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You can just renice/set Low priority to the process for the CPU part, no need for Docker. Bandwidth limiting functionality should be built-in, not sure if it actually is.

nice/renice isn’t what it used to be[0].

Bandwidth limiting is not built in[1].

[0] - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10342470/process-nicenes...

[1] - https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues/3065

If it wasn't a problem, Biden wouldn't tour Iran, Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to get their oil and wouldn't open the national reserve. Nations literally live and die by the oil.

It's not gone but -35% YoY certainly doesn't look good. Especially when it's the 'better' medium-sore oil that is getting depleted faster:



There is a lag.

The point is the code they cited is relying on a C++ 23 feature (standard modules) which isn't yet ratified (hence the name C++ 23) and nobody yet completely implements.

If you had standard modules, then the import line at the top of that code does get you all of std, including std::cout and thus the I/O streams.

This example is still silly if you do have C++ 23 though because I/O streams are (say it quietly) basically obsolete in C++ 23 since it has a proper imperative print format feature like any modern language - with decent performance and all the format behaviour you're used to from other modern languages.

I expect that, when C++ 23 becomes a thing lots of people actually use, the canonical "Hello, world" example for it will use std::println()

No, this is about modules. See first line and this is verbatim from the book.

You're right. Apparently, it's supported only by MSVC at the moment (Standard Library Modules): https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/compiler_support


Yep, that's my pull request. :-) At the moment, it's usable if you build the microsoft/STL repo with VS 2022 17.4 Preview 3 or later. When VS 2022 17.5 Preview 1 ships (in the very near future; can't say when exactly), it will be "in box" without the need to build our GitHub repo.

It will still be necessary to build the std.ixx source file (to produce std.ifc and std.obj for consumption; we will never ship prebuilt IFCs/OBJs for the standard modules). It takes maybe 3-5 seconds and doesn't need to be rebuilt until you change your compiler options or upgrade your toolset. Build system support for doing this automatically is a work in progress.

Although we have test coverage running that exercises every header of the Standard Library through `import std;`, we're still working on fixing various compiler bugs, especially in complicated scenarios (e.g. using Ranges through modules). My hope is that the experience will be solid by the time that VS 2022 17.5 is released for production.

Other compilers support modules in varying ways as well, but there's no universal module "std" yet.

Clang also requires some more command line flags to build modules it seems and g++ needs a command line flag to enable module support as well.

Microsoft's compiler seems to have the best language support in many areas, but seems to fail in others (notably the "core language features"). Then again, the standard isn't finished yet.

If I were to write a program in modern C++ I'd go for the Microsoft compiler. The open source and free implementations are clearly not capable of keeping up with a commercial software powerhouse when it comes to a complicated language like C++.

They should rename it to just Tube without You to better reflect the reality.

I recently wrote a browser extension for myself that allows me to filter out videos from the YouTube search results that come from Verified channels. The reason I did this is that some search terms get completely overwhelmed by mainstream media channels, and they happen to all have the Verified checkmark.

Turns out there's very little of the "you" in YouTube anymore. I remember a day when you could type in any given search term and there would be videos from everyday people arguing for one thing or another, or showing you how to do a thing without totally shilling out for dinner kits or mattresses. I was surprised to find that even the least controversial topics yield very little. When it comes to YouTube, it seems very few everyday people just vlog or express themselves anymore. Everything has to be a podcast, everything has to be sponsored, everything needs graphics and studio lighting, everything has to not piss off the wrong group, everything has to constantly retread safe topics, and so on.

What a boring place YouTube became. The only reason I still use it is because NewPipe still works and TikTok just seems like a den of mental illness.

Also, I do find my extension useful. If I'm searching for videos on a topic involving science or technology, I really don't need a bunch of mainstream popsci bullshit. Unfortunately, it only works for Firefox.

Funny because it's been a few months that the algorithm has been getting worse at giving personal suggestions. I used to have a lot of videos I enjoyed on my feed (maybe 75% of the time I didn't have to scroll to find something I'd be willing to watch) and now I often end up scrolling a lot to find a suitable suggestion. And when I watch one all I get as a suggestion is all of the things I didn't want before + another video from the same channel of the video I just watched.

I don't know if people experience the same but I feel like I'm just being fed whatever is trending now instead of things I actually want to watch.

My suggestions have become increasingly stale. Before it felt like they were trying to work in related videos but now it is just the same 30-50 videos on the home page for the last 3 weeks.

> getting worse at giving personal suggestions

I agree; which is astonishing, given how bad it was before. I wish there were some way I could actually tell it what I'm interested in watching; but no, I have to let it infer my preferences using it's "algorithms".

Even searching fails, even if I type in the full name of the documentary I want to watch. You really have to bend over backwards to make a literal search for the title of a show give you a completely different show, with a completely different title.

I've been hearing this criticism of "the suggestions are getting worse recently" for so long that, if it was actually true, YouTube would be only suggesting videos you actively hate by now.

My suggestions are still totally fine, as they have always been.



How does it compare to Clickhouse regarding speed?

Clickhouse is a column store designed for analytics [OLAP] workloads. It would compete with, say, Apache Druid or Apache Pinot.

ScyllaDB is a wide column store which is, in fact, a row store; you can call it a "key-key-value," since it had a partitioning key and a clustering [or "sort" key]. Which is more for transactional workloads [OLTP]. So it is more comparable with Cassandra or DynamoDB.

So they are really designed for different sorts of things.

That being said, ScyllaDB has some features, like Workload Prioritization, so you can run analytics, like range or full table scans against it without hammering your incoming transactions. But it wasn't designed specifically for that.

Thanks, for some reason I thought they aim at comparable usecases.

People and industries do not generally operate at nighttime, especially in more conservative societies. How exactly could this be an indicator of economic efficiency?

They do, though. Many factories, railways, transportation hubs, ports, &c operate 24x7. Particularly in countries where manufacturing is the predominant industry.

You can also use nighttime light data to learn about levels and patterns of urban growth. Compare VIIRS imagery for India in 2013 with 2022.

The issue is whether there's a strong correlation between GDP and nighttime light data in all regions. There's a weak correlation (a lot has been published on this) and it's a good tool if you want to identify sharp, short term changes one way or the other. It's arguable, though, whether it's an appropriate proxy for a lot of different regions/countries with different economic models.

Is the crime of desperation really a crime?...

Not exactly Soviet but "We" fits well here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_(novel)

"We" is remarkable in that it describes lots of failure modes of the Bolshevik revolution before they happened.

And also remarkable in that Orwell described its plot as "rather weak and episodic" before cheerfully ripping it off in his most famous work...

That quote is very much taken out of the context...


Well, it was actually written after the revolution and the so-called "War communism" phase of the 1918-1921 Russia. To me it's more of a study on how the collectivist "paradise" would work after it works out its growing pains.

Things got ironed out quite a bit, the fifties and sixties were really good. Cuban Revolution, suddenly there was sugar in the kitchen. Big sugar rations! Increased rations! Then later increased even more! And while yes basically they were poor they were at least all equally poor, that is a much better outcome. They had privacy from Capitalism (weren't getting big data analytics extracted from them), and plus, Russians never made the big bucks off their expansion, never cashed in on it. Unlike everybody else ever.

Fifties and sixties weren't really collectivist (neither was any time except for the war communism of 1918-1921 for that matter). Individual citizens had private property.

Always always there's private property, always, like it is not about whether you own your own underwear it's more about who owns the means of production. And further I highly question sources I don't personally read in Russia, in Russian, because if you read it in English in Oceania you're reading what the defectors say. 100% pure defector speech. Why would a Russian Communist suck up to the West and write in American English? Or a Chilean Marxist, would he speak American English that ordinary Americans could read? How could that ever come about? There's tons of Chileans who are very talented and got offers to study or work in USA and they learned enough American to say "FUCK THAT SHIT!"

Why? Because they consider America the culprit of 9/11, you know 9/11, nine eleven, nine eleven. The 9/11 bombings. The 9/11 bombings and terrorism. The 9/11 bombings and terrorism that were commemorated 38 years later with similar direct deaths and highly monument-specific bombs, as a retaliation for 9/11. 3000 dead, 3000 dead, no children, no children, monument, monument, capital, capital, terrorism, terrorism. Nine eleven.

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