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How would I handle this with Postgres?

I don't know why I love this.

I'm pretty sure that's the joke.

The standard response to this should be: "Of course they are".

Is there any doubt that Walmart Inc. would not collect video routinely, including whatever happens to be happening at the delivery area? under the line of flight? of course they are..

I mean, I don't find it surprising. At all.

Well done on instilling in your son the deep-seated lesson that you are not trustworthy.

Most child abuse is committed by family and friends. Perhaps a little skepticism is healthy, rather than teaching them to have unwavering trust in authority figures. Besides, you're bound to screw up a few times anyway (e.g. walking into them when they're suddenly standing where you don't expect, bumping a head when picking them up, …). Kids are fairly forgiving.

Rather than being a father who is not abusing his child, better to abuse the child to teach a valuable lesson that family cannot be trusted? Great lesson. How about being a father who can be trusted?

> Most child abuse is committed by family and friends

Yes, a father in this case.

"rather than teaching them to have unwavering trust in authority figures."

The system would like to have a word with you.

The instinct to shame people into being nicer to kids is in a way noble, but the confidence and vehemence of this comment is misplaced.

It’s not misplaced. Putting your kid in danger without their consent just to “see what it looks like” is completely insane and a huge betrayal.

An evolution of RSS should have been the end game of social networks.

The dream of crypto was supposed to make this near zero

Anecdotal but I noticed in Portugal recently, in summer, over the course of two months, I saw pretty much no birds.

Just to add an another anecdotal view, here in the US, I have seen more birds than recent years. I attribute the increase in my area to the halting of mosquito spraying practices.

“I apologize for such a long letter - I didn't have time to write a short one.” - Mark Twain

much more subject material with a joseph campbell / wierd al yankovich take on 'jason and the argonauts' aka weighted gram and the arc-a-oughts.

though moving away from pg rating to statistical r, might result in some twisted python stuff. especially if ast taken to the limitless turing resources extreme.

GitHub provides the repo hosting and tools for free on public projects. I'm happy with this deal.

This does raise a point - do we now have to assume that all those services that provide free hosting/access/service to open source projects will be strip-mining the work of the open source community to sell them back to us all? I almost feel stupid believing it was an altruistic move to contribute back to the shoulders of giants they were already standing on...

I feel scammed too. At this point it should be obvious, but I’m finally savvy to the fact that every tech company that offers anything free, and you use it to create “your” content, is not your friend and you don’t even own the works you host with them. I feel scammed that GitHub was cool about 10 years ago. It was like the professional/cultural center of gravity in my career. GitHubbers we’re cool people. Everyone cool hosted their site on GitHub Pages. I didn’t want to see a resume; what’s your GitHub? Now I feel stupid for having contributed whatever tiny bit of brains I did to this AI by thinking that I was using the cool, developer-first code website.

No. You still have the option not to buy Copilot and still use GitHub's services for free on public projects. Or, if you're not comfortable with your open source code being perused by an AI, you can set up your own privately hosted public Git repo pretty easily.

I honestly don't understand the general outrage at this fair seeming deal to me.

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