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Can it yet do proper quoting?

Still no re-nameable virtual desktops? Bummer.

Err we already have that in Sonoma. Press F3 and move the mouse to the top of the screen.

You can even switch between them with a triple swipe on a magic trackpad...

If you can _rename_ desktops though, I've never seen how.

e.g. in Mission Control right now I have "Desktop 1", "Desktop 2", and full-screened iTerm2 on my external monitor, plus "Desktop 3" and about 6 other fullscreen apps on my laptop.

I have somewhat semantic meaning for what each of those three numbered desktops are, but it'd be nice to _name_ them.

I find it helpful to set a different wallpaper for every space. In fact, that approach has been so useful that I’ve mostly stopped wishing to rename the spaces – I can glance at the colors so much faster than I could ever read a written title anyway.

Yeah I do this too, I can't imagine not having different wallpapers. But when I'm pinning apps to desktops via the Dock it'd be nice to have the names then.

My #1 source for finding new music: teen-aged daughter

I bought my first Windows pc recently (a gaming rig). I was shocked to find that even Minesweeper had ads! “Microsoft has no taste” seems to still hold.

"You've run out of flags! Click here to go to the Minesweeper Store, or wait an additional 2:29 minutes"

I can't even believe I'm saying this: but all joking aside, I MIGHT be inclined to buy a cosmetic skin for smiley if they offered it.

Ananas is a rare example of word which is exactly same in Finnish, although our vocabulary is usually totally alien compared to most European languages.

but pineapples are also totally alien to Finland, so it makes sense?

Tesla does excellent job here.

Tesla would actually be an example of how not to do software for safety relevant, embedded systems.


Also it’s equipped with plain old HDMI and USB-A ports, still so useful.

TBF and much to my dismay HDMI was returned with the ARM mbps (the real ones not the 13”).

Why would having an HDMI port be a bad thing?

Because it removes a thunderbolt port which I could use, whereas I don't need an HDMI port. In the ~18 months I've had it, I've used the HDMI port a grand total of 0 times.

I liked CoffeeScript back in the days. However, it had its problems, the biggest being too terse / too much optional syntax.

I think Civet would success better if it addressed those issues by making the syntax a bit more familiar and consistent.

Keep the python/ruby-like significant indentation and everything-is-expression approach, but add little more verbosity for clarity, for example:

  - require and reserve {} for objects
  - require () in function calls
  - require explicit var/let/const
Also, because CoffeeScript got so controversial reputation, I would not ride on its legacy. Just market Civet as "TypeScript with modern syntax".

I think your experience reflects more your choise of car than EVs as technology. I have been driving Tesla happily for 3.5 years. I regularly make long distance trips to remote areas of Finland. No problems whatsoever. I pay 25 snt/kWh for on-the-road charging with Elli membership, about 12 snt at home.

The moment when you will get off the supercharger network with your tesla you are in the same crap as the rest of the BEV owners.

>on-the-road charging with Elli membership

Why should I buy some stupid membership so I can pay monthly fee + charging fee? I am not buying memberships for taking gas either.

Net cost of energy, and a quick payback on your monthly fee based on the savings vs. not paying the monthly fee.

It's math.

> The moment when you will get off the supercharger network with your tesla

There are 21 Tesla charging sites in Finland and 14 of them are now open to all EVs. So you could be making use of two thirds of Tesla's Finnish charging sites with your Skoda Enyaq right now.

Lol on 14 open superchargers. Tried Tesla app. It told me to insert VIN of my car, to tell me that this is not Tesla VIN. Well no shit Sherlock. So even if I would like to charge (and pay) on superchargers, I can't.

Everyone else is managing to. Maybe you should try again.

It just seems like a lot of your problems are self-inflicted. You could be doing things easier.

Or, hear me out, there could be NFC payment terminal instead of registering on ANOTHER STUPID APPLICATION

Even public transportation trams and buses in Eastern Europe have NFC terminals on board to buy tickets. Why is it so hard for a damn charger in Western Europe to have one?


If you’ve owned any EV besides a Tesla you know this is sadly the cold hard truth. I’m not sure why EV owners rush in to try and refute the problems with charging but as a Bolt EV owner it was a terrible experience.

Imagine if every time you tried to use a gas station you needed to install a buggy, crashing phone App that required you to type in your credit card and other personal information. Imagine if 50% of gas stations simply didn’t work and you get stranded somewhere far from home having to sleep in your car. This is the reality of owning a non-Tesla EV. After a year of this and owning a rapidly depreciating car I said screw it and went back to gas.

So you don't actually want any practical solutions. You just want to have a whinge and a moan.

Instead of wishing for what isn't, you could be doing a lot better with what is.

I don't need a "practical" application of local gas network to buy gas.

I don't need a "practical" application of local supermarket chain to buy grocieries.

Why should I tolerate buggy applications to charge an electric car on incompatible chargers? Why there isn't an NFC terminal which I can find almost in any store in EU and today even on vending machines? The chargers already have internet connection, so where is the problem? I am not a masochist and I am refusing to live in this customer hell. This is one of the reasons why I am selling this joke of a car and going back to ICE.

> I am not a masochist

I think you are. Why else would you buy something you didn't understand? You plainly didn't think through the practicalities before you bought it.

Oh, so 12 years from now only BEVs will be available, what will be your recommendation to people who will have same issues like I do? Tell them that they are masochists, who don't understand the car and they should not have bought it at a first place, despite the fact, that their choices are artificially limited?

I bought the car using my own money to get the experience with BEV and I found out, that it sucks big time. I was expecting that it might be a little bit inconvenient, but I was not expecting to be such a massive bag of problems with BEV proponents like you trying to gaslight me that user is the problem.

> what will be your recommendation to people who will have same issues like I do?

They won't have the same issues like you do. You're doing a lot of this to yourself.

> BEV proponents like you trying to gaslight me that user is the problem.

No one's gaslighting you. You're refusing to use the tools that will make it easier for you.

Are you using A Better Routeplanner yet? Configure it to prioritise your preferred charging networks so you don't end up trying to charge on Freshmile again.

"The user is the problem"

When I started a vegan diet 20 years ago and asked for tofu in my local grocery store, they didn't even know the term (this happened in small town in Finland). Nowadays you can find a wide selection of various plant-based, meat-imitating products in every grocery store, even in small ones located in rural areas. Looks wildly successful to me, not a flop.

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