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My Firefox says its DNS-over-HTTPS provider (default Cloudflare) can't find this domain. I wonder why?

On a related note, isn't this one place where so-called Trusted execution and Web integrity would legitimately be of use? With a completely trusted path of execution coupled with browser integrity, a cheater would theoretically be forced to use an entirely separate device or source for moves, like a second screen, handheld, beads, whatever... which would need to be input moves in realtime and thus making it quite a bit harder and needed outside assistance.

"entirely separate device"

Like ... an iPhone with a camera that views the monitor, recognized the board and suggests the best move?

It's the old philosophical impossibility of DRM to ever succeed. As long as the consumer is able to see the media, or the player able to play the game, it can be recorded given enough time and resources, same for cheating.

Web integrity DRM will make sure the ads are actually delivered to your display device. You may need to have this NN ad blocker in your smart glasses and paint over the ads there.

The user will refuse to use such a device. Just like Chrome can't block ad-blockers despite massive financial incentives, because there would be massive user uproar.

Your average user doesn't try to copy movies, which is why DRM is accepted in Netflix.

We are already there with Android, almost. Can't root it or my bank and work apps stop working. My bank's app once warned me of some app installed on my device which can be "harmful". Won't take long before they deny me access until I uninstall the "harmful" apps.

Nobody I know wants to root their phone. Me neither.

Again, same market pressure, a useful actually used feature will never be removed because people will not buy the device.

Most people don't care about replaceable batteries, headphone jacks or rooting.

In fact not allowing rooting is net benefit for the vast majority because it prevents spyware being installed on the device by a controlling partner, ...

That's not truly how it works except in some very narrow, literal, sense.

The reality is that people in the developed world need to carry smart phones. It's expected in order to be a functioning member of society. My kid's school has an app that does messaging and notifications, my kid's after-school group has a different app that does likewise, etc. A few weeks ago, I was expected to "sign" a waiver for an activity by clicking a link in an email... while I was AT THE PLACE IN QUESTION. Since I didn't happen to bring a laptop to this activity, I pulled out my smart phone to do it.

So, when my phone breaks, I have no choice but to buy another one. It doesn't have to be a new model, of course. But, if they all collectively move toward removing features that I'd prefer to have (like removable batteries) or start adding things that I DON'T want, I'm still going to buy it because I more-or-less have to.

So, it's not that people don't care or actually prefer the way things are going. It's that they feel like they have no choice.

Again, I understand that they/we LITERALLY have a choice. We're not going to die if we don't buy a smart phone. But, it's not as simple as "they bought the thing, so they must approve of all of it."

It's about what the majority wants - thinner waterproof phones instead of a removable battery.

You are not forced by the evil companies, you are forced by market pressure from the majority of consumers.

Not even Apple was able to resist consumer pressure, they famously yielded and made a big screen phone.

> You are not forced by the evil companies, you are forced by market pressure from the majority of consumers.

It can be both.

If Apple decided to do something moderately annoying to their phones without considering any user/customer feedback, it wouldn't drastically affect sales.

There's a limit, of course. If they're too hostile, too quickly, then people will buy Android phones instead. But, if it's just a little bit worse for the end user, customers will keep buying iPhones.

Why? Because of vendor lock-in. Why do you think companies have been trying to lock us in to their product ecosystems since the dawn of market economics? It's certainly not to make it EASIER for their customers to "vote with their wallets."

For example, I'd be willing to bet good money that Microsoft didn't start putting ads and shit into Windows 10 or whatever because it really thought that Windows users would just LOVE that. I also bet they didn't decide to re-enable settings during updates that users disabled because the majority of Windows users wanted to have to periodically reapply settings changes that they made...

> Not even Apple was able to resist consumer pressure, they famously yielded and made a big screen phone.

I don't know the internals of what goes on at Apple, but both the small size and the "no-stylus" convictions seemed to be due to Steve Jobs. And I'll note that both, the bigger size phones and the iPad stylus came out at least a couple years after he died. So, it's not obvious to me that Apple would have yielded on those with Jobs at the helm.

Where is my iPhone 14 mini, then?

People want a small phone, but if the mini costs like 10 android phones, they might just get an android phone.

Ok, but this mentality means you are buying into a narrative of a platform which is locked down not directly for your benefit or when it matters to you, but instead as an indirect side effect of building a platform catered to developers of apps like the banking app who then have complete control to make the call on when this matters and what they consider to be invalid... and so I just need to make sure that you understand, in the context of this thread on ad blocking, that by expressing this opinion, you are also, in practice, saying you think people blocking ads shouldn't be allowed (whether the mechanism is that developers move content from the web into apps you must install or the web fully supports the same level of drm as the app platform).

No, that's not my position.

My position is freedom. To create locked-down devices. Or open ones. And freedom for consumers to buy which kind they want. You are taking a position that you know what's best for consumers. That's quite presumptuous.

For most consumers a locked device is in their interest because it protects them from malware and data loss.

> Again, same market pressure, a useful actually used feature will never be removed because people will not buy the device.

When all devices are the same, you have no choice.

For curiosity's sake, what app was it? Can apps regularly get a list of other installed apps?

People will just stop using Android if they aren't able to block ads. Simple as.

So the end game is the analog hole but for ads?

Seems so. Until they will beam the ads directly to our brains through NeuralLink.

The adblocking brain implant will be the most cyberpunk invention ever.

Seems to be KDE on top of FreeBSD?

No, it's the creator's own desktop environment called Hello. If you read the website or GitHub there is a lot of content about design opinion.

for what it's worth KDE3.5.x is available as Trinity Desktop for FreeBSD.

It's also available in some Linux distros, but it's a bit of a mess getting it running.

Definitely they got a bunch of packages. Totally fine in Debian

You asked:

>> Chrome will happily collect as much private information about me and my browsing history and share them with select parties, as needed

> What information does Chrome provide in this scenario that Firefox doesn’t?

Key words: "in this scenario"

Is Cloudflare using an as yet unshipped API as part of DDOS protection?

No, the idea is they're abusing existing APIs for fingerprinting purposes that Firefox privacy settings disallow --canvas font rendering difference detection, detecting your GPU model, and things of that nature.

But this new API demonstrates that Google is not on the consumers side when it comes to limiting tracking/data gathering ability, as the new API is explicitly for fingerprinting.

> No, the idea is they're abusing existing APIs for fingerprinting purposes that Firefox privacy settings disallow

But that’s exactly what I’m saying: the author asserts as fact the reason Chrome worked was because it gives up more personal information but there’s no interrogation of whether that’s actually true and if true, how it’s achieved.

I’m no defender of Google I just believe we should be making arguments we’re able to actually back up.

Fingerprinting is one of the techniques used to track you across the web.

If the site is serving Google, Meta, or ads from other networks, your unique browser fingerprint is one of the tools that makes it possible to target and retarget you.

I think we’re all aware of that. Where’s the specific evidence that Chrome passed the Cloudflare DDOS protection because it gave up more private information than Firefox did?

especially since the author had to change the privacy.resistFingerprinting in Firefox to true to get it to work (meaning that it was able to bypass Cloudflare's loop by being MORE secure). But that appeared to break other non-Cloudflare sites.

I think the fingerprinting is a red herring. Yes, Chrome is less secure. But Chrome worked.

It's quite possible someone at the author's workplace updated their Cloudflare WAF settings and made things more strict, causing more checks. I'd even offer that a Firefox extension might be contributing.

But the argument that Chrome worked because it offered Cloudflare personal information is pretty out there ;)

I thought it was the opposite: that instead of fingerprinting users, web services would instead just ask the browser which topics the user is interested in and display the relevant ADs. It's an explicit design goal to reduce the dependence on fingerprinting users, otherwise why would they do it. Topics are supposed to be the locally sourced privacy preserving alternative to invasive tracking.

Whether Mozilla/Apple/others agree is a different story. The blowback has mostly been around how topics aren't perfect and the design still leaves room for abuse and therefor effectively devolves to traditional tracking: https://mozilla.github.io/ppa-docs/topics.pdf.

For me the issue is a browser shouldn’t be making the information on the topics of sites I visit available to anyone who asks

Browsers don’t do that today and the result is that AD networks fingerprint and track you to try and serve you more relevant content.

The argument from supporters is that this is a step away from the “fingerprint and track” status quo MO. The argument from detractors is that it doesn't quite achieve that goal.

All you need to address your concern is for access to the API to be user-configurable.

Anyone who believes that ad networks won't continue to do fingerprinting in addition to whatever privacy leaks Chrome adds is a fool.

Not if browsers actually limit access to that data needed to do so.

The API to be off by default i.e. it’s opt in and not opt out

And it should be behind a permissions prompt

That's a distinction without a difference. In both cases, user privacy is compromised. If anything, the proposal to make "user agents" snoop on the user is even more infuriating. That sounds more like trojan horse than "user agent."

Data is the life blood of AI algorithms. Hence the effort by Big Tech to silo their mega-platforms & impose WEI upon browsers so only their crawlers are able to scrap whatever data remains outside the silos. Its a race to the bottom and individual & smaller players are going to get crushed even before they can start.

WEI is for controlling what software runs in the stack, from the bootloader upwards. Traditional secure boot gives assurances up to the kernel. WEI will extend it up to the browser. So more layers of the stack are secured from unauthorized modifications.

You should not use the word "secure", it only checks the integrity, it doesn't guarantee any security, same as on Android. Same for "authorized" which is a bit misleading because only manufacturers can authorize modifications, not users.

The same goes for the word "trusted" as it's often used, e.g. "trusted computing" and the like.

Who's doing the trusting? Not the users.

Trusted is a warm and fuzzy sounding word. But always remember that in terms of security, trust is at best a necessary evil. Trust makes you vulnerable to abuse of that trust.

"Trusted" is not equal to "trustworthy".

Subscription based apps and locked devices are the future. They've built the moat and now they'll withdraw the bridge. S/w industry will become just like any other, where cost of entry for an average person will be prohibitive. The big advantage of s/w was it was inherently a level playing field, but only in the abstract. When it meets the real world its just another rent-seeking industry.

One of the HN regular contributor's personal site is similar. Extensively cross-linked and hovering over any links opens in its own popup window. A unique site.



They discuss the site in this thread here: <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36870640>

Why does it seem like 80 to 90% of hobby OS projects that are started are "Unix-like?" Don't we already have a huge variety of Unix-like OSes out there? Why not explore new models?

Through various market forces, Unix (and its descendants/clones) and Windows killed most of the rest of the OS ecosystem over 20 years ago. There are generations of software engineers and computer scientists who’ve never studied operating systems that weren’t Unix- or Windows-based. Most leading OS textbooks (Tanenbaum’s books, the dinosaur book, Three Easy Pieces) have a Unix slant. Even the systems software research community is heavily Unix-centric; I say that as someone who used to be immersed in the research storage systems community. The only non-Unix or Windows operating systems many practitioners and even researchers may have used in their lives are MS-DOS and the classic Mac OS, and there’s a growing number of people who weren’t even born yet by the time these systems fell out of common use.

However, the history of computing contains examples of other operating systems that didn’t survive the marketplace but have interesting lessons that can apply to improving today’s operating systems. The Unix Hater’s Handbook is a nice example of alternative worlds of computing that were still alive in the 1980s and early 1990s. VMS, IBM mainframe systems, Smalltalk, Symbolics Genera, Xerox Mesa and Cedar, Xerox Interlisp-D, and the Apple Newton were all real-world systems that demonstrate alternatives to the Unix and Windows ways of thinking. Project Oberon is an entire system developed by Wirth (of Pascal fame) whose design goal is to build a complete OS and development environment that is small enough to be understood for pedagogical purposes, similar to MINIX but without any Unix compatibility. Reading the history of failed Apple projects such as the planned Lisp OS for the Newton and the ill-fated Pink/Taligent project are also instructive. Microsoft Research did a lot of interesting research in the 2000s on operating systems implemented in memory-safe languages, notably Singularity and Midori.

From learning about these past projects, we can then imagine future directions for OS design.

Another key issue: the concept of open source barely existed. Sure, you got a copy of the source code used to SYSGEN your RT-11 or RSTS/E system, but it had comments removed and was not for redistribution. In the end, the closest in feel to the old DEC world today would be the traditional Windows command line (not PowerShell).

The rise of GNU and the general open source movement was a reaction to the rug-pull when access to Unix source was restricted, and that gave us Linux (MINIX wasn't initially open source, but could be put into a state that made Linux possible).

The Unix paradigm stuck with us, IMO, because Unix (and later Linux and BSDs) have been ported to so many vastly different architectures. So many other operating systems have never moved beyond (and often died with) their initial platforms.

Thats not really fair to DCL - cmd is much more.. lacking in facilities than DCL is. Nor is it fair to DCL as an interactive environment either.

True enough. CP/M and MS-DOS (which give us the old-school Windows command shell) predate DCL, though; it was a fairly late addition to the PDP-11 operating systems, after it was rolled out in VMS. RSTS/E up to version 8 logged users into BASIC by default, while version 9 made DCL the default run-time system.

DCL to my eyes at least clearly inherited some ideas from TOPS-20.

cmd for all of its braindead nature is surprisingly usable for complex tasks though. I have to use it often, tbh.

So far, historically, no OS has been successful unless (in addition to whatever whiz bang funtionality it had to offer) it provided a process abstraction in which the application thinks it has the real hardware machine to itself. This is the big thing in Unix and others: not how the file system is, or that there are pipes and whatnot: but that you get an address space in which you run machine code for the Intel, SPARC, PPC or whatever. The machine isn't hidden. The OS is in the background; you tap into it via some privileged instruction or trap.

It was not possible to develop just an OS which does this; it needs hardware support. There has to be virtual memory if there is a requirement to juggle multiple such applications each of which thinks it has a whole machine all to itself. There has to be protection: user/supervisor separation, and that protection cannot depend on a trusted compiler, because the application can execute arbitrary machine code produced by a compiler of the developer's choosing (or even by hand). It has to be hardware.

Okay, so successful OSs so far have been ones that provide decent multiprogramming, by following the hardware's model for virtual memory and privilege separation. What about the rest of the shape of the OS; the environment? Like files being just arrays of bytes?

Files being arrays of bytes is a form of democracy. Any sort of structured storage introduced on one OS will look indistinguishable from a proprietary file format which silos your data.

Files are exchanged between operating systems in bytes. No matter what you do, that's not going to go away.

Even some modern enhancements and complications in file representation cause interoperability headaches for the users, when they need to take their files to a different system.

The rich object features are provided by applications. For instance, an object-oriented database can just store its stuff in a block of bytes. Same with a graphical office suite, or a Lisp system saving its image.

Nobody wants an opinionated operating system in which files are fancy trees of objects done in One Way that everyone has to follow who codes for that operating system.

> Nobody wants an opinionated operating system in which files are fancy trees of objects done in One Way that everyone has to follow who codes for that operating system.

And yet there is ChromeOS. There is iOS. There is Android. These are highly opinionated platforms. So I think that yes, people do want these things. Developers in particular want lots of high level APIs because it makes software production easier, which is why so much software targets the web (effectively an "OS" these days). The web follows implements zero of the standard UNIX API primitives yet is very successful.

There's a lot of stuff that can be done with operating systems research, I'm really pretty sure of it. That doesn't mean you can't layer things properly, or that you can't implement your "OS" also as an app in the same way that Chrome is both an app and an OS. We're constrained by lack of imagination and the difficulties in getting market adoption for new approaches. Developers prefer to be locked in to a multi-vendor API with open source implementations, than a single vendor API with a proprietary implementation, even though they'll do it when a market is there (mobile apps). But that preference kills the commercial incentives to innovate, and open source devs just won't do it, which is why every new OS project you see is a clone of commercial operating systems from the past.

When I realized that the linux operating system had to have hardware support (traps for syscalls and interrupts), it was eye opening.

I guess your post highlights how operating systems and hardware developed together, and to innovate outside of what we currently have there is a need to somehow jump outside of this loop.

What are the hardware features are modern operating systems reliant on and the hardware features they aren't reliant on?

How would one go about exploring “other” real-world systems? I’ve read some old OS textbooks, poked at Symbian and OS/2 books some, and have texts on Oberon and Symbolics in my queue, but the docs for RSX-11 and VMS seem to bury me in operational minutiae without really explaining the design choices, and the Multics docs look like a huge pile of research notes, which is going a bit too far in the other direction. The current bytecode on IBM i is apparentily outright NDA’d, and the RPG docs are eager to presume I know how to operate the original punch-card tabulators. Any pointers?

Depending on the system this could range from an easy project that one can do in a few hours to a very long quest. For some research systems (particularly those implemented in the pre-FOSS era or those from companies) it may be impossible to try out the systems without attempting to implement them yourself. However, there are other systems that are available to try out. The ideal situation is a FOSS release, like the MIT CADR Lisp machine code and Interlisp-D. Barring that, the next best thing is some type of freeware or non-commercial license; I think this is the case for OpenVMS, though I could be mistaken. Some systems cannot be obtained easily without traveling the high seas, if you catch my drift, matey (cough Open Genera cough).

I think a lot of value can be gained from not only using software, but by reading papers and manuals, especially when the software is unavailable or unattainable. There’s a site called Bitsavers that is a treasure trove of old documents.

Come to think of it, a significant reason for Unix’s dominance in research and education is its availability, going all the way back to the 1970s when Bell Labs sold licenses to universities at very low prices. Even when licensing became more restrictive in the 1980s, this spurred the development of MINIX, GNU, later BSDs, and finally the Linux kernel, in order to recreate the environment students enjoyed with 1970s Unix. This openness is a far cry from the work of Xerox and Lisp machine vendors, where one needed to have been privileged enough to work for one of these vendors or their customers to use these environments, which were far more expensive than Unix workstations and especially personal computers. Thankfully there’s a wealth of documentation about these non-Unix systems, as well as testimony from their users. In addition, some systems were open sourced. But we must remember the times that these systems emerged, and we must remember why Unix became so dominant in the first place; its openness and availability set it apart from its competitors.

As an amateur OS nerd by 'exploring' do you mean use or read about or both? :)

You can get free access to play around on an IBM i (aka AS400/iSeries/i5) here [0].

Archive.org has (for the moment) Inside the AS/400 [1] by Frank Soltis. He was the father of the System/38 /AS400, and also worked on the Cell processor. I haven't read this edition, but I did read the following edition called 'Fortress Rochester', and it is a good and detailed overview of the system - history, design choices, and hardware/software. As for RPG, it was made to be familiar to punch-card operators/programmers so they could switch to a 'real computer'.

bitsavers has a lot of info [2]. A tech report on the Tandem Nonstop Guardian OS / system [3] was interesting.

[0] https://pub400.com/

[1] https://archive.org/details/insideas4000000solt

[2] https://bitsavers.org/pdf

[3] http://bitsavers.org/pdf/tandem/technical_reports/TR90-08_Gu...

Your best bet is probably the old MVS that was open sourced back in the 70s or 80s and lives on via an emulator called Hercules. Its sufficiently different to be worth a look, it's got a living direct descendent (although that has become increasingly turned into a Unix over the years), and there is enough of a community around it due to it having a very expensive direct descendent that the docs and other tools necessary for working with it are relatively high quality and up to date in comparison to most long dead operating systems.

The issue with it is that there is no way around having to do some pretty serious assembly language work for an instruction set that no longer exists and whose modern descendents probably microcode to hell in order to run some of the old instructions.

"Introduction to Operating System Abstractions using Plan 9 from Bell Labs" is the best operating system book I've seen - and it works through Plan9: https://archive.org/details/plan9designintro It isn't quite real world as Plan9 was never used for serious production, but it is mind opening and doesn't wallow in minutiae.

Get 9front and you would be surprised. Extra software for 9front:




"Shithub is a community service, written by people who avoid browsers."

Project Oberon is amazing. Shame it isn't more popular.

Beautifully put. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Because we effectively live in a Unix monoculture world, in terms of operating systems that you can actually use and study the inner workings of.

It was a legal anomaly that resulted in early Unix (aka Research Unix) being distributed with its source code for free to universities, which was enough to get the ball rolling on stuff like BSD and Lion's annotated V6 source code, that by the time AT&T decided that closed source commercial Unix was the game it wanted to play, the cat was already out of the bag.

By the time the free software and open source movements had gained some ground, enough people had studied or worked on some kind of Unix kernel and Userland source code that projects like Linux, Minix, and Free/Net/Open BSD were feasible. The fact that Linux running on x86 subsequently ate the world was probably something few people saw coming.

The other lineages of operating systems, e.g. Windows NT, OpenVMS, IBM's various offerings, either never have their source released or only have their source released long after they're obsolete.

What is an OS good for if not to run programs? You either port existing programs to your API (lots of work) or design the OS with an existing API in mind. Or forget about existing programs and write entirely new programs

"Unix-like" describes the second approach, you provide a POSIX API but can have different internals

Now, maybe you wanted to have two APIs: one native API for the apps you write, and a translator from another, more popular API to your native API. Sounds like a lot of work when almost all software that will ever run on your OS will the translator

Often the user-space API limits the design of internals and available features. I for one would like to see the classical hierarchical filesystem gone, but POSIX (and UNIX) at its core is about the filesystem.

If you need to run the existing programs, feel free to develop a translation layer, at the same time allowing a new type of OS paradigm to emerge.

Nobody's stopping you from slapping on a compat layer, and ex. Haiku does that, but it's more work than just being unixy to start with.

Yes please, something that doesn't have files, or processes. Both are too low level and require us to write or use enormous amounts of code to do very simple tasks that are performed by almost all applications. Very wasteful.

But lets stay away from adding another layer for our nice new abstraction. A new layer means the old ones are still there are will be used because programmers are lazy. It's usually easier to reuse someone else's code (that access the old layers) or reuse old methods and algorithms. In both cases, we're moving back towards the old stuff, the stuff we want to leave behind.

Curious, what would you replace the classic Hierarchical File System with? A flat key value store? We’ve tried that and it’s a nightmare.

Here's a few ideas I've been stockpiling for the day I retire and my wife will hopefully let me just fiddle with operating systems all day. None of these necessarily would work well or make sense, they're just stuff that would be satisfying to explore. NB: All this can be done in userspace with enough hacks.

1. Make strong file typing work well. Filesystems ignore the question of type, leaving it to ad-hoc conventions like extensions. Figuring out what a file really is takes a lot of effort, is often duplicated by apps and the OS and has a long history of introducing security vulnerabilities. There's also no first class notion of "type casting". Format conversion is delegated to an ad-hoc and inconsistent set of tools which you have to learn about and obtain yourself, even though it's a very common need.

2. Unify files and directories. Make open() and read() work on directories. You need (1) for this.

A lot of cruft and complexity in computing comes from the fact that most things only understand byte arrays (e.g. http, email attachments...), not directories. Directories have no native serialization in any OS, unless you want to stretch and call DMG a fundamental part of macOS. Instead it's delegated to an ancient set of utilities and "archive" formats. As a consequence a big part of app development has historically been about coming up with use-case specific file formats, many of which are ad hoc pseudo-filesystems. This task is hard and tedious! There are lots of badly designed file formats out there, and my experience is that these days very few devs actually know how to design file formats, which is part of why so much computing has migrated to cloud SaaS (where you ignore files and work only with databases). Many new file formats are just ZIPs.

An operating system (or userspace "operating environment") could fix this by redefining some cases that are errors in POSIX today to be well defined operations. For example given a file that has some sort of hierarchical inner structure like a .zip (.jar, .docx), .csv, .json, .java, .css and so on, allow it to be both read as a byte array but also allow you to list it like a directory. Plugins would implement a lossless two-way conversion, and the OS would convert back and forth behind the scenes. So for example you could write:

    echo red > styles.css/.main-content/background-color
and the CSS file would be updated. Likewise, you could do:

    mkdir "Fun Project"
    curl --post -d "Fun Project" https://whatever.com/cgi-bin/receive-directory
The trick here is to try and retain compatibility with as much software as possible whilst meaningfully upgrading it with new functionality. Redefining error cases is one way to do this (because you have some confidence they won't be important to existing programs).

There are UI issues to solve. You'd probably want some notion of an item having "bias", so explorers can decide whether it makes more sense to e.g. open a clicked icon in an app or explore inside it. You'd need to find ways to express the duality in a GUI nicely and so on.

But if you get it right it would allow app devs to think of their data in terms of tiny files and then let the OS handle the annoying aspects like what happens when you drag such a directory onto an email. Apple/NeXT tried to do this with their bundles but it never really worked because it wasn't integrated into the core OS in any way, it was just a UI hack in the Finder. For example early iLife apps represented documents as bundles, but eventually they gave up and did a file format because moving iLife documents around was just too difficult in a world of protocols that don't understand directories.

3. Ghost files.

There's an obvious question here of how to handle data that can be worked with in many formats. For example, images often need to be converted back and forth and the conversion may not be lossless. I want to find a syntax that lets you "cast" using just names. The obvious and most compatible approach is that every format the system understands is always present, and filled out on demand. Example:

    $ take /tmp/foo
    $ wget https://www.example.com/face.jpg
    $ ls
    $ imgcat face.webp
    <now you see the face>
In this case, the OS has a notion of files that could exist but currently don't, and which don't appear in directory listings. Instead they are summoned on demand by the act of trying to open them for reading. You could imagine a few different UXs for handling divergence here, i.e. what if you edit the JPG after you accessed the WEBP version.

4. Unify KV stores and the filesystem

Transactional sorted KV stores are a very general and powerful primitive. A few things make filesystems not a perfect replacement for RocksDB. One is that a file is a heavyweight thing. Not only must you go to kernel mode to get it, but every file has things like permissions, mtimes, ctimes and so on, which for lightweight key/value pairs is overkill. So I'd like a way to mark a directory as "lite". Inside a lite directory files don't have stored metadata (attempting to querying them always returns dummy values or errors), and you can't create subdirectories either. Instead it's basically a KV store and the FS implementation uses an efficient KV store approach, like an LSM tree. Reading such a directory as a byte stream gives you an SSTable.

Also, contemporary kernels don't have any notion of range scans. If you write `ls foo*` then that's expanded by the shell, not filtered out by doing an efficient partial scan inside the kernel, so you can get nonsense like running out of command line space (especially easy on Windows). But to unify FS and KV stores you need efficient range scans.

There have been attempts at transactional filing systems - NTFS does this. But it's never worked well and is deprecated. Part of the reason UNIX doesn't have this is because the filesystem is a composite of different underlying storage engines, so to do transactionality at the level of the whole FS view you'd need 2PC between very different pieces of code and maybe even machines, which is quite hard. Lite directories, being as they are fixed in one place, would support transactions within them.

5. Transient directories

Free disk space management is a constant PITA in most operating systems. Disk space fills up and then you're kicked to a variety of third party cleaner tools. It sucks, especially as most of your storage is probably just a local cache of stuff generated or obtained from elsewhere.

In my research OS/OE, "filectories" or whatever they're called can be tagged with expiry times, notions of priority, and URLs+hashes. The OS indexes these and when free disk space runs out the OS will do start deleting the lowest priority files to free up space. Temporary files go first, then files that were downloaded but weren't used for a while (re-downloaded on demand), and so on.

In such an OS you wouldn't have a clear notion of free disk space. Instead as you ran out of disk space, rare operations would just get slower. You could also arrange for stuff to be evicted to remote caches or external drives instead of being deleted.

6. The basic OS abstraction is typed objects.

Objects are not serialised and stored in files, they exist (only) as the fundamental entity of the OS. These objects are not read/saved from disk, they exist until destroyed and are managed transparently by the OS - similar to the manner to which virtual memory pages are transparently managed by Unix/Linux.

Objects represent reasonably high level entities, perhaps images, sounds, etc, but probably not individual integers or strings. Objects may reference ("contain") other objects.

Objects are strongly typed and implement common sets of abilities. All picture objects can show themselves, duplicate themselves, etc.

I've moved away from this idea over time even though it's intuitively attractive:

1. OOP is closely tied to language semantics but languages disagree on exactly what objects, methods and type signatures are, and programmers disagree on what languages they'd like to use.

2. From the end user's perspective it's often useful to separate code and data.

This isn't an anti-OOP position. I use OOP for my own programming and it serves me well. And modern operating systems are all strongly OOP albeit mostly for communication between micro-services rather than working with data.

One reason the files+apps paradigm dominates and not objects (despite several attempts at changing that) is because it allows apps and formats to compete in a loosely coupled market. I don't want to be tied to a specific image editor because I have an image object that happens to be created by some primitive thing, I want to work with the pixels using Photoshop. The concept of files, apps and file associations lets me do that even though it's not well supported at the bottom layers of the OS stack.

But OOP is fundamentally about combining code and data. So an image object, in this context, would have to be something more like a codec implementation that implements an IPixels interface. But again, even then, why would the two be combined tightly? What if I want to swap in a faster codec implementation that I found?

Follow this reasoning to its conclusion and you decide that what's needed is actually an OS that can transparently convert data into various different static formats on the fly, and which has a much deeper and more sophisticated concept of file associations. PNG<->JPEG should be automatic obviously but also, one of those formats you convert to might for instance be dynamically loadable code or a serialized object graph. For example, imagine you have an image viewer written in Kotlin or Java. You also have a complex file that nonetheless meets some common standard, maybe a new proprietary image format, and you'd like your general image viewer to be able to load it directly without conversion to some intermediate format. Then you could write a converter that "converts" the image to a Java JAR which is then automatically dynamically loaded by the OS frameworks and asked to return an object graph that conforms to some interface:

    var image = ImageRenderer.load("foo.compleximage")
    if (image instanceof WidgetFactory) { /* put it into a gui */ }
Java already has a framework for abstracting images of course. The trick here is that the app itself doesn't have to actually have a plugin for this new format. Nor does the OS need to be specific to Java. Instead the OS just needs a framework for format conversion, and one of the formats can be dynamically synthesized code instead of what we conventionally think of as a file format.

We need more Plan 9-likes!

But more seriously, the Unix/POSIX-like OS is a pretty good model, but IMO we could do better, especially in the microkernel front.

There are a lot of things wrong with plain standard POSIX:

- it's hopelessly out of date and incomplete w.r.t. modern expectations

- fork() is very problematic for multiple reasons, especially in a modern environment (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2019/0...)

- process management functions take PIDs and not capabilities, which can cause race conditions

- POSIX hasn't standardized anything better than poll(), yes it works fine in a hobby context but it's not 1987 anymore (and don't get me started on select(): https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/pull/11229)

- signals are a mess

- Unix processes have a huge amount of ambient authority, which is problematic when trying to isolate them (chroot(), https://fuchsia.dev/fuchsia-src/concepts/filesystems/dotdot, ...)

- the C POSIX library has a lot of cruft while also missing stuff what programmers actually need (for example, POSIX took nearly 6 years to standardize strlcat()/strlcpy(), the process itself starting 17 years after OpenBSD introduced those functions: https://www.austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=986)

- ...

Granted, modern production-grade Unix-like operating systems have extensions to deal with most of these issues (posix_spawn, kqueue, pidfd_open...), but they are often non-standard and can be quite janky at times (dnotify, SIGIO...). It also doesn't fix the huge amount of code out there using the legacy facilities like it's still the 1980s.

There are other models out there (Plan 9, Windows, Fuchsia...), but what we really need is to stop putting Unix/POSIX on a pedestal like some holy scripture that shall not be questioned. It's the pinnacle of 1970s operating system designs and it has fossilized so much it's actively turning into oil.

Or at the very least, please stop teaching the next generation that fork() is the greatest thing ever. It's a 50 year old hack kept alive through gratuitous amounts of copy-on-write that should've been scrapped the day Unix was ported to computers with virtual memory and paging.

At this point UNIX == Linux for the overwhelming vast majority of users/systems out there. I'm really not a fan of this monoculture, but Linux is quite efficient and there are benefits to everyone using more or less the same platform.

POSIX isn't a great standard at all, but it doesn't really have to be. It's more or less been the "lowest common denominator" for a system for awhile, and it's "ok" at that.

And then they try to program on macOS....

This feels contradictory; unix isn't good enough, so nobody implements standard unix, but people need to stop putting unix on a pedestal?

Yes - Putting UNIX on a pedestal means that it is basically correct and you just need additions rather than looking at it and saying that UNIX does this badly or even incorrectly and so make incompatabler chnages to improve things.

I think part of the issue is that unix does some things correctly (everything is a file comes to mind) and that implementing them without implementing the rest of unix just means you've made a unix-like that's not compatible with normal unix, as opposed to making something new and using the good parts of things you encouter.

Everything is a file is certainly not correct, given that is one aspect that Plan 9 has fixed from UNIX's design.

Why is everything is a file a file correct?

It makes some things easier but it is not the only way - so this does need to be justified.

> Or at the very least, please stop teaching the next generation that fork() is the greatest thing ever.

Who is saying this? fork() is widely maligned.

That's not my experience as a French student in the early 2010s. At the very least, I remember that the only process creation model I saw in class was fork()+exec() and there were no disclaimers about it.

I found it so strange that to start a child process you had to fork your current process. Not an intuitive idea to me at all.

I think it makes more sense when you consider that fork was originally the concurrency primitive in Unix. Threads came later. If you want to make some concurrent program, it makes sense to fork without exec. The fact that you can spawn an entirely distinct process with the fork+exec pattern is kind of a coincidence.

I guess spawn-like or invoke-like things are a bit more intuitive at first but they break down when you're out of the trivial case and you have to clean up some but not all resources in a certain way and keep some others to pass on before calling the actual child code.

Then fork starts to make sense as you can do the preparation phase unrestricted by what the spawn API allows and be sure to affect only the child before exec'ing. Probably changing this would require a significantly different resource management model (which is a nice thing to explore)

In some ways, fork+exec sucks, but in others it's also exactly the right tool for some jobs. There's some conceptual simplicity and beauty to it that reminds me of lisp's homoiconicity, where things can be broken down to four fundamental elements (read eval print loop)

My OS class definitely didn't characterize fork() as maligned, just as a powerful building block (which it is). It took me professional experience to realize it sucks.

I'd love to see an OS with a Unix API but plan9 like kernel! I will never get around to writing one myself though!

I got very close to that.

Which part? Designing or implementing or something else?

Implementing. I wrote a QnX clone and it has a lot of parallels with plan9.

Well show it to us :)

For a curious OS nerd that sounds cool. Hacker News Cool.

Redox OS implemented in Rust aims to be Plan-9-like:


I would like to implement a plan9-like OS someday!

We created a funky little OS on top of seL4 & Rust that's most certainly not Unix-like, and is more akin to an RTOS-like approach to building & bundling software. More for purpose-built appliances than a general purpose OS.

Tell us more. Who is we?

My company, https://www.auxon.io. We created https://github.com/auxoncorp/ferros originally to enable a customer project early in the company's life cycle.

Some time later we had another customer interested in using it and having us add some features to it (e.g. some device drivers and a persistence layer utilizing https://docs.rs/tickv/latest/tickv/). It was becoming a massive pain in the neck to work out source code sharing agreements with them, so we decided to just open source it.

There are quite a number of things that we would do differently if we had to build it again, and at some point will likely do that work to revise it. The biggest one of those is root task synthesis. The other is to build and bring in facilities for running tasks that are compiled to WASM.

Somewhat humorously, the fact that doing system & integration testing was irritatingly challenging with a combination of FerrOS (which locks down as much as possible at runtime), and black-box binaries that couldn't be changed, played a role in us leaning pretty hard into using trace-based testing & verification techniques for our distributed systems & robotics testing products.

Nice. I like.

Because of the availability of the source code under a permissive licence that UNIX has been distributed under for a long time. Other operating systems source code still remains unavailable, sometimes decades after the hardware they used to run on had disappeared.

The second reason is the simplicity of abstractions and the ease of their implementation. In the original DEC documentation on RSX-11M (the predecessor of VAX VMS), for example, there is a whole chapter describing how to create and fill in a file descriptor block (a complex record data structure) required just to open a file where the user has to decide beforehand where to locate the file, whether they want to access the data [blocks] randomly or sequentially, whether the file is being opened merely for updating the data but not extending the file size or for updating the data and extending the file, whether allow or not other processes to access the same file whilst it is open, the number of in-memory buffers for the kernel to allocate for file access etc etc. Many complex decisions have to be made before a file can be opened. In UNIX, on the other hand, it is a mere «int fd = open ("myfile", O_RDONLY);», the end.

Granted, not every OS has had such complexities (the opposite is also true, tho). Yet, the simplified (one can argue that it has been oversimplified) UNIX abstractions have been influential for a reason.

Because the only large, available, free ecosystem of software (both applications and hardware drivers) is completely built around the Unix abstractions.

If you don't want to do Unix, you have to reduplicate ALL of it. And that's like trying to boil the ocean.

Is it perhaps interoperability?

If you're not that serious about it, it's a way to get a bit more for free?

Contrast Redux, which is quite a serious (not in the 'we compete with Windows' sense, but still) project I gather, which... I don't know how they describe it, but it's sort of Unix-ish, Unix-rethought? I've never actually played with it, but loved the idea of 'everything is a url' (not file) when I heard it described & explained on The Bike Shed podcast I think.

It’s hard enough to learn osdev. If you have a concrete design to fall back on, you can focus on implementation.

Coming up with an original design for OSes is like a 3rd project thing.

What is even Unix-like ? I usually associate it with POSIX but maybe thats naive

The general design of users, processes, files, etc.

It's obviously not that well-defined since it's implicitly 'not Unix', so can diverge. Just anything that's subjectively similar to that OS design.

There's XINU (Xinu's Not Unix). There's a book that walks you through the complete implementation of the OS in C [1].

[1] https://xinu.cs.purdue.edu/

Unix is a lot more amenable than most older OSes to being implemented by a disparate group of people with limited communication, hence why GNU was originally set up as a reimplementation of unix.

I think the main selling point for Unix-like OS, but in Rust, is focused on Rust. It's to ensure that the memory related errors are less likely, and hopefully with enough work, the system can be essentially what we have today, but with less CVEs.

It's honestly a decent goal and I'm in support of it.

I know that there will inevitably be many now that come to state the obvious "well it doesn't guarantee safety" and "there are other reasons for CVE", etc. Nonetheless, it's not a bad idea.

Why does it seem like 80 to 90% of hobby OS projects that are announced here as "Unix-like" invariably get someone who replies with "that thing you're doing as a hobby, for fun...you're doing it wrong and I don't approve". Zero content, zero insight posts about someones else's toy aren't useful. You want a 'new model', start coding.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

All kinds of new OS ideas can be implemented on UNIX like Mach[1], FLASK[2] and 9P[3] while internally a UNIX-like system doesn't need to be anything like a UNIX[4]... So who cares? What are you worried about losing? What can't be implemented on a UNIX-like system?

1. see MacOS

2. see SELinux

3. see v9fs

4. see Windows and BeOS which both have POSIX APIs

The problem is that anything you build on top of Unix will always be a second class citizen in the Unix world.

For example, suppose you want a database-like filesystem. Either you implement it in the kernel, and now your special apps barely work on anyone’s computers. Or you implement it in userspace - preferably as a library. And now your apps can run anywhere without special kernel features but the terminal, and all the other applications on the computer can’t / won’t understand your new abstraction. And you’ll be fighting an uphill battle to get anyone to care about your new thing, let alone integrate it.

It’s like saying - why rust? Why not just add a borrow checker to C? Why didn’t C# just add a garbage collector to C++? Sometimes starting fresh and establishing a clear, clean environment with different norms is the most effective way to make something new. You don’t have to fight as many battles. You can remove obsolete things. You don’t have to fight with the platform conventions, or fight the old guard who like things as they are.

It’s a shame with operating systems that modern device drivers are so complicated. Hobbyist operating systems seem inordinately difficult to make these days as a result, and that’s a pity. There’s all sorts of good ideas out there that I’d love to see explored.

> The problem is that anything you build on top of Unix will always be a second class citizen in the Unix world.

Is first-class support required? Even things as fundamental as executing programs (the elf loader, for example) can be a second-class citizen without users noticing.

> For example, suppose you want a database-like filesystem. Either you implement it in the kernel, and now your special apps barely work on anyone’s computers. Or you implement it in userspace - preferably as a library. And now your apps can run anywhere without special kernel features but the terminal, and all the other applications on the computer can’t / won’t understand your new abstraction.

So implement it in the kernel anyway (write the driver). How does having a whole new OS in which this particular filesystem is first-class help? It doesn't help your argument that all filesystem drivers, by your definitions, are second-class citizens, and no one cares.

I'm actually rather keen to know what downside there is for not trying out your new idea in an existing OS.

After all, if your new idea is any good the existing OSes will adopt it anyway making it pointless for newcomers to try your new OS.

This conversation is tricky because there are technical questions (what is in userland vs in kernel?). But the real question of whether something is a first class citizen is whether it’s part of the ecosystem, such that essentially all software can depend on it being available. The elf loader is clearly part of the Linux ecosystem, regardless of whether it’s in userland or kernel space. All shipped Linux software just assumes elf is part of the system. Zfs is not, even though you can apparently get it to run as a kernel module.

> I'm actually rather keen to know what downside there is for not trying out your new idea in an existing OS.

It might be more fun. It might be easier to experiment, since you don’t need to read or change as much code. And it might be easier to make a new community than it is to convince people in the existing community to take your patches seriously. - Eg like what happens in programming languages.

Long running software projects like Linux are conservative - and for good reason. But the result is that there’s a lot of potentially good OS ideas that Linux will never adopt at this point its lifecycle. (Eg, “What if everything wasn’t a file?” / “what if we formally verified all the code in the kernel?” / etc.)

Like every I-Love-Coding-But-My-Work-Is-Boring developer, I've toyed with various technical ideas. Some, like playing around with language design, actually have a usable release. Others, like "hey, I want to write my own operating system" frequently boot up and then never go anywhere.

And I agree with you - what would the experience be when (for example) the SQL RDBMS is the operating system? Maybe I'd like to try it out and see.

If you want to modify an existing OS to make your own, Linux is not as easy to start with than FreeBSD (I've had experience only with those two, as far as modification of the OS goes).

Sure, there's some nice hooks into the kernel, but FreeBSD just seems so much more cohesive and easier to understand (might be due to how well it is documented, maybe).

With all that said, I am definitely going to have my next experiment done on NetBSD, which differs substantially in that it is a Rump Kernel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rump_kernel) which seems even easier to hook my own OS stuff into.

Maybe NetBSD is an option for you if you want to produce a new OS with a feature that cannot be seamlessly grafted onto an existing OS. Fair warning, I haven't actually tried this on NetBSD yet, but it looks more doable (to me, and I'm an amateur at kernel dev) than any of the existing alternatives.

Thanks for the recommendation! I love freebsd, and if I have a dive into something I might start there.

Nobody's stopping you from doing that but apparently none of OP's ideas required that, nor has it been worth it for anyone else's yet either. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Let me know when it's actually broke in this actual reality. Then we can start over*.

Also all those languages are Cs in the same way BSD and Linux are UNIXs. Same family. You should have mentioned Haskell or APL instead.

* Note that many experiments did start over, e.g. Plan9, but were then integrated into a UNIX.

> Also all those languages are Cs in the same way BSD and Linux are UNIXs. Same family. You should have mentioned Haskell or APL instead.

But look! Even though those programming languages are in the same family, it was still worth starting over when they were made! Zig and C are incredibly similar languages, but Andrew Kelly didn’t try and convince the C standards committee to adopt his ideas. He just went and made Zig from scratch. And I’m glad he did! It would have taken decades to drag C in that direction - if it’s possible at all.

Another example: Khtml wasn’t based on Firefox (the big contemporary opensource browser). It was a new browser engine with new ideas. And the design was so good it was used as the basis of Chrome.

Don’t get me wrong - I think it’s great that plan9 experiments did eventually make it back into Linux. But doing the experiments in a separate kernel / OS still makes a lot of sense to me. Old, established technology like linux, FreeBSD, the C programming language, or something like the HTTP spec all need to move slowly because they’re depended on by so many people and companies. That is anathema to wild, new ideas.

Nobody's forking UNIXs or convincing UNIX standards committees (if they still exist?) of anything...

>For example, suppose you want a database-like filesystem. Either you implement it in the kernel, and now your special apps barely work on anyone’s computers.

Filesystems already are databases. They organize and catalog data, and provide various other metadata about the data stored in them (creation and modification times, permissions, etc.).

Many people have invented various other databases, some SQL, others noSQL, which all require special apps to use. Many of these have been successful.

The filesystem is a crappy database. Its purely hierarchical nature requires dirty compromises for things like music libraries, where you want songs to be indexed both by song name and by album. Filesystems are also lacking atomic update mechanisms (transactions). There’s no way to enforce data integrity - files are weakly typed. You need fsync on linux to know that your data has been written at all - but fsync is horribly slow. And even fsync doesn't save you from data corruption due to skewed writes.

You can use a userland database on top of linux. But that has different properties from the OS’s actual filesystem for ecosystem reasons. A Postgres instance will never be a first class citizen on Unix. I can’t “cd” into a sql table in my terminal, or use sql queries to query procfs or /etc. What would it mean to pipe into a table? Does that abstraction even make sense? An operating system built on top of a database would be different from unix because the ecosystem of userland applications would evolve in a different direction. See, for example, HaikuOS.

I’m not saying it’s a good or a bad idea. But simply firing up mongodb on a Linux server isn’t the same thing as building the whole OS with a real database at its core.

>The filesystem is a crappy database. Its purely hierarchical nature

You realize the first databases were hierarchical, not relational, right? Filesystems do well enough in this regard. They're not meant to store tons of metadata, which varies depending on your application.

>requires dirty compromises for things like music libraries, where songs should be indexed both by song name and by album.

What about songs that aren't on albums? What about live performances? What about cover songs? Who gets the credit, the performer or the composer? People's opinions about these things keep changing, which is why the original MP3 tag format was so bad, and had to be replaced by a newer format. Imagine if we were all stuck, forever, with what some clueless people in 1995 thought was good enough for MP3 tag info, for all digital music.

And why should this info be in a filesystem anyway? Most files are not digital music.

>A Postgres instance will never be a first class citizen on Unix, so I can’t “cd” into a sql table in my terminal, or use sql queries to query procfs or /etc.

Right, because then the OS would have had to be designed for that kind of thing from the start, and you'd never be able to change it afterwards. This is why we keep things minimal at the lower levels, because then you can change things easily at the higher levels later on as needs change. Postgres itself has changed a lot in the last 10 years, adding lots of capabilities; if that were baked into the OS, that wouldn't have been so easy. And what if you decide you want something different from SQL? Sorry, you're stuck with it because it's baked into the OS, so now someone else is going to complain about how our ecosystem could evolve in a different way if we adopted some other type of database paradigm.

The benefits you claim just aren't worth the cost. It's easy enough to implement a database on top of a modern OS, and then use tools and applications designed for it to interact with it.

> You realize the first databases were hierarchical, not relational, right?

Yes. Obviously, the first databases humanity ever made were also the worst databases humanity ever made. With the possible exception of mongodb.

The choices Linux made in 1980 made sense at the time. But 40 years is a long time! It is as you say - databases have improved a lot in that time. I don’t know if Linux built on top of a modern database would be better or worse. How could we know unless somebody tries it?

>How could we know unless somebody tries it?

Because the effort to build such a thing would be gargantuan. Think of all the work that went into the Linux kernel plus all the userspace programs and applications on top of it: you want to recreate all that effort because of a hunch?

I'm sure some people with more expertise in theoretical CS than me can tell you better why this is a bad idea, but consider we already have databases now, and different databases work better for different tasks than others. How is baking a database into your filesystem going to compete? What if you pick the wrong one? What if it sucks for certain use-cases that current systems (filesystem+DB) work better at?

Every time someone's tried getting better efficiency by baking things in at a low level, it hasn't worked out too well, because by forcing a standard that way, it prevents innovation (e.g., with your DB-as-filesystem, when everyone decides they want to work with JSON right in their DB, it can't be done with yours because it wasn't designed that way and it can't be bolted on because it'll break things, but with Postgres it's easy to add in).

Doing a lot of work on a hunch that it might be better is the basis of all science. And all progress in general. Building a fully verified operating system kernel was a massive amount of work - but the SeL4 team still did it because they thought it was a good idea and got funding. (And as I understand it, their OS gets a lot of use in things the baseband chips in cell phones).

Yes, making a new toy operating system is a lot of work. But we don’t need to reinvent all of the software that has been built on Linux to tell if its a promising idea. Just enough to learn and see if the juice is worth the squeeze. And maybe have a little fun along the way.

In general I think it’s really sad how little innovation there is now in the OS space, simply because of how dominant Linux is and how much work it takes to make something yourself. How many good ideas are waiting in the wings because it would take too much effort to try them out? What a pity!

>In general I think it’s really sad how little innovation there is now in the OS space, simply because of how dominant Linux is and how much work it takes to make something yourself. How many good ideas are waiting in the wings because it would take too much effort to try them out? What a pity!

People are coming up with all kinds of innovations in computing, just not so much in the OS space because it's considered a solved problem. There's tons of stuff going on at much higher levels, and has been for a long time: virtualization, containerization, microservices, etc. The low-level building blocks are "good enough" for the higher-order things people want to try out now.

We've seen this in many domains: once you have something that works well enough, it's hard to justify effort to optimize it more, when there's other problems to be solved.

> If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I always hated this caveman mentality.

So should we hinder progress/try out new ideas because things as is aren't broke?

No one is stopping you from spending your time reinventing the wheel. Many people have tried; a few succeeded and made better wheels.

Didn't Windows drop the POSIX APIs and then eventually introduce WSL instead?

Because if you manage to get to some level of POSIX compatibility you can leverage that into having a whole toolchain and lots of other goodies up and running in a relatively short time. This limits the amount of effort required to get to 'first base', a self hosting environment.

Because it is less effort to copy already existing stacks, than be creative in trailing not yet discovered paths.

It is only marketing. It does not seem to implement anything from POSIX or SUS.

At both extreme opposite ends of the scale/funding/people spectrum we already have TempleOS and Fuscia, and probably countless in between. You tell me why they aren't going anywhere even though any properties you might say about one, the other has the opposite quality and is also going nowhere.

Maybe "unix-like" is really just a principle that has no expiration date, like "murder is wrong".

Depending on how slavishly you define "unix-like", for instance, I would not say that the principle philosophy dictates there shall always be a command named "rm" that takes these options and does this task a la posix specs.

But for today and certainly any forseeable time, it's perfectly useful to "merely" reimplement posix.

its better than being OS400-like, isnt it?

OS/400 is actually really interesting and very well thought out, particularly as an example of "Not Unix". I wouldn't want to make my living there, but lots of people do.

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