Well, I proactively quit both my Amazon and Ebay accounts.
The occasion was trouble with Chinese dealers, in which both Amazon and Ebay weren't helpful at all, but the main reason is that I simply have enough of soulless mega-corporations, that try to build monopolies.
This forces me to use smaller (often local) alternatives, and honestly I don't miss anything.
So my 2ct: Stop complaining, instead do something.
Stop using Amazon, Google, Ebay, Facebook and the likes.
YOU are the one that makes them unavoidable, so just stop doing so.
Before the Internet, there was Fidonet, and before that, there were mailboxes.
And you know what?
All that shoot that's going on today was already happening back then: Shitstorms, Bullying, Doxxing, it all happened. Only that it was a small community of nerds, with no celebrities, politicians and influencers, so all it was was a storm in a teacup, that could easily be ignored.
So when 'Social' Media appeared, I instantly knew that this was a bad idea, and never used it.
I did indeed try Mastodon a few years back, and found it to be the same pile of steaming manure that I had expected.
The solution? Except better education, I don't have one.
I keep to small communities of decent people with the same interests, and that's it for me.
The same reason that software is outdated in many GNU/Linux repositories. F-droid is a repository that builds all software from source on a different schedule than every individual application developer, the google play store is just a platform where the application developer uploads the binary.
To be fair, a separate machine is exactly how you should run proprietary blobs. Although I certainly wouldn't want the increased administration overhead of tinkering with this when it inevitably breaks, compared to the Free solutions that are generally rock solid.
Not only that, but modern compilers are insanely good at compiling numerical Fortran code. The very first optimizing compiler was for Fortran and it's consistently been on the forefront of compiler techniques ever since.
I know that's the cliche, but I don't think that something like VSOP87 would be noticeably faster compiled with Fortran vs. C, in the early 90s. If there even was a Fortran compiler available for Mac or Amiga, it was probably priced obscenely, too.
For pyboard, it's STM32F4 with about 200Kb of RAM. AFAIK, F# and Elixir target VMs (CLR and BEAM) and it seems unlikely that those VMs plus your code will fit on such a chip.
Ease of use and familiarity to people who aren't principally interested in programming. These are people who want to make things work using microcontrollers.
I bet that future Raspberry Pi boards will have a RP2040 or successor chip onboard, to do the bit banging/realtime jobs on the I/O port.
Or they will even integrate it into their SOC.
Shame though, that they didn't make the IO ports 5V capable. It's nowadays pretty common for microcontrollers that are meant for industrial and automotive use to have a separate supply for the I/O ports, that can go up to 5V, independent from the core/peripheral voltage.
The main use is to drive (logic-level) MOSFETs directly, interface to 5V buses like SENT, CAN, etc. without having to use level shifters.