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Education + Roaming [0] = Edu + roam = Eduroam

[0] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roaming

Oh… thank you! I have never thought about this. So it makes sense!

For Automatic translations involving German it usualy is a good idea to check https://www.deepl.com/

>Long answer: if you want to use Firefox you’ll have to find an unsupported way of running it. Chromium is also a snap in the repositories ( it is a meta package)

If you do not mind flatpak, there is an official flatpak:


>If on the one hand you argue that the free speech twitter clones are uncompelling, you have to also agree that the proposed features are inconsequential, no?

No? It is entirely possible to imagine consequential features that are uncompelling: Actively hostile features.

>I also think its odd to mix altruistic ideas like free speech platforms with profitable network effects. Why does it need to overtake Twitter?

What is the value in Twitter over the "free speech" clones if Twitters audience doesn't have value? Does Twitter have such unique features that couldn't be replicated much cheaper than the buy price?

>> A judge recently said he was a liar

>I sincerely doubt that. Judges don’t tend to talk that way, regardless of the case at hand.

GP is probably refering to this (in which case you are right, judge didn't use words like liar)


"Judge in Musk trial will tell jury that “Funding secured” tweets were false"


"[T]hough 'jury instructions are often an ineffective remedy,' the Court finds that unlikely to be true for the instant case where the jury will be told that the Court has already found that the August 2018 tweets were false and made with the requisite scienter [knowledge of wrongdoing]," Chen wrote.

>false and made with the requisite scienter

Those are words like liar.

So the judge said he’s a liar. Just without using the exact word lie or liar

_microft linked the GitHub for Details.

tldr: generates random ids (1 per 5 min i think?) that it keeps broadcasting via Bluetooth.

It saves the ids it broadcastet (sent ids) and it recieved.

If the saved ids geht too old to be relevant ist deletes them.

If you get a positive PCR you can opt-in to notify your contacts, this works by you releasing your sent ids. The released ids are regularily published by app provider.

The app checks the published ids, if it finds published keys in its list, it checks how often they are in its list (to aproximate duration) and what signal strength was (to aproximate distance).

Based in duration and distance it warns that you had a risky contact and should get tested.

Besides that it also has a few other features now you can Scan QR-Code of vax-certificate or neg test result and then show those from App so that eventorganizers can scan them with an App that veryfies signatures

you can check in to places/events and get anon notifications if later it turns out soneone there was positive. (Think restaurants, parties, anyone can make their own event to get a QR-Code they can print out)

you can add a testprofile so that when you go get tested they scan a qr code to get the needed data, rather than having to tell them

you can write a contact diary that autodeletes after 15 days.

Dunno if anyone uses the diary.

Also, the Long delay until health-minister comissioned the check-in feature lead to a private competitor called 'Luca' that does it differently and is infamous among IT folk. If you want to read up on Luca and speak german (or have a translate you like)


>because Moderna is german based

Moderna is US based


We're you maybe thinking of BioNTech? (Makers of corminanty vaccine aka BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine against Covid)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BioNTech https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pfizer%E2%80%93BioNTech_COVID-...

> Meh, she got a pretty thankless job, at an especially thankless moment, and it's hard to judge without having a comparison.

Her time as minister of defense isn't everything she is being criticized for. she earned the "Zensursula" moniker as minister of family.

>And the decision we're applauding here was her's. So she does seem to be off to a good start.

Yeah, lets give her the chance to be a good surprise by keeping up stuff like this decision.

The post isn‘t saying that Big-O isn't math, it is saying Big-O is "not-boring"(->interesting/exciting/whatever) math.

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