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According to the paper, Meltdown can recover memory at about 500 kb/s

It's still "only" 1.7gb/hour. If programs follow reasonable security practices, it shouldn't be possible to stumble upon secrets in the memory. This underlines the importance of things such as ASLR and not holding your key in memory longer than needed and rotating them as well.

Once you know the location, if the process is not randomized, you can extract from that location. You may assume some things about implementation (e.g. libstdc++ or libc++, glibc memory allocator, general compiler version)

Additionally some hardening methods like stack protector make stack allocated objects stand out a lot from register values.

Meltdown is fast enough to learn everything about layout of data structures in kernel or other programs and then use it to extract information from particular areas holding the keys.

Negative income taxes generally mean high marginal net tax rates for low-income earners. In your example, there's a 20% marginal tax rate for people earning less than 60K.

I don't consider 20% to be a high marginal tax rate. I would love to be able to keep a full eighty percent of every additional dollar that I earn. Instead it's a lot closer to half. Indeed, the current tax code has the marginal rate set at 25% for single filers over $37,650 in income.

Yes, 20% may be a higher marginal tax rate than the poor are currently paying, but it's more than made up for by the huge payments they're getting. The marginal tax rate of a single filter earning $10K under the current tax codes is 15% (not that much less than 20%). But said person would also be getting $12,500 from the NIT. Doesn't seem bad to me at all.

And if you're really still worried about it, you could make the phase-out not linear over $60K by adding brackets, like the current tax code has. In other words, I don't think the effect that you are saying is really caused by the NIT per se, just in my sandbox implementation of it.

I suspect that would only make things more difficult for the players as they game the AI to get it to do exactly what they want.

Expected utility is great, expected money is silly.

I don't think that's enough to solve this problem. If you replace money by utility, it seems like it would still be a paradox.

Dodgy pharmaceutical ads are some of the most profitable dodgy ads, so SEO spam sites are likely to have content related to marketing dodgy pharmaceuticals. Dodgy pharmaceutical sites are also more likely to be based in Russia, due to lax law enforcement.

Dictionary.com says that "share" is from German, and "slave" is from Latin. No common origin.

I think that in areas where bigotry is a serious problem, not being bigoted might be more likely to drive off customers than being bigoted.

Yeah, that's an interesting point.

I think it's the heating element in a thermos; "fraguccino" uses the same technique.

Fraguccino gets the lithium from a battery.

"Designed by Apple in California" struck me as really weird when I saw it on a bus stop here in Australia.

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