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there's a minecraft-style 4d sandbox game, with a playable demo: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1941640/4D_Miner/

"survived to update the file" implies that the one to add it to the list must be the one to have landed there

> Also i think that the reason C has -> is because in C pointer de-reference is a prefix whereas in Pascal is a suffix so without it you'd either have to write (*ptr).foo. Pascal avoids that by having both be suffix operators.

That distinction comes from early C (pre-ANSI / K & R C), where structures were really definitions of offsets (and said offsets were global, you couldn't have different 'offsets' for a member with the same name in different structs).

Say you had a struct 'struct mystruct {int a;int b;int c};':

You could do '200.b' to access the value at the 'b' offset of the memory location '200' ( '*(int*)( 200 + offsetof(struct mystruct,b) )' or '((struct mystruct*)200)->b' )

And '200->b' would access offset 'b' of the memory pointed to by memory location '200' ( '*(int*)( *(intptr_t*)200 + offsetof(struct mystruct,b) )' or '(*(struct mystruct**)200)->b' )

> The HTML and JS specs are absurdly complex to the point where there's basically no hope of anyone implementing them from 0

That's actually being done in the Serenity OS project! HTML renderer, JS interpreter, and Web Browser, from scratch:




have you considered using C11's _Generic feature? It allows you to maunally implement function overloading: https://godbolt.org/z/jxjvnMTPT

I've been using a free tool by voidtools tool called "Everything" for years, it provides almost-instant search on windows NTFS volumes: https://www.voidtools.com/support/everything/

Thanks. I used it years ago but it didn't suit my needs. I haven't found an indexing tool that does.

It's the difference between synchronous indexing that's baked into the system (as in file system metadata structures and database indexes, which update at the same time your data is changed) vs. fragile add-ons that index asynchronously (which in general I find tend to be too slow to update, missing results, and prone to breaking).

while the word 'master' can indeed be used in the sense of "master and slave", its use in git is more akin to the use of 'master' in "master record", and doesn't refer to 'ownership' in any way

the windows 7 start button still "pops" out of the taskbar if you're using the taskbar in small mode

the oldest snapshot of this story i can find in archive.org is from november 2003 (https://web.archive.org/web/20031114161830/http://www.adequa...) , but it seems that yes, it is from 2001

alternate version, with background music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99aj9OQnWMc

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