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You missed a couple:

- real whiteboards are just better

- real whiteboards aren't as good as screen sharing

But yes indeed, nothing new has been said on this subject for years.

And apparently they are now doing a face-heel turn and joining the lockout party. Hopefully mine lasts forever, even though I keep feeding it eBay toner!

Stephen Baxter's Phase Space. If those short stories, especially the ones with Reid Malenfant, grab you, then read the Manifold series. If you find yourself wishing it was more Alastair Reynolds, then the Xeelee Sequence.

> Can't leave that bread overnight

Is that a climate thing? In my (temperate) experience, bread lasts for several days, even in summer.

> So 79% of theses houses weren't sold?

Likely they were bought by people who already have houses, as investments.

Your logic, that over-expensive housing won't sell at all, only holds if people are only buying houses that they will live in: to a first approximation, people generally live in just one house.

Not nearly blatant enough if you ask me. I'm still waiting for the Tom Cruise sequel Top Gun: Top Marx.

Meanwhile I did a fire course and the firefighter running it said "never leave applicances on over night or unattended" (rule 2 after "always close doors").

Not that I always do not do so (the dishwasher and washing machine in particular), but the coming millions of cars drawing double digit kilowatts at night out of domestic electrical systems is probably going to cause a few fires.

It’s not practical to shut off every appliance, particularly the major ones. The risk is probably greater for smaller kitchen appliances (eg George Foreman, waffle iron, etc) that don’t have the safety features of large appliances.

As long as the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 & Dishwasher team isn’t working on it, electric car charging is pretty safe.

I think it's about avoiding having them running than turned off at the socket. And I have a countdown timer on heating devices that could be left on and won't automatically turn off after some time like electric grills and heating mats.

> As long as...

Well, exactly.

Also as long as the house wiring is correct, and we all know all domestic electrical jobs are always top-notch¹.

1: https://www.reddit.com/r/cablefail/

Even in the UK, which has quite stringent electric regulations, you can get two-conductor cables with a plastic earth pin (which is always required even if you don't need grounding as otherwise the shutters covering the live and neutral holes are not withdrawn). On the other end, it could have a "figure-of-8" IEC connector.

And I definitely noticed a tingle on some metal laptops even when they have a 3-pin plug and a "Mickey mouse" IEC connector on the cable to the power brick.

I'm always amazed that these products can be so accurately locked to an exact flavour for years, regardless of the inputs, which, being plant or animal matter, can vary a lot naturally between batches and between years.

Not only whisky, even things like branded fruit juice, McDonald's burger meat and salad, Nutella and branded chocolate, coffee, to name just a few, seem almost preternaturally consistent.

Juice companies extract the volatile components and them send them to perfumers who transform them into a specific flavor profile which is then added back to the juice. The flavor packs are derived from oranges so they don’t need to be labeled as an ingredient but provide a consistent experience.

Good to know the venerable "credulously repeat what the charismatic technology man said" school of journalism is now well into its second century of utility.

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