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That analogy seems more in line with the risk of gas leaks and explosions.

The subject here is more that in addition to that, every time you use the pool, you have to gobbel down a bit of posion water. But in addition to that, you depend on using that thing almost daily.


I guess if you just have a free account then you can still only use 3.5 as you are requesting here?

Free cgpt users and low tier API users are downgraded opaquely to lower models when demand is high.

It's irritating because I have over 4000 API chats in a DB that I like to analyze, but I cannot now know for certain which model was actually being used.

Ohh so that explains why I saw `?model=text-davinci-002` appended to my ChatGPT URL the other day. I remember it was pretty slow to load then, too, so that's probably why they rerouted me

I recon only a legend such as Geohot him self could achieve such a complex task, bravo!

It's sort of like modern art. Maybe you could have done it, but you didn't.

> It's sort of like modern art. Maybe you could have done it, but you didn't.

This makes zero sense. Changing a screen in a page is not a technical challenge. It is a Product Management call. Things are the way they are because the product owner sat with one or more UX designer and determined that that's exactly how they want the screen to be and to stay like that for all users. The only input developers have is to get the product vision to become a reality, and bolt a bunch of tests.

Not the same. Would have done, but Twitter didn't let me do it because I don't work for Twitter.

My modern art ambitions are blocked by myself and not external parties.

> but Twitter didn't let me do it because I don't work for Twitter.

So you couldn't have done it

In our companies slides we have tons of confidential slides containing info that could be misused for insider trading by MS engineers?

It would not be insider trading if done by people outside your company.

Edit: Nvm, I think I am wrong.


>Another way that insider trading can occur is if non-company employees—such as those from government regulators or accounting firms, law firms, or brokerages—gain material nonpublic information from their clients and use that information for their personal gain.

"Our AI is technically not an employee."

I recon this Feakonomics podcast includes the answer amongst other interesting related topics: https://freakonomics.com/podcast/mathematician-sarah-hart-on...

It might be worth a listen for anyone who finds the topic interesting, but the answer is obviously already found in the top response too.

Did you consider the possible orders of magnitude of impact the two different actions would cause? This is not an apples to apples comparison.

Without the fertilizer, the US would grow less corn. So, reduction in biofuels, HFCS , beef and pork. Did I get that right?

Did you? Do you have sources to back up what you are insinuating?

Many use a few different apps such as radarr, sonarr and all their siblings to grab media into torrent downloaders which is then served via plex i.e.

My new AEG goes all the way to 20C. In single step. Great for fermentation of sourdough i.e.!

The reporting with the new information about the case, nor the whistelblower outing is from 2020. See the timeline in the end of the following danish article:


But this specific article is dated in November 2020.

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