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Serious question: do you actually leave the TV on when not watching contents? Aren't you worried about your electricity consumption?

Maybe, but it doesn't mean it's not open source.

The things that don't matter are, the thing that does isn't. Together, they can hardly be called open source.

If you like computer/software history, I recommend the Abort Retry Fail[1] mailing list.

[1] https://www.abortretry.fail/

(I meant 'newsletter' , not 'mailing list')

It doesn't matter how the tech works, if it can reason and solve complex problems, it is intelligent. If it does so at a super human level, it is super intelligent.

They really wanted her voice yes. Does that prove anything?

I honestly didn't think it sounded like Johansson. Because of the controversy I just now re listened to the demos and I still find if very unlikely that someone would think it was her.

Link? (I mean: Phone number?)


It's all about tradeoffs. If you get at the same time:

- gigantic (virtual) screens showing your photos/videos in a spectacular way


- a incredibly small, light, comfortable, and almost unnoticeable (e.g. glasses) headset

then, yes people will absolutely use that instead of actual photos printed on paper.

Obviously we're not there yet.

You must be fun at parties

If it's a question of UI only, Electron would be less bloated than a webserver? Arguably?

In a hypothetical organization where you have hundreds of more users needing to perform these tasks. Is it better to push and maintain software on hundreds of computers, or one server, that is probably multiple use to begin with. Containers are far easier than maintaining software across hundreds of devices.

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