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They may have, but the charges were "assisting copyright infringment" and not copyright infringement. (Medhjälp till upphovsrättsbrott).

I stand corrected. I was under the impression that the charges were unrelated to TPB since TPB is still in operation.

But, comparing anyone to de Raadt is easy :D

2000 / 400 = 5

Are you kidding me, no artists gets $5 per sold record. If you sell a lot and have a really good deal you get around $2 (britney spears kinda big).

The records my fathers band have recorded give them about $.5 for all of them (six members). They barely cover their production costs with that...


This link always gets mentioned in relation to artists/labels and who gets what, so here it is.

Your link wasn't working for me, but here is what did: http://www.salon.com/2000/06/14/love_7/singleton/?mobile.htm...

Thank you for sharing that, btw. I enjoyed the read...

edit: fixed link

In what country? You have no obligation in Sweden to tell anything about pregnancy or illness you may have.

As far as I know, in Spain the mother must disclose her pregnancy before 6 months.

And during the recruitment process, to the best of her knowledge.

Same in Switzerland.

It depends... 3-6 hours or 8-11 depending on if I took my sleeping pills or not.

It's not about less management, it's about trusting your employees and their judgement. Accepting that failures happen and learn from the mistakes.

How does OpenVZ or Linux Containers stack up to BSD's jails ?

The idea is very similar: you create a set of jails that behave as independent systems. Then every process started from a jail is tagged with a jail ID corresponding to the jail that the process was started from. All processes run in the same kernel and the jail ID gives the kernel just enough information to tell whether or not a process should have access to a given resource when sys calls are made.

I've never used OpenVZ so I don't know how they compare in practice but I can say that FreeBSD jails worked beautifully when I was using them heavily (about 2 years ago). They are super easy to manage and were as stable as you'd expect in FreeBSD (you'd have to be trying really hard to knock them down).

In Sweden for example, you can't release something into the public domain.

There is also another problem, you can't disclaim some warranties for customers. So if you could release the software into the public domain, you could still be held accountable for what the software did after being modified.

press i, use the regular keys?

Halfway there is syntastic...

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