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Recently joined a company with legit soda machines(the fancy ones with exotic stuff like cream sodas), slim jims, ice cream, cookies, cakes and which buys lunch for the engineers every weekend. It's amazing. I came from a place where you had to pay 2 $ for a soda!

It's definitely one of the things that you don't realize when you don't have it, but when you do it's like heaven. It's really helped me get more work done since I can snack away and it encourages me to get up for walks around the office.

There's definitely competitors opening up and realizing the space is worth the investment. C# Maui for example, especially with Blazor, is extremely cross platform as well(including web), but it has full party support in C#.

It was pretty heavily used in enterprise on applications from around 2006-2012. I still have nightmares of it, as since it's enterprises the code bases got massive and GWT in my experience had a trend of getting a ton of code smells.

Just like with any government agency, you bid on something called "Small Business Set Asides" and get or say you are a minority woman. This will give you bonus points and contracts that are reserved for these groups. All government bids are open and if you google it, it will take you to websites which has these contracts listed and how to bid.

https://www.sba.gov/federal-contracting This site is pretty good on the process, on that page you can look and see the "Federal Procurment system" and it has a link to it, which shows all open bids on contracts. They also have another link on there which has small business set asides.

This is really the big reason. IOS blocks applications from running dynamic code. The kernel is immutable and replaced on every update, and safeguarding the JS engine is a huge benefit of controlling the OS. Antivirus's really struggle with this on PC because of all the dynamic code being ran that they can't really enforce things like code signing, requiring executable code to be mapped to the disk, etc.

This is going to make everyones phone ALOT less secure. There's a reason android malware and hacks are a big issue and there's almost none on IOS, as the footprint is so low due to things like this.

> There's a reason android malware and hacks are a big issue and there's almost none on IOS, as the footprint is so low due to things like this.

Actually, iOS exploits are cheaper than Android exploits because iOS exploits are so plentiful in comparison[1][2].

[1] https://www.theregister.com/2020/05/14/zerodium_ios_flaws/

[2] http://zerodium.com/program.html

Are they still? The first article is about iOS 13.

Apple is by far the most secure, which is why you rarely see kernel exploits and the market for IOS security researchers are in high demand. While the market for android researchers are hot, it's luke warm in comparison. Even in IOS 13, meaningful iphone exploits are hard to come by, while android it's like candy.

Key point, it's going to be difficult to find a way to unlock the bootloader on an Iphone, or a root on modern versions of IOS. Meanwhile you can buy a android phone day 1 and load your own bootloader and get code running in the kernel. This is exactly what a malicious application does. The security boundaries of apps are pretty strong on both OS's, but Apple makes sure apps can't violate that.

There's a big difference between moderation on HN and sites like Reddit. Reddit completely shadowbans, filters, or bans anyone who doesn't post with the hivemind. This makes it so you can't have a fair contrarian view and it completely pushes out people and makes an echo chamber. I would say that Reddit takes it to the level of the Soviet Union in wrongthink.

While HN is moderated, you can have pretty much any fair view as long as it contributes to the discussion. Which is nice and the ideal middle ground. Although I will say, I never have any issues with Twitter and the moderation is just fine besides some high profile cases I disagree with. I would say it's even to lax.

There's plenty of other companies that have the other side of the coin in values though that would admire people who stand up. It's very nice to be a good culture fit at a company. I have a Blue Lives Matter flag in the corner of my camera during interviews and it's gotten me some really good offers and I havn't been declined once.

On the flip side, I know many that have been discriminated based on their looks or vocal patterns(trans / lgbt). Alot of companies and people assume these people are a problem because of what goes on at google and decline them due to culture fit.

I actually would prefer that most political stuff stay out of the workplace. So minimize the crosses, the blue lives matter flags, the other stuff.

In many of the more frugal businesses I've seen, folks just don't have the time to strike / protest etc for some of the stuff the FANG folks are into.

Not being able to strike is not the win you think it is, as striking is the most powerful action that labor has and has lead to the very things you enjoy today - weekends and a 40 hour work week.

If you think google/netflix staff are going into the office and grinding out 40 hour workweeks - I live in the bay area - this is a total lie.

They are paid very well, many especially non-engineering roles have VERY flexible work setups.

Netflix had a big strike over Dave Chappelle

"Transgender Netflix employees and co-workers will stage a walkout next week protesting the streaming giant’s decision to release Dave Chappelle’s latest comedy special"

On Spotify we had the demand for employees direct editorial control of the Joe Rogan podcast:

"Spotify staffers are now considering a walkout or full-blown strike if their demands for direct editorial oversight of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast aren’t met."

I don't listen to Joe Rogan, but I don't think my work environment is necessarily helped by the staff at spotify taking over his show.

So these are the content strikes (the public side of internal pressures).

The question currently is, do you want the loudest voices to control all conversation?

Then for sure, support these strikes and have things taken over by these staff.


In regards to memory alignment, it's even worse. Most instructions work on unaligned data. But some instructions require 8 byte, 16 byte, 32 byte, 64 byte and I think there's even some 128 and 256 byte alignment. One of the more common pitfalls someone can find themselves in when coding x86-64 asm.

Government pension is actually very bad. You pay 4 % of your salary per year, and get 1 % * years worked * avg(3 top highest salaries).

You get far more money if you put that 4 % into a 401k or other investment vehicle.

Also, with loans being discharged, you have to have made a ton of payments, to the point that most will pay off their loans before they're eligible in a stem position.

You only pay 4.4% of your salary if hired after 2014 (I only pay 0.8%). If you retire with 20+ years of service at 62 or later, you get 1.1% per year of your high-three salary. That amount is adjusted by cost-of-living increases as well, though of course that may not keep up with inflation.

Also keep in mind that TSP contributions are matched up to 5% of your salary. Consider the pension in the context of also maxing out contributions to TSP (which has the same yearly contributions cap as a 401k). A fair comparison should include the whole package.

There's actually alot of research in this topic. You should look into "Genetic Programming" on scholar.google.com and you'll find some good presentations.

For example https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C21&q=gen... and that references a paper where they do this with MUGEN (Ai v Ai fighting game) http://irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/30021/1/PubSub7423_8186_Mart...

Genetic programming sounds like a complicated term, but it's basically an easy way to take successful characteristics and breed them into something else.

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