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I just really want Tab Groups.

This is a nice step forward.

I know that FF says that Tab Groups are on their roadmap but I hope that get to it soon. I'm tired of relying on third-party plugins for that function.

I think there are thrusters on the Russian side of the station. They aren't large but they move the stations orientation for docking sometimes. (And cartwheels for fun and horror)

Its like Beetlejuice.

Say paperclips 3 times and someone will link to Universal paperclips.....Or clippy will appear and murder you.

Goodness gracious. I am (sort of) back.-

There went my week :)

Thanks. I guess ...

PS. A Yomi calculator, if anyone needs it: - https://www.extratricky.com/yomi

Love it, play this once in a while. 6 hours of fun.

Now I understand how it can use paperclips to make technology; technically any bent metal can be considered a paperclip.

a.k.a. “Future of the Paper Clip”

After 30.0 septendecillion, feels like there are still not enough paper clips!

Wake me when it's brighter than the sun.

> Wake me when it's brighter than the sun.

I doubt we'll need to.

I read this comment as "NVIDIA just took over Saudi Aramco" and was briefly confused in what could possibly be their reasoning for that acquisition?! Perhaps they decided to get some weird lower price on fuel for their gpus.... Anyways it was a brief but fun bit of confusion.

This was a good opportunity to say "overtook" as it breaks the idea of acquisition (and sounds more like racing)

To be fair, this is the time for NVIDIA to leverage their stock and buy up shit to diversify because their stock is going to correct eventually lol. So why not buy out a oil producer ahaha.

I did too. It's confusing wording. Overtook would be much clearer as someone else mentioned.

Slightly saddened by lack of usefulness for building model railroads....

I too was expecting the equivalent of a schema builder for model railroad layouts.

Where is the LLM for designing layouts and specifying parts lists ?

Is this talk anywhere? Or maybe one sililar to it?

I've never found anything like it, unfortunately.

Time mirrors are useful to know if youll cut yourself shaving tomorrow.

(This is not an endorsement of Future Mirrors Inc.)

Highly recommend the Ƒπ Model -- doesn't require the UltraGalaxy Subscription and supports the Gigaflib connector.

Careful with the Gigaflib connector. I used it and it blew up tomorrow.

lucky you, mine blew up over a decade ago, nonetheless it's still brand new!!

i saw that yesterday!

What really stood out to me was his misunderstanding about the growth priorities of the board of Nintendo. Nintendo is a stable company. It doesn't need constant growth to succeed. Something that Microsoft probably could learn a thing or two from a much older and still successful business.

You never have to chase growth if continue to improve your products in a substantive way and give customers what they want.

This is a far cry from Microsoft that, for every step or two forward, there’s always at least a step backward in some crucial way.

But this is generally the culture of American companies and society where grift is rewarded for some reason.

I recently switched over and am quite happy with Firefox all in all.

My only gripe is the loss of Tab Groups (I'm a tab hoarder) and I haven't been able to find a decent replacement.

Tree Style Tab is incredible for grouping and nesting tabs. Heavily used by tab hoarders


Criminal not to mention this.

You install TST, and then you remove the strip of tabs across the top. Much cleaner look and basically you have all your bookmarks all there, forever. Mostly as unloaded tabs of course but they're one click away in the tree somewhere.

Unfortunately, as a tab hoarder myself, I had to remove Tree Style Tabs when I figured out it was the single reason Firefox was taking about 1 second after clicking to do actions like open a new tab or switch tab, and generally higher than ideal CPU usage. When I disabled it, everything got so much faster, it was like getting a new browser.

So I switched to Sidebery, which seemed much faster at first and I still have it enabled sometimes. But after a while and many tests to be sure, I found Sidebery was the single reason Firefox was taking an extra 10GB or more RAM. Just today, I opened about ten Hacker News tabs for an afternoon's read, and the RAM usage crept up from 18GB to 28GB. These are text-only sites as you know, and like most people I didn't read the articles only the HN comments :-) So that's a lot of unexplained RAM. I disabled Sidebery in that window and the memory usage crept back down to 18GB. (If I launch Telegam in a Firefox window with Sidebery enabled it goes up to 67GB then crashes as my SSD is too full for that much swap!). If Sidebery is disabled all along, the memory usage doesn't creep up like that.

These are figures reported by iStat Menus on macOS on my laptop. The swapping induced by the higher RAM usage caused scrolling to be extremely janky, as well as editing in forms and text boxes.

So unfortunately for me, to have a reasonable browsing experience, I found I can't use either of the good tab-sidebar extensions Tree Style Tabs or Sidebery with Firefox at the moment, each for a different reason.

I haven't seen other people reporting these issues, and each one took me a while to recognise. Therefore I asume these issues are related in some way to the total numbe of tabs and/or windows I have and that most people aren't affected (enough to matter), or those affected haven't found the cause.

There are some tab group extensions, but I found Simple Tab Groups lost hundreds of my tabs several times, with no indication that it had lost them (they just weren't there when I went to find them later), so I stopped using it.

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