameworks, tech stack, experiences and etc.
* "Netted over 700 hours...", I'm not sure if quantifying something like that is a good thing. 700 hours is kind of arbitrary, even as a developer I don't know that that really entails. You should just say you know how to build web apps, you're a full stack eng. and etc.
* "After learning about this word from a friend...", totally irrelevant. I don't think a recruiter cares about this. It is a good story to tell in an interview, but just not an a resume. Just get to the point as fast as possible while describing what the app does
* Overall the resume tells me what your projects do but it doesn't tell me too much about you. Tell me what you did, what you learned, obstacles you overcame, etc. This is a good area to quantify things. i.e. "Used CSS to develop convolutional neural network to improve efficiency by 100000000%"
* I'm not sure if your other two work experiences are relevant for a web dev, but you did a good job in making it sound relevant to who you are
When I was making a simple EPUB app for my own use [1], I found it surprising that many publishers don't follow IDPF standards. Most do, but there are a significant amount that mix and match all sorts of rules.
The problem is two fold. The first is that most authors and publishers are not very technical. The second is tools like InDesign created EPUBs that would fail the idpf epubcheck tool with errors [1]. Adobe has fixed some of these issues in later versions, but it's expensive for a publisher to re-export all their books.
What this leads to is basically fixing random, one off issues depending on publisher and book. I would definitely suggest not writing your own reader and instead looking at something like Readium (and contribute if you have time!).
I oversee the epub production for an academic publisher, and the epub conversions are created by our typesetter at the end of production. They do indeed do a bit of custom programming (and sometimes manual labor) to make the files come out decent. They're supposed to run epubcheck on every file before delivery. I'm the guy who ends up fixing all those little random errors, so I have to insist that the code be reasonably clean and orderly (they work to a spec document that I prepared). Plus, accessibility is a concern. Poorly coded and disorganized files don't play well for people who need assistive reading systems.
How do you differentiate a product and a company? There are obvious examples like most of the stuff on Shark Tank (i.e. cookies, jam, clothing, food products). However, I find it hard to think Pebble was just a product and not a company. Doesn't every company start off as a product? Apple started off as Apple I, Google started off as search and Snap started off as a photo sharing app. By your definition, a product is something that can be superseded by a competitor? Isn't that every company ever? My guess was, Pebble believed it could become a company and not just a product... but Apple had other plans for them.
> How do you differentiate a product and a company?
Good question. And I think you got it mostly right. Being a product doesn't mean the company has no value, just that its only a matter of time before someone else builds their features into their product.
The answer is that its very fluid. Everyone is a product until they are big enough. My rule of thumb is, can I see this companies being a feature for another company, or put another way....
What moat does this company have that ensures another company can't just create a feature to their own product that duplicates them.
In the Flip case, it was obvious once the iPhone came out that the average person wasn't going to carry around a separate device just for video.
Dropbox was a company that was famously refereed to as a feature, and they've done a great job of becoming more than a generic file syncing company.
Cruise automation is a company that I think would have been in trouble if they hand't sold, not necessarily today, but can any one really see a future where most cars produced don't have self driving hardware built into them by the manufacturer?
However, because of Apple's new strict rules on what it considers user aggregated content, privacy, and etc. It's been stuck on beta for a while. I originally wanted to create a YouTube aggregator (like yours) however, I'm almost certain Apple will reject it.