Awesome story of these kids who sacrificed so much. But in those days males were groomed to become the man in the family when they reached teenage years, a lot of these kids worked in the local town factory or were farmers.
Alexander the Great was 25 years old when he conquered the known world. Man is hardwired to conquer in all aspects of life. The desire to explore and to experience and see the unknown or undiscovered.
Is it also awesome that the Japanese soldiers they fought also sacrificed so much? If so, then how is it a good thing for people to kill each other with no apparent purpose? If not then who decides which side is right and which is wrong?
Add to your list the desire to kill other people. That's a human instinct which was, as the article seems to suggest, a strong motivator for this boy. Much like what drives westerners to travel to Syria to fight for ISIS, or what drives a mass shooter in America. We shouldn't deny that soldiers often choose their job for the opportunity and pleasure of killing.
Read Flyboys. The Japanese soldiers, especially the officers were acting in a way that could truly be described as evil. One jaw dropping story involved an officer raping a woman, killing her, and then adding her to a stew that was fed to his soldiers. Another mind blowing tid bit was about a Japanese commanding officer that dug up buried American airmen that had been decapitated so he could eat their livers.
While you're at it read "With the Old Breed" by EB Sledge. The Marines in the pacific had the joy of living in the mud next to their own excrement and the magot infested corpses of their best buddies for months at a time so that they could stop the kinds of atrocracies described in Flyboys.
Ok so sorry but this fing bullshit has got to stop. WTF is this BlackLives matter all about? The message was lost when the town was burned down and the entire campaign was started on a thug who robbed the local convenience store for some mini cigars to roll some blunts. Did he have to die? we don't have any video evidence and his homeboy who saw the whole thing isn't going to speak up for fear of being an Uncle Tom / sell out.
Black people in tech? I have worked with and even seen star employees who were black who are in tech. In fact just about the entire IT Dept. where I work is Black. They are senior level IT techs making close to 6 figures. To see the Hashtag posted at twitter #Ferguson is just pure idiocy and some guilt ridden conscience to be down with the cause, whatever that is. You have to be the change, sorry stop with the bullshit. I make 6 figures and I am a high school push out. I am that change. I changed my attitude, I changed my way of thinking and the way I interact with people and hell I even rush across the street when I have the right of way when a car needs to make a turn. yeah you know what I mean. Leadership begins when you take that opportunity to step up and I have seen and experienced plenty of examples.
There is big money in prison systems. I remember a lot of people I knew getting locked up and going to Rikers. The stories they tell and I knew a lot of legal aid secretary's who see these cases comes across the desk and I want to cry.
No representation for the poor, they just lock you up and you get swallowed into the system and if you are lucky enough to see daylight they throw you back down the hole again. I mean it's horror movie scary how the prison system and parole boards in New York function. Whatever you do in life don't ever put yourself into the position of getting thrown in jail.
Ahh Credit Card processing. Let me tell you a story about being a credit card processor. PCI and if you are not PCI compliant don't even bother trying to be a processeor. Not only that if you are processing CC's you need to have a bank to sponsor you. Here is the key to being the best CC processor in the world.
1. Fraud detection
2. Speed of processing
3. Security
4. Security
5. Security
6. Security
7. Did I mention security ?
If you can master those you will be king.
Real time processing is a panecea but be careful what you wish for.
It's a game of pennies. Not dollars.
Also your system needs to be able to take in any input. Oh and the companies who send you these files to process are not exactly state of the art. 20+ year old mainframe systems. I can tell you the hours our processors spent trying to unscrew non comma delimited files.
If you are processing your credit card information in India I won't tell you how unsecure companies operate over there. VMWare is not the way to scale up! But hey it's your money.
I was a Systems administrator/ Security officer for one of these companies. I am so glad I am not doing that now. They could not pay me enough.
Paperwork was part of it. It's Crossing your T's and dotting your I's. Go price out a company who can do a PCI Audit for you. It starts at 40K and climbs rapidly.
Also who is minding the store? Are you a 24x7 operation? If you are you should have someone who is constantly monitoring your network. If you get breached and fail to disclose it you can be looking at jail time. Also if you do disclose you were breached you may be out of business.
Being a processor is not just creating an app that can process CC numbers. The security behind the scenes better be fort knox and you need to be constantly training your people about security. The first thing out of any persons mouth should be.
So tell me what is the secure method you will be using to transfer these CC numbers over to us?
Our developers are creating a new app and we need to make sure you are following security best practices.
Not to many developers think about security when developing apps. If you do get one who is security concious you better treat them like gold.
Don't even talk about the next upgrade to the Sales weasels otherwise they are selling it to the first customer who gets thier attention. Remember thier job is to sell and they will sell thier mother to close the deal.
As soon as it's closed they get paid.
Alexander the Great was 25 years old when he conquered the known world. Man is hardwired to conquer in all aspects of life. The desire to explore and to experience and see the unknown or undiscovered.