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I was the high school student that used to teach the teachers how to use WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS back in the day. So many memories seeing it again

To be fair maybe the app is done but not rejected by the Apple review process so there is some back and forth getting the app to pass. A lot of app politics to navigate for both Apple and Google to get your app out and published.

More then likely being a bank they probably have a lot of policies and procedures in place to get an app to the point where it is ready to be published and someone just figured out that Apple did an update.

If it is a dead body and it is being cremated you take it out so it doesn't explode in the crematorium. I say this as a former funeral director who had to remove them.

HackerNews truly does pull from a large swatch of interesting people, doesn't it?

boiling it down, what would you say is the link between most common HNers?

Internet access.

+ unfufilled at work, too curious, better than their peers on the job.

Strikingly handsome, charming, physique like a Greek god...

I love my job :-) and HN makes me better at it (new tech, psychology, understanding organizations, society...)

I suspect this speaks far more about you than the readership here...

Reductio ad absurdum

Its levisoSAH not leviooosa

Joke's on you, I'm posting this from the console!

Even if HN mostly consists of people engaged in building or maintaining technology, technology is in every industry, so the discussion can credibly touch nearly every topic with some interesting depth.


'what if'

Taking the question literally? People who believe democracy makes correct choices.

The description I usually go with is "The worst form of government, except for all the others".

What? What makes you think that

What you see on the front page, and at the top of the comment section, is a result of direct democracy deciding what is worth reading.

So Dang is the deep state?

Desire for quality news

And an informed diverse discussion of that news.

Desire for widening one's views? For understanding the world?


They read HN.

Nit: the idiom is "large swath"

Swathe not swath

An appreciation for hypotheticals?

>Pacemaker explosions in crematoria: problems and possible solutions


Fascinating read and a lovely example of a simple and pragmatic socioscientific study. Cool!

“It was the day my grandmother exploded.”

Thus begins one of my favorite Ian Banks novels, starting with exactly this event.

“The crow road”, to save others the lookup.

I'm curious whether it was standard practice for you to check for a pacemaker prior to cremation or whether the process relied on a family member informing you?

The doctors that sign off the cremation have to provide info on pacemakers/artificial joints and so on to the crematorium

Vaguely related, the crematorium stole my grandpa's gold fillings, much to my grandmother's dismay.

I feel like an x-ray machine might be a reasonable investment. It's not gonna hurt the body.

An X-ray machine has capital and operating expenses, requires significant safety measures, licensing/inspection (at least in the US), and a trained technician.

That all is significantly more expensive than saying "you hand us a form telling us whether there's a pacemaker or not, and if you fuck it up you get in trouble."

Is that true even of industrial X-ray machines, or are those mostly specific to medical X-rays, where there's a living subject?

Fair point on suing people probably being cheaper, though. -.-

> artificial joints

Would you have to remove the joints as well then? How are you meant to properly dispose of something like a knee or a hip?

My friend burned bodies in a crematorium, he said that afterwards he would sift through the ashes for things like hips and pins and screws.

That sounds morbid

But potentially lucrative at the market price of titanium

But, for real, there’s companies that recycle artificial joints.

Autoclave and sell for scrap?

Make it a modern art piece? Titanium hips look pretty dope

I assume it's mostly an issue with the li-ion battery pacemakers? Plutonium wouldn't explode, though the casing may crack which would be less than ideal.

yeah, in england the resident doctors in training would get paid 25 pounds to certify there was no such device in a body, it was unofficially known as “ash cash”

Got any stories of it exploding or more generally speaking things the common public wouldn’t know about from your experience in this fascinating job.

Was just coming here to ask this - thanks for the info!

Speaking as a Flutter dev, I would say it depends.

If you want to go all in on Android then do the native Android route. Gives you access to the full Android platform. If the app is for personal use you can see what UI framework works for you, XML files or Jetpack Compose. These days native Android means Kotlin which is a powerful language with another learning curve.

If you want to do cross platform or don't want to deep dive the Android APIs, Flutter is a great way to go. It is based on Dart which is easy to tackle if you have a Javascript background. The learning curve, I think for Flutter is not as steep as native Android.

If I had a preference I am biased towards Native Android but doing Flutter professionally has given me access to iOS development (something I could never do if I only did native Android), there is that.

Download Android Studio, try the sample apps and see which one does it for you.

Do you get HMR in Compose like you do in Flutter? Or does it do full build on each change?

I used to know a BSD kernel developer who wrote all his kernel code with ed

Just curious, are people here still using master or did you migrate to main?

"using master" can imply being a leech. You should replace it with "working with master".

"people here" could be interpreted as "you people". Please remove it from your comment.

I saw no reasons to change.

Everything repo is main now.

The name change was a complete non issue.

I met an Amazon Echo developer once. Apparently the biggest use case for voice assistants is getting the weather.

Anecdotally- my household use is 50% weather, 30% public radio, 18% Spotify, 2% random google searches / trivia

You don't use timers?

We're 50% timers, 25% shopping lists, and another 95% the kids asking it to do animal noises.

Ha! You’re right. I forgot about timers, it’s definitely mostly timers - multiple, undifferentiated, timers running simultaneously.

Revised: 50% timers 28% weather, 10% public radio, 10% Spotify, 2% random google searches / trivia

I was a software developer during the dot-Com days. Lost everything when my company folded. Transitioned to being a licensed funeral director. Some of my funeral director highlights include working for the Office of the Chief Coroner, supporting the Canadian military during Afghanistan operations as a civilian funeral director and ending up in Haiti after the earthquake in 2010 to do recovery efforts for the Canadian government. Got injured on the job and ended up on long term disability. Transitioned back to be a developer because I used the downtime to learn to code again.

Let's just say the last 20 years of my life have been an adventure. Life is good.

That's some adventure! How did you manage to get injured on the job? And what was it like learning to code with the latest frameworks?

I one of the organizers of a meetup called Coffee and Code in Toronto, Canada. We used to be a bi-weekly meetup in cafes pre-pandemic. After the pandemic started we moved online to a weekly Discord. We still posted the meetups on Meetup and now attract an international audience. 2 years later we are still going.

Now that restrictions are lifted in Ontario we will be going back to in-person meetups and probably by the end of the month we will be posting them on Meetup. I am optimistic that we will be able to bring people back.

Comparing this to some of the other comments, I'm jumping to a conclusion here, and doing so to see if you agree with this thinking -

It sounds like your success can be attributed to, at least in significant part, having a strong/sticky "base" BEFORE the pandemic started.

Would you agree/disagree that? More applicably to guiding the OP here, would you say that if you guys DIDN'T have that sticky base of attendees that you'd be as well-off or even around at all post-pandemic?

In other words, was it just popularity that got ya'll through (obviously you and yours did all the work, not saying otherwise!), or can you point to something else that the OP can replicate?

Again, not at all to "throw shade" at you here, just trying to see if your outcome is a reasonable expectation, and how applicable/likely it is for the OP, especially given the wide disparity in outcomes mentioned by others. Either way I'm happy to hear your meetup is doing well!

No offence taken.

We do have a fairly regular group of core users that are usually there. Of course this core group will change with time given life commitments and other things that come up. Not uncommon for regulars to disappear for a while and show up later when life permits.

Something we have discussed about our longevity is early on we decided against using webcam meetups. All our meetups are voice only. I had a lot of feedback from people early on they preferred the voice only meetup. Now almost 2 years later, we question if this decision allowed us to avoid the webcam fatigue that most other groups seemed to suffer. It probably doesn't hurt we are in Canada's biggest and hottest tech hub.

Can't wait to see the meetup back in person.

Flutter release code compiles to AOT code which speeds up execution. React Native has the Javascript engine which can slow things down. For most of us here on HN, who are using flagship phones none of this really matters, however for other parts of the world that have less capable phones, the ability to run AOT compiled apps is a big deal. Flutter is a huge in Africa, mostly because it runs well on a lot of the popular phones there.

Maybe in theory but JS JIT engines are very fast and Flutter can be janky especially on iOS.

Both will perform well, I've made advanced applications on RN that perform well.

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