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Scott Berkun rails against Jonah Lehrer here.


24 hours not 24 years.

"Despite my differences with much of the Republican party platform, one thing that they are damn good at and I respect them for is an ability to communicate with their target base."

Yes- they are so good at this, its a great lesson in conveying with power.. George Lakoff beautifully explains how they do this in his book- "Don't Think of an Elephant!: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate".. You also mention they get the other political parties to use "their" terminology as well, George Lakoff goes through this in the book as well. I found a ton of communication lessons in the book, and I dont think the tone will alienate anyone, even though its clear the author doesn't lean too far to the right. A great book to read if anyone is at all interested in how the Right owns the game...

If drugs are legalized the United States will be forced to dream up and create other reasons to keep its military outposts in hundreds of countries. This is why we maintain a war on drugs. A war that is impossible to win. The United States will never legalize drugs.

PS I'm with richard Branson, but he is being naive or he is not mentioning these elements on purpose as a strategy.

Edit; Forgot to mention the United States Prison-Industrial Complex- that is even more anti-legalize momentum that would have to be addressed.

What you are saying is absurd and it doesn't help. At this point, I think many people believe the "war on drugs" is a wasted effort. The best way to make this case would be to show how the American consumer is destroying lives in other countries. Americans trying to have a good time are indirectly killing innocent people in order to get the products they desire into their hands.

How that idea is going to get through to someone who is somatically and / or psychologically addicted to drugs is a little difficult to comprehend. In the same vein of people will fix themselves of drug addiction is a mostly useless statement. People get into this situation either involuntarily or voluntarily, but few get out just by platitudes or sheer will power. Most people who put drug addiction behind them need a cast of people and tools to help, there is no quick fix. To be effective for anyone but the rich help needs to be available free at the point of provision. The money saved from reduction in direct and indirect crime and the increase in production will pay for the service. In most cases families see the value in reforming a drug addicted family member, why shouldn't the state? This is an effective method and motivation to solve the problem; you can reduce the demand of all of the people some of the time, you can reduce the demand of some of the people all of the time, but you can't reduce the demand of all the people all of the time; hence trying to eliminate demand is a non option to fixing the problem.

T-Mobile wont let me not have voicemail even if I offer to continue paying for it and not employ it. I just dont want it on. I never check it and I'm unclear why we must absolutely have to have it... I am not hearing impaired.

"I learned that I don't want to relinquish that [programming] duty to others. I will day to day. But I need to be able to sit down and do what I want to do if I want to do it."

-Trent Rezner

In the coming years the price of water will change considerably. You probably wont regret installing a rainwater harvesting system. Also, there is a way to finesse the wasted water that goes down the drain in the shower back into your toilet tanks.

There's a (relatively low) upper bound on the price of water based on cost of desalinating water (turning ocean water into drinkable water).

It looks like, today, water desalination can be done for about a $1000 per acre-foot, which is only ~40% more expensive than current prices (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120053698876396483.html?mod=...). Granted there aren't desalination plants everywhere - but in the event of a serious water shortage many would quickly be built.

40% sounds like a lot, but water accounts for such a small percent of most people's current expenses, that it's practically negligible.

Current per capita total water use in the USA is about 180 gallons per day. That means switching to all desalinated water would cost less than $70 extra dollars per year per person.

Desalination is very energy hungry. with Oil possibly going up 100% (if Libya and Tunisia both stop providing oil), it could easily be 200% higher than current prices for water. But it would still be small compared to other expenses - by your calculation, by ~$300/year. Something you'd start to feel (but then, everything would shoot up in price)

There's something wrong with those numbers, at least on an "as delivered" basis.

Water on the Monterey penisula is already several times as expensive as San Jose's. Neither one uses de-salination.

The Monterey peninsula is adding some desalination and the projected cost for all water is double the current cost. (Does anyone think that the projection will turn out low?)

Thank you for building this. I admire the simplicity and elegance. Would be cool if the "Mentioned 2 times at Hackernews" was hyperlinked to the mention. Can this be done?

It will totally be done :)

Next iteration will be on making the navigation better, so that you can click on everything that's possible.

These guys in Portland, Oregon have similar fun every year. If I recall correctly, the site used to be more descriptive but maybe it becomes more robust on the holiday.


Edit Haa!!! This is what I was looking for, here is a wealth of information regarding live-streaming your bird's journey- http://www.turkeytracker.com/blog/

(I cant remember where I learned this from, might have been one of Guy Kawasaki's essays.)

While writing-

Write "So What/Why" on a post-it note and put the post-it note on your shoulder. Write "For Example" on another post-it note and put it on your other shoulder... Every two or three sentences, look down and glance at your shoulders...

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