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Sadly GTA 6 is not coming to PC, unless plans change.

Nobara is a nice flavor of Fedora optimized especially for desktop and gaming.

I’ve started recommending it to others, while personally I’m happier with Arch’s more transparent and simplified architecture and development, plus rolling release to avoid mass breakage on full upgrades.

As of the last Asahi Linux update at the beginning of this year, they had caught up with M2 series only.


If we assume that to be true (VMAF and SSIM aren’t the whole picture), just keep in mind that’s only true at particular speeds, bitrates, and types of content.

What I should say is, please show me an AV1 encoder that can beat x264 in quality at a source-transparent encode of a 4K or 1080p Blu-ray film, if given ~3GB per hour of content and the encode had to run in at least 3x the runtime. I’d start using it! It may be there as of recently, it’s been a year or two since I looked.

This is a usecase where AV1 encoders and even x265 have had trouble.

No. Decoding is a job mostly done by specialized hardware - the shader units are used sometimes, before a fully fixed function implementation is ready. Encoding in particular doesn’t map well to GPUs. They can do it, using varying degrees of fixed function and shader cores, and it’s nice to isolate that load from the CPU, but they implement fewer of the analysis, prediction, and psychovisual optimization tricks that x264 and x265 use, and less of the optional features of the format. They often can beat software at specific, fast speeds with lower power consumption, but the trade-off is being inflexible and unuseful for making encodes that are transparent to the source.

It also benefits from the extremely optimized encoder x264, which has many easily approachable tunings and speed/compression presets.

I’m not sure I’d trust x265 to preserve film grain better than x264 —tune film unless I gave x265 much, much more time as well as pretty similar bitrate.

x265 has a specific "--tune grain" mode specifically for video with a lot of film grain.

Apologies, I did miss that. However it seems to still underperform.

See this thread, screenshots on the first page.


I was remembering from this a couple years ago, but focused on the parameters shown and missed that they were derived from --tune grain.

No. The Open Source Initiative maintains the definition, which is accepted internationally by multiple government agencies.



Microsoft is linking to Google’s pages regarding timelines, so very similar dates, probably.


uBO Lite:

Filter lists update only when the extension updates (no fetching up to date lists from servers)

Many filters are dropped at conversion time due to MV3's limited filter syntax

No crafting your own filters (thus no element picker) No strict-blocked pages (worse privacy) No per-site switches No dynamic filtering No importing external lists

Source with links: https://old.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/comments/1067als/comme...

The war against dynamic code is so severe (no custom filters, no updates except via published & approved versions). I understand their are dangers, but as much as the ad blocking getting less powerful scares me, the fact that extensions can't do anything dynamic is insane cruel vicious & downright scum shit evil.

Protecting the users at all cost is not a viable way to operate; if web extensions are to actually create user agency, there must be a possibility of evil. I spit up on the dog shit trashfire Google hath created by outlawing all dynamic code. This is a dark despairing turning point, a place where the browser has truly abandoned a core advantage, under pathetic sad Fear Uncertainty and Doubt pretenses & I want this decision to burn forever.

It'll be interesting to see if any of Google's promises about Declarative Net Request filtering being faster prove true. If the new uBO isn't significantly faster, these people will be majorly Emperor with No Clothes-ing themselves.

It’s not optimal for that purpose due to the anti-stalking features, but it’s better than nothing.

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