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You must have missed the part where a 50k$ Czech passive radar is defeating the F35 stealth capability.

Problem of EM sensors is most often then not, are active (especially radars and IFF), they broadcast or ping signals thus leaving quite a huge EM signature that can be pinpointed precisely with 3 antennas.

maybe even more simple than reinventing a langage using lambda functions applying on path/value in a dict with an iterator (which can be consumed by filter/any/map/reduce) http://vectordict.readthedocs.io/en/latest/finding.html

Except with the right (obvious) non linear filter you can easily extract orders of magnitude smaller signals randomly inserted in a white noise

That is the basics of how people in astronomy clean their signal.


A good pseudorandom generator will pass any such test with flying colours, in fact it's a basic requirement. Bu that is no guarantee that, given a certain length of output, an external attacker couldn't sync up and predict all future outputs.

And I don't believe there is a general way to distinguish such a device from an actual random source without looking inside. For example, they could use AES256 output in counter mode on a low entopy chip ID + high entropy backdoor key. Trivial to bruteforce given a few words of output, but you would essentially need to break AES to detect it.

It's interesting how the blog post think this is surprising, and how some basic techniques are rediscovered

The average filter is basically correlating the input signal with a (window sized) square wave

It's one of the most basic denoising techniques available (for AWGN)

"The moving average is the most common filter in DSP, mainly because it is the easiest digital filter to understand and use. In spite of its simplicity, the moving average filter is optimal for a common task: reducing random noise while retaining a sharp step response. This makes it the premier filter for time domain encoded signals. However, the moving average is the worst filter for frequency domain encoded signals, with little ability to separate one band of frequencies from another."

It definitely depends on your domain, but moving average/median can be extremely effective. (Or terrible, if mis-applied).


Oh I thought it was about JS insanity.

Well known caveats : don't use == but ===.

What about cmp implicit operator in js?

Well, it relies on == :)

same with lt/gt

"0" === 0 false "0" < 0 false

"0" <= 0 true "0" > 0 false


The implicit type conversion mess is all over the place in JS. Changing == to === is by far not sufficient.

"<==", "==>", "truecmp" would be required to correct a tad the mess still. More correct solution would be to burn JS to the ashes at my opinion, with emacs, modern hardware, devops and startups

Feynman thought they were everything that science should reject. It seems that knowledge used to be better before internet. (new math == Bourbaki)

One of the actual members is Pierre Barthelemy http://passeurdesciences.blog.lemonde.fr/pierre-barthelemy/ they seem to originate from ENS and elite school in France.

According to Pr Gleik they "engineered" math so that not another Poincaré would appear again. A french mathematician that based his reasoning to geometry at the dislike of yet another academy that thought talent should not despise the recognition earned by the experts. And Poincaré made clear he despised the formalism fanatics and the french school of math.

So they pushed what Feynman called an hyperverbose reformed version of math that would rather focus on being objectively "scientifically correctly expressed" by being able to manipulate formalism instead of having intuition that could ridiculed the best.

They said that Mandelbrot owe them a lot, and Mandelbrot just fled these people without really caring because he thought geometry was important and these people were kind of pedantic.

The message of bourbaki in one "lemma" is never draw. A drawing is always a special case and no drawings of schema will ever lead you to build strong abstractions. Formalize everything.

It kinds of looks like modern computer science fights between the craftsmen vs the tools/language/frameworks/methodology fanatics.

And for an extended understanding of the mechanism of how Bourbaki's 'new math' and other amazing formalism makes it to the top of the educational offer in California a little light on still standard practices is necessary: it is all about the best choice possible

Judging Books by Their Covers Richard P. Feynman http://www.textbookleague.org/103feyn.htm

If you call secure an OS which can crash process without giving meaningful errors.

I have lost hours debugging mysterious crashes because of SELinux, and it is really not safe to have components unexpectedly crashing when they are part of your core infra.

Plus I guess that like every security frameworks it runs with priviledge, it has a lot of lines of code, is hard to audit, and thus highers the surface of vulnerability.

Hint: they use for instance strcmp a lot http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24353504/whats-wrong-with...

Their code mixes if(){} with the if() else (without braces)

They are sometimes using enums, sometimes #define sometimes magic values to refer to constant values.

You should really read the source code.

Definitively above the average of C code in the wild, still having well known code smell.

I would like to see if PVS studio could confirm my intuition.


Wow. You literally think selinux is bad because it uses strcmp and enums? Maybe you should read a book about C sometime before you make a fool of yourself on the internets.



How can a developer be that stupid?

file.write is atomic (guaranteed to "work") for PIPE_BUF (posix) octects ~ 16ko at most.

JSON is guaranteed to be unparsable if the file is truncated of the last chars (it is not very resilient).

Hence the write may corrupt your WHOLE log if a non recuperable failure happens or the code is interrupted.

The code DOES not use fixed size allocation ... thus is can crash randomly because of SEGFAULT in the middle of the writing. The history will take cumulative size in memory.

This coding attitude highers the probability of this failure to happen BY DESIGN.

Is it that complex to FIRST write the file, and THEN atomically rename the new file to the old file at worst (resulting only in losing the current session, but not the whole history).

If your log are that precious, why would you not take extra care about protecting them?

This code makes me want to puke.

On the other hand, it is representative of the reason why I am disenchanted by modern coding standards.

> How can a developer be that stupid? [...] This code makes me want to puke.

This comment breaks the HN guidelines so badly that we could put it on a poster of how never to behave here. It doesn't matter how right you are if you express it this abusively.

Since you've done this more than once before, I've banned your account. If you don't want it to be banned, you're welcome to email hn@ycombinator.com and give us reason to believe that your comments will be civil in the future.

All: In addition to https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html, please know that HN has extra rules at https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html to guide the discussion of new work. The parent comment breaks every one of them.

It's too bad you have such a poor attitude since you're obviously skilled.

I'll see to it that this is fixed.

Hey Julie,

Do you live in a state of perpetual nausea? Because there is so much code out there like this...I fear it could overwhelm your life to worry about it.

I think the best we can do is just fix the stuff we want to use and ignore the rest..

Not Julie. It is a pun in french. Julie is like calling me Hanni when my real name is more like Hanniballs. And I still have my balls. So keep it julie1.

But I guess you may lack of context to get it right, as for the rest of your comment. ;)

Argh I guessed the OP meant repercussion 1) unintented consequences and 2) re emission of percursion ~= reverberation

While reverberation is kind of just the echo of a vibration.

Reverberation: 2.b. An echolike force or effect; a repercussion: Reverberations from the stock market crash were still being felt months later.


I guess the unintended consequences rather than the physics matter.

Okay, it is a question of taste.

But my proposition works in more than one language (latin included). ;)

In free software project, some users push to far the idea that software belongs to them, their creator included.

Just to be clear, if the guy is dead, well he does not care anymore.

If he is alive he has most likely opted out of the web since web access is almost not a blocking factor.

Hence, it is a choice or it is death, and in both case if a project cannot survive any of this outcome it is dead itself.

That is what I fear will happen to a lot of free software/open source projects in the future since very few core commiters tends to produce the majority of commits for long times.

I guess the idea of putting comic sans MS as a way to force companies into putting relevant customised status error messages for users has failed.

EDIT see here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9240906

For 500 a ticketing or a contact info to report the problem For a 404 whatever can help the user finds it way For congestion status a link to a status page? For stuff 40? that requires payment a link with a link for legitimately acquiring it ... The webmasters email in case there is something to report could be nice too ...

It really is business meaningful to customize them, I fully support shaming irresponsible webmasters that keep default status pages with comic sans MS.

> shaming irresponsible webmasters that keep default status pages with comic sans MS.

Until they have a filesystem failure that results in the server unable to locate the custom pages, and defaults to rendering the Comic Sans page? Even responsible developers find themselves hitting the consequences of the chaos monkey.

I could not find a config setting for httpd in OpenBSD that allows me to specify custom status pages.

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