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It’s time to recognize the Internet as a basic human right. That means guaranteeing affordable access for all, ensuring Internet packets are delivered without commercial or political discrimination, and protecting the privacy and freedom of Web users regardless of where they live.


>the software is related to the magazine article of 2015 issue of the (Japanese) programming magazine


You know what? I laugh at guys like you.

And the biggest reason I laugh? It's not me or somebody else doing all this. It's YOU. You, realising your problems and not doing a thing about it, but complaining anonymously on internet.

You cry about how lonely you are? Or talk about how you just don't have social life and nice ladies, and all that emo bullshit? You're a miserable weak coward, why would anybody want to be a friend with you?

Let it piss you off as much as you want, but you know it's completely true.

Many of us there are engineers and work hard most of the time doing things that we love. But if you do want to get asked out to do other fun things at weekends, then stop being that pathetic stereotypical nice guy. Create opportunities, take people out, add value to those around you and soon they'll start inviting you out just like you're inviting them out. But if you want to continue crying in the corner, then cool, cry. Just don't post it to tech related sites.

TLDR: You need to think about what you can contribute to others' lives, so that they'll be more likely to invite you out. Having a car and being a nice guy doesn't count.

> Let's be real, Javascript is the #1 language on Github and for good reason - it runs everywhere.

Cancer is #1 disease in the world, but that doesn't mean I want it.

Good analogy. And the funniest part is when people say it should spread from client ("body") to server ("brain").

I choose to use javascript, nobody chooses to have cancer.

I don't like the analogy because it's not a laughing matter. Nevertheless there is no choice of script language in browser either.

How do you decide when to put `#hubspot-open-source` hashtag to repo description?

It's actually used to control what projects show up here: http://github.hubspot.com/

I buy off from Amazon, the reviews are helpful. "Nordic Naturals" is a good brand to check out.

Do you think the amounts of EPA vs DHA are important? Do you worry about too many heavy metals?

You want a good 3:2 ratio or so.

Good brands independently list how much EPA and DHA are in each pill. Bad ones say "1000mg". That is useless, you can end up with minimal EPA and DHA and a bunch of filler oils. Meh.

Best I've found is ~600mg EPA and 400mg of DHA per capsule.

Edit: Good brands are purified, heavy metals should not be a concern.

which one do you buy and how much are they?

I honestly cannot remember the brand right now, I'll try to remember to look it up when I get home, but that is many hours away!

!! I remembered

THe highest ratio I have found is

"Life Extension Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA"

It is 700mg of EPA and 500mg of DHA. 3 a day!

Thanks. What do you think of this one? Is Swanson a good brand? You can't beat the price.


Well be aware, 300mg of EPA means the value isn't quite as good as it may first appear. Multiply by 2.3 to get the dosage the same per $!

I have never used Swanson stuff before, typical worry about low cost fish oil is that it isn't filtered for heavy metals as well, and it may have a smell to it. Of course YMMV. :) I typically go to a local shop (more expensive of course!) and try out a brand there first, since I typically can return even the opened bottle if I feel something is wrong.

What do you mean about multiplying by 2.3?

The bottle I mentioned is 700mg per capsule, the one you linked to is 300mg per capsule. Price per capsule is therefor not a good measure, you need price per mg instead. :)

(Also remember to take into consideration number of capsules in the bottle!)

But the serving size on yours is two pills. Maybe you need to double up?

Bleck, you are right, I shouldn't do math at the wrong time of day. :) The ones I am using right now is something from a company called SOLGAR (never used them before), 1 capsule is 504mg EPA, 378mg of DHA.

Still a fair bit pricer than the ones you picked out though, even ordering from Amazon ($20/bottle of 100)

These changes really speak for themselves and if you've ever tried Instagram, you're basically getting the better quality photos: clear, crisp, tons of space, and very balanced filters. I love my iPhone and these guys deliver awesome app without being overpowering. As some of the other comments noted, "above and beyond" Instagram.

The new design is great: modern and a little bit more flat for a modern look. I was actually kinda bummed because like....they got rid of the Pro badges....oh well. My photo gallery stands out and looks pretty sharp. Well done, Flickr.

Anyway to sum it up, these changes are nice. And with a free 'old Pro' features, they're definitely a no brainer. I think any photographer can enjoy these changes as much as any casual photo sharer. Yahoo does it again!

ping responses are disabled

Makes sense, but at least www.windowsazure.com/en-us/support/service-dashboard/ shouldn't time out ...

Exactly.. Not sure why my comment was down voted - sure, maybe pinging is disabled and that part of my comment wasn't valid. But still, isn't responding.

I'm using GitHub Feed Filter extension for Chrome


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