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So not promoting people because they are black is now enough to get called raciest? I guess that's exactly how Kamala Harris has made it to where she is.

We didn't accuse anyone of being racist. Just sharing our disappointment. When that disappointment is so widespread that the NYT is writing an article on your company, it's more than a coincidence, no?

But that's the concern here, isn't it? If the NYT chose to write this article because they heard that Coinbase was actively mistreating its employees of color, that's an important story and I'm glad to see it covered. If they chose to write it because Coinbase wouldn't endorse their preferred political slogans, that's a pretty serious problem.

No that has more to do with dating Willie Brown.

Pretty much. And if you don't promote a woman you're sexist. This is where tech has gone.

What about in the day and age where "silence is violence"? Apparently just trying to not get involved is enough to make a whole company raciest?

Announcing a policy where you’re saying “we’re above politics and we’ll pay you to leave if you’re not” is quite definitely not an example of “trying to not get involved”

How is it not?

It's taking a side and saying that if you don't like the side they take then you can leave. The side they're taking is "we're above politics."

And "above politics" is the same as "not involved in politics". Call it a side/position/stance/perspective/angle or whatever else. It's still means they're not involved.

It means they’re involved in preserving the present state of affairs in politics. We can call this being apolitical if we’d like, we just need to be clear about what we mean.

> "means they’re involved in preserving the present state of affairs"

No it doesn't. Perhaps constantly forcing your subjective interpreted and implied meaning on everyone else is the root of the problem.

> "call this being apolitical"

Sure, call it that. It literally means not involved.


I still feel that you're missing my point but I am clearly not skilled enough to make it more obvious.

Your point is exceedingly obvious. It's being refuted by both literal definition and reasonable interpretation of the vast majority.

As I understood the "we're above politics", it was "you don't do politics at work". How is that taking a side? And if it is taking a side, which side?

Well, this particular policy change appears to have been at least partially in response to labor action that the company didn’t like, and if that’s not political than nothing is.

There are better sites to learn black hat marketing.

Thank you.

Don't you get sick of opening a new browser windo everytime?

I'd love something that is Keyboad shortcut + query then shows the first result

Not really. And it's a tab on my terminal/tmux session or on a browser.

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