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Interesting, but we already have Facebook groups, Diaspora, Frid.ge, I even developed my own site to solve this problem last year, Buddify. What exactly is new here other than social group separation? Speaking from experience in this field, I'm certain this won't take off, it's very difficult to gain traction with a new social network in an age where facebook is still growing at a steady pace. Unless I'm missing something here?

Never say never. Admittedly Google's recent track-record with seemingly social products like Buzz and Wave is not terrific, something tells me they would have learnt from them and would be looking to do things differently this time (if at all the rumor is what it is).

Well I could be horribly wrong, of course. I prolifically said back in 2007 that Android would never take off ;). I just think the odds are against Google at the moment unfortunately.

Facebook fatigue is growing at a rapid pace. Just because all my friends are on facebook doesn't mean facebook is a great app - I actually think it's pretty terrible (design, functionality, of course privacy settings, etc), it's just the first app to really implement an activity feed. The barrier to entry in this space may not be as large as it seems.

If someone were accepted into YC, and circumstances arose which meant that the founders couldn't remain in the bay area for the entire three months, how would that be handled?

Execution is what matters. You can turn the greatest idea into the stupidest product in the world if you're not careful.

It's all about the execution not NDAs.

So, Facebook groups?

You say you were featured on TechCrunch, yet I can find no link to your article. Do you have any proof that he "stole" your idea?

Thanks for your feedback, sure, if you want ads on your content then by all means use something like wordpress for that, we may offer some revenue sharing model in the future though. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by a readability button, could you elaborate?

A tagging system is a pretty good idea, we will definitely consider implementing something like that.


They offer a revenue sharing model for subscribed users.

Sorry to hear that, we didn't think adding music would cause any problems, thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks for your feedback.

Hmm that's odd, gmail hasn't given us problems before, as anyone else had this issue?

We don't have plans to add friending/following options at the moment, but it's certainly a possibility in the future. The site is written in PHP with a MySQL backend.

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