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NVIDIA has fully remote positions.

Send an email to hn@ycombinator.com (it's the "Support" link at the bottom of the page).

Thanks!! I didn't notice that, email sent!

This is satire, but it's hilariously close to what happened when Bill Gates attempted to install Movie Maker.


I'm convinced that Google Glass will fail for this exact reason. People really don't like being recorded. Even though surveillance cameras are widespread, it's much more personal when you can see the person recording you.

All it will take is one creepy app for Google Glass and people will start to revolt. Imagine an app that has a large amateur porn database that does facial recognition on people around you and displays naked images of similar looking people. Obviously that would be an incredibly hard software problem to get working well, but it doesn't have to work well; in fact it doesn't have to work at all. All that is needed is a single article about it in the press and it will take off.

I imagine that a very loud privacy vs free speech debate is imminent.

I'm curious, do you have a source for this? I have a google apps account for my domain, are they rejecting emails before they reach the 'spam' folder?

I've worked extensively with sensored gloves in my job, both designing the gloves, and developing software to do cool things with them. By far the most difficult thing to do is make a compelling application that effectively utilizes the capabilities of the hardware. This is a very cool piece of hardware, but it's success is going to be defined on whether or not they are able to make it better than existing input devices, which tend to be quite good already.

That was my first thought too. The video game shot made so much sense though.

Good luck to these guys, hope they make it into a massively big company.

FYI: this is unreadable on my WP8 device. The screen width is set smaller than the text width so I have so scroll left and right for every line.

Thanks for letting me know, I implemented a quick fix for mobile devices. Unfortunately I don't have a WP8 to test it on, but it shouldn't require scrolling left and right anymore to read the text.

Thank for fixing!

I think the easy fix for this (for the benefit of the poster) is to use a meta tag to set the "viewport" attribute to 100%.

The source for the program used to generate the words is on the site. It's a pretty scary Perl program.


This was a really interesting talk. Does anyone know where to find other lectures (or whatever this is technically called) by other influential programmers/computer scientists?

You can work around to the text kerning issue by using custom web-fonts. But I agree, they definitely need to fix this issue.


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