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yeah looks like how they distribute too, basically pre installed and configured pg_search pg_datalake and pgvector

Correct. If you run your own Postgres, you can install pg_search directly, otherwise we suggest our users integrate with their existing Postgres deployments (say AWS RDS) via logical replication: https://docs.paradedb.com/replication/pg_search

Came here to suggest this should be generic, but I'd also do something like pack in `man <command>` into the prompt if you are one shotting. Then it works for "all" commands that have a man page rather than just the commands GPT knows about before its cut off. Even just trying to scrape out `<command> --help` or something would be good too.

There area also a lot of people naive to how BS publishing has become. Plenty of PhD students get sucked in, a common one is being asked to publish your thesis as a book. Learning hubris comes before an embarrassment is a right of passage to the vast majority of people who think anyone really wants to read their thesis in a bound form from a third rate publisher created last year.

In some arts/humanities subjects publishing a book is equivalent to publishing papers. These publishers are filling the same gap as the lower quality pay to publish journals.

No you should strongly reason and believe in your own power of reasoning, but you should never dogmatically hold on to those beliefs in the light of new evidence that contravenes your previous ideas. Essentially all scientists that are even vaguely good follow this ideal. You have to know what is opinion from fact, facts dont change but your opinion about them does. Opinion guides generation of new facts. If you dont have strong opinions then you wont have the dedication to generate new fact. Look at the more zany side of religion, its strong opinion strongly held. They aren't capable of change and generation of new ideas. But if you were forever lacking in an opinion you also wouldn't action on anything and have some kind of existential nihilism all the time.

Media is a few days lag behind academic publication on this one http://www.nature.com/articles/nenergy201732

I think that says more about you than everyone else. I would walk halfway across town for slightly better bbq. Ultimately what is there to life than improving the quality of your experience. The issue is what consitutes better BBQ is completely subjective. So we might start from opposite sides of town and try and get to each others nearby BBQ ribs place. That's just human nature. With respect to "frameworks" some of this tends to be kind of centric to how you program. For the last decade most of my work isn't within any framework because its algorithmic with only a need for string IO and some parsers. Perl 6 for that is the framework.

Not for performance which is what I think rurban was getting at.

Performance and syntax. features are almost OK, despite the type system.

Syntax: It explicitly deviates from perl6 and could have looked much cleaner.

If you come from only a Perl 5 background this is the issue. None of that is obvious. It is to someone who's seen OO languages that are a bit functional with good exception handling. In Perl 5 you would probably add to the top of the file:

  use warnings;
  use autodie;
To get similar functionality as the implicit Perl 6 IO error system.

Well if you are wandering that way again it's a bit faster a year later. About 10x across the board would be a good estimate. That's still super slow for some things.

A) It's released with a frozen spec and a large test suite for compliance (https://github.com/perl6/roast), with a compiler available that supports a module ecosystem with over 700 modules (http://modules.perl6.org). What's a complete state in your mind? If not this.

B) All of the below is core language, not a use or import anywhere required. Error reporting is also handled for you without autodie and friends.

  Reading from a file:

  #Efficiently line by line for STDIN
  for lines() -> $line {

  #Get everything in RAM right now
  my $string = "filename".IO.slurp;

  #Lazy list will do IO as you request into the list
  my @lines = "filename".IO.lines;

  #Listing of directories if the path is a directory
  my @directories = "coolstuff".IO.dir if "coolstuff".IO.d;

  Playing with dates:

  #Get a DateTime for right now
  my $date = DateTime.now;

  #Does what it says on the tin
  say "Yippee" if $date.later(:5years).is-leap-year;

A) Complete is when the compiler(s) actually implement all of the spec, for starters.

B) Nice examples. Well done. But it's not about whether you can do the simple things. It's more about the impression of the community and where its interest and focus lies.

I'd rather use a language where the mundane day-to-day stuff is the most important consideration. My impression of Perl6, however unfair that may be, is that the day-to-day functionality is the boring necessary evil that must be in there somewhere, but the true focus is the amazing stuff you can do with a language that's simultaneously trying to be a better Perl, and a better Lisp, and a better Erlang, and a better Haskell.

In my mind, Perl6 is a huge lumbering beast that tries to do absolutely everything. I'm sure if I ever feel the need to write a lazy asynchronous parser script, it'll be the first language that leaps to mind. In the meantime, I don't have the time nor the interest to bother.

* A) Complete is when the compiler(s) actually implement all of the spec, for starters.*

The spec was frozen last Christmas, with a corresponding compiler release.

As a beginner who never used Perl5, I found my first bug (missing method https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=128903) within 24 hours. It does seem like there are some relatively raw things left around.

That said, it seems like a really interesting language.

> #Does what it says on the tin > say "Yippee" if $date.later(:5years).is-leap-year;

Is that a Georgian or Benghali or Indian or Buddist Era Thai leap year?

Actually are we talking the Georgian calendar - or the Julian, Revised Julian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Chinese, Hebrew, Islamic, Hindu, Bahai, or Solar Hejri calendar ?

I have to admit the documentation for perl6 is absolutely excellent as the very first English prose line on the very first google result answers your very reasonable first question about a date class.


"A Date is an immutable object identifying a day in the Gregorian calendar."

I like a language that's not surprising, with easy to find answers. My experience with Perl over the decades is everything about it meets expectations to a spooky extent, which is also nice. The surprise factor for Perl is very low.

It seems to define excellence in programming language documentation. Is there anything better out there?

From https://docs.perl6.org/type/Date:

"A Date is an immutable object identifying a day in the Gregorian calendar."

(It's proleptic.)

The days used in DateTime, which is compatible with the Date class, also identify days in the Gregorian calendar.

(DateTime adopts RFC 3339[1].)

The `is-leap-year` methods for both classes refer to the Gregorian calendar year.

For a civil calendar independent date, use the `daycount` method to return a Modified Julian Day[2].

The `Dateish` role[3] abstracts from any particular civil calendar.

I'm not aware of any routines, built in or in existing Perl 6 modules, for conversion to other calendars.

[1] https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt

[2] http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/mjd.html

[3] https://docs.perl6.org/type/Dateish

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