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I am the CEO of Uber, and I can gas-light you from the opinion section of the New York Times, because money talks. No other person is better positioned to do something about the plight of gig workers more than me, but I'm going to tell you a story about how we could all fix this together to distract you from reality. I'll throw in some blame to build up a strawman we can all tear down together, while gig workers still get the shaft and I still get my fat payday.


Even his opening premise is flagrantly false: the problem is not that Uber has "failed drivers by treating them as contractors". The problem is that Uber has arrogated to itself all the benefits of an employee-style relationship without incurring any of the burdens.

They can't have it both ways. But their business depends on it. Switching to food delivery does not give them a way out of the pain machine. Which is why they have to spend so much money working the refs.

Exactly, this is essentially 'thoughts and prayers' said euphemistically.

Luckily we have the average hacker news commenter to come in and fill us in on why billionaires aren't actually so bad after all. I just don't know what I'd do without this website sometimes!

Not a great year from the opinion section of the NYT. Between this and Tom Cotton, I'm convinced the editorial board just looks at the pile of money and the potential virality of these posts, rather than the words written on the page.


Case in point, here's a HackerNews link to an article by Nick Clegg, the former British Lib-Dem party leader now FB VP of Global Affairs and Communications, using AdAge to impart some semblance of legitimacy. The article's headline is complete BS: "Facebook Does Not Benefit from Hate" my ass. They benefit from hate speech every damn day that shit's on their site, because eyeballs == $$. The article ends with the ridiculous notion that "We may never be able to prevent hate from appearing on Facebook entirely, but we are getting better at stopping it all the time." A company with the resources of Facebook can do practically anything it wants. If hate speech was look at with the same level of disgust as child porn, would the above statement still hold true? And getting better all the time? By what measure?

Oh, it was that Nick Clegg. The one who destroyed the Lib-Dem party by voting the Tory party into power, without getting anything meaningful in return. I thought perhaps the name was a coincidence.

Yeah, he should have insisted on a different voting system as a condition of coalition, instead of the referendum.

Given that the referendum failed by a 2:1 margin, I don't think he'd have been any more popular even if they had gotten their alternative voting system.

Maybe it's one of those things that voters would have liked once they had experience with it, but if Clegg thought it was something voters were clamoring for, he was very wrong.

Clegg's mistake was agreeing to "alternative vote" being an option instead of a proper system of proportional representation which would have made a victory like Johnson's in late 2019 near impossible (though not impossible, as the Scottish system _designed_ to keep the SNP out of power showed).

In terms of moderating an otherwise horrific bunch of people (see every action since 2015), Clegg and the Liberal Democrats did a reasonable job.

Do not read this as a defence of his employment at Facebook, where he has shown himself to be for sale to the highest bidder at any available opportunity.

>If hate speech was look at with the same level of disgust as child porn, would the above statement still hold true?

Of course this is a slippery slope where you rely on Facebook defining what hate speech is. It may seem fine to you now but there's no reason to think Facebook won't in the future start defining things you typically like to say as hate speech.


Hate speech doesn’t apply to the President of the United States, and you have to truly twist the meaning to get it to apply to your political affiliations. You’re not born with those, to make an oversimplified argument.


Your point is falling flat because you don't understand the definition of the term you're talking about.

"hate speech" isn't just speech which communicates the speaker's hatred of something.

"hate speech" is "public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation".[1]


> They benefit from hate speech every damn day that shit's on their site, because eyeballs == $$.

I don't think that considers the opportunity cost.

Company I work for was recently acquired. Day 1: Everybody except the Sales team is on 90-days notice. This included the software development team. They have a whole process in place, with a catchy name: "Lift & Shift." During the next 90 days, they are doing "knowledge transfer" with their team, and I checked out individuals on github. Bangladesh, rural Russia, Vietnam, and Isreal, just to name a few of the various publicly stated locations. Does that count as Outsourcing?

ISPs should be regulated under Title II, as they are common carriers, not information services. I don't pay Comcast for information, I pay them for access. It's like a phone line, but in modern times. Imagine if phone carriers could do what ISPs are planning, where certain companies can pay for better, faster phone connections, and everyone else gets the crappy maybe it works, maybe it doesn't level of service. No one thinks that's ok. The internet isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. Any limits on my ability to use it in any legal manner I see fit is wrong.

About a year a ago, started from scratch writing a front-end client SPA for web-based software -- it's a custom framework built around Backbone.js and jQuery, written in CoffeeScript. The .coffee files are beautiful, and on save a shell script automatically compiles all the .coffee files down to a single JavaScript file that I would describe as good JavaScript code.

Not open source, so no demo, but it's definitely possible to create good JS.

Super Happy. Happier than I have ever been in my working life, due in large part to said job allowing me to enjoy not-working-life more than at any previous point.

I was a Journalist, the video and multimedia producer for a medium market newspaper. Pay was lower middle income level. Hours were flexible when flexibility was an option, but revolved around an inflexible daily deadline.

I just spent my 4th weekend in a row snowboarding, and yesterday was 11" of powder. As a remote employee, I still have deadlines, but they are from days to months depending on the project. Pay is upper-middle income level. My boss is great, smartest person I've ever called a boss, and extremely reasonable and personable.

Right now, life is good.

Nope. I'd find something else after $0-1/Month

Instead of making me click "more restaurants" can you have it load more as I scroll? Also, the loading seemed to take a long time for each press of the "more restaurants" button.

There was an error in my console, lp is not defined, some variable in your JavaScript.

Get Directions tried to open up an AppleMaps link. Is this a iPhone only website? Or do you want laptop/desktop users to install AppleMaps?

That's my 2 cents

"Every piece of interactive web during the last century used AS3." I'm pretty sure this is not true.

Python on the back, JavaScript on the front.

JS is also for back-end. Maybe you have never heard about Nodejs or io.js

But if u could program the front and the back in a single language which would u prefer

Python is not supported for front-end (yet??). So the choice is quite easy. If you want to stick a single language for both front and backend, using JS is the best solution.

I am just asking a hypothetical question, what if you could do everything in python and every thing in js. Would you still use js cause you like the language or use python.

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