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Why should anyone believe you, who is a third party on these things over the first-party primary sources? The primary sources disagree with you, and any Historian or Journalist worth their salt should value primary sources more.

A quarter of an acre of trees is a "forest"? Whoa. As someone who grew up amidst a thousand miles of trees, I shall be laughing for a week to myself over such an idea.

Of course, your typical forest is bigger than that even in Germany. This is the minimum size a piece of land with trees on it has to have to be considered a forest by law.

But before that, forums existed that let you subscribe to threads in your forum account. It's just that the mundane masses used them a little less than the geeky folk. All Reddit added was stealing the upvote/downvote thing from Slashdot and Digg.

And combining all topics under a single umbrella, so you interact with them all as the same persona.

I had one like this (Toshiba), and I did the initial setup, then blocked it at my router from ever accessing the Internet again. Next TV purchase was a different brand (TCL) that didn't require such stupidity.

I would have returned it.

"It's for the basement room, no WiFi there" if the shop argues.

Install uBlock Origin on Firefox for him. Educate him not to click ads. Ever. If you emphasize long enough that clicking an ad can lose him his bank account and entire identity, it can sink in. I've spent years on this with my parents. "Yes, Dad, YouTube is out to get you, because they want money from advertisers, and they are happily selling your safety to advertisers."

I'm in my early 60's, I guess when I was young I'd have called me elderly. I however, have been a technologist since I was around 9 years old, got it from my Dad. I'd say most my age even if not into technology aren't averse to it or unaware of it. But, there are definitely some elderly who really don't get technology at all and there are some in their 20's who are the same way. Those individuals need to be protected. The onus should be on the corporation more than the individual; not solely on the individual.

No, the onus should be on the law, because corporations will do nothing "for th greater good" if they're not forced to do so. The onus is on the individual to help other individuals around them that need it, and on the individual to petition their law makers to do what needs to be done.

Putting the onus on the corporations is the one thing that's guaranteed, with a long and storied proven track record, of not working.

In the first study:

"In a secondary analysis, when coronary artery disease was added to the investigation, the risk of heart failure dropped from 34% to 27%, suggesting that coronary artery disease is a pathway through which daily marijuana use may lead to heart failure."


"A limitation of the study is that it relied on data that did not specify whether the marijuana was inhaled or eaten. According to researchers, how marijuana is ingested may influence cardiovascular outcomes."

The second study is _only_ looking at "existing cardiovascular risk factors (high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol)", so people who already have these risk factors who then _also_ use cannabis.


"A limitation of the analysis is that the data is from a large database, which may have coding errors in the patients’ health records. In addition, the electronic health record code for cannabis use disorder may vary from hospital to hospital, thereby skewing the results of the analysis."

Different doctors and systems do different things. (Which is a problem like you pointed out). Having been at one of the largest in ”the” country, I can say the only time anyone would get this added is if they are in some kind of intensive substance abuse program or, yet much less likely, if they are on other controlled substances (think opioids) or if the doctor really hates MJ or if the patient goes into the ER frequently for side effects like cyclical vomiting. Just my minor observation but your points ring true to my ears.

But not for method of cannabis ingestion: smoking? eating? vaping? This isn't included and might make a huge difference.

...and they will not keep my data in any sort of database to be hacked some day?

If you’re as sick as I was these concerns of privacy become minuscule because I probably would’ve been dead right now if I did not get my genetics 15 years ago.

I got my genetics from 23 and me and I’m well aware that they are using my genetic code for drug research. As far as someone getting my DNA you can pretty much get it for me anytime you want by following me around and taking a swab from a cup or whatever.

At least they genetics at 23 and me are anonymized. And I would think people can figure more out about you if they have your Gmail address then your genetics.

It takes exceptionally determined individuals and considerable effort to build and setup software and systems that deviate from mainstream "best-practices", for example to keep your data actually safe (in every sense of the word) long-term. These companies probably have their hands full solving their domain problems and running a business. Security is not mentioned as a main selling point on their respective websites.

Without a higher public awareness of data security, severe punishment for any breaches and failures to keep data safe, and a software ecosystem that prioritizes security much higher I feel you are right expecting the worst.

HEVC is great for giving you quality in a smaller file size, for your local video files (due to being supported by more cameras and phones so far). AV1 has wider support for streaming video online at a higher quality (due to more browser support so far). So, at the moment, they are really best in two different use cases (subject to change, of course).

> HEVC is great for giving you quality in a smaller file size, for your local video files.

This is a huge plus in fansub anime scene. 10 years ago, majority of anime are in H264 (720p/1080p 8bit) which is normally 1±GB for each episode that are consist of 25 min. If I want to watch one anime, it will consume about 20 GB of space. Now, majority of them are in HEVC (1080p 10bit) which are about 300± MB for each episode.

If you actually look up AV1 releases like Trix, the file sizes are even smaller, while keeping up the same quality.

It is absolutely cultural. For example, most Historians believe that while certain times of the year were packed with grueling hard work, the average medieval farm worker had absolute hordes of time off compared to the average modern worker. When the work was done, it was done. You weren't useless if you were relaxing in the down times, even large blocks of down time, and since their culture was based around seasonality, it wasn't looked down upon.

Very different from modern corporate work culture, where you must appear to be working all the time, even if there's no work of value to do at a given time, and even if you worked day and night last month on a crunch project.

Very much cultural.

As in...serfs? They also starved to death and got conscripted into wars. They also probably had to work their lord's land before they got to their own, if there was time. Their lives were often terrible.

They also just did more. They didn't work to earn money to employ someone to work on their house; they went home and worked on their house. That might look to a simple observer as them working less, but I doubt the serf would see it that way.

and kings have been beheaded, therefore kings live terrible lives?

The existence of something bad happening doesn't refute the point being made.

It would be if pretty much every king would be constantly beheaded, every day.

oh definitely, because every serf got killed every day...

No, the bad thing you mentioned was beheading on monarchs, which wasn't normal. The bad things I mentioned happened to serfs every day. That's why your comparison was meaningless.

man, you'd think they would have ran out of serfs at that rate. Something isn't lining up.

hint: it's your language.

Why would they run out of serfs?


Just because the serfs weren't working the fields in winter, doesn't mean they weren't working. They were putting in the other couple of thousand of hours of labour that were needed to keep a household running - most of which was spent on making clothes.

Life prior to the industrial revolution sucked. It took a lot of backbreaking labour to produce basic necessities of life.

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