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The common denominator for getting a good bargain is camping outside to arrive early or visiting regularly. While I like a good deal, I do not care for those style of deals.

If economists are to be believed that is inevitable. The only way to get true economic gains is by sacrificing something.

I will say a lot of bargain hunters have difficulty framing their hobby in a way that properly reflects the time investment when describing to others...

Indeed, this follows from "efficient market hypothesis", "TANSTAAFL", etc. and probably has some more solid theoretical grounding too: if you're getting a good bargain, someone is getting screwed. Quite likely it's you.

It may not seem like that to the bargain hunters, because they're being used indirectly (the bargain is there to get them into the store), longer-term (the bargain is there to form a habit), or stochastically (the bargain may screw over only subset of buyers, so while on average, the buyer is losing, you in particular may be winning this time around). Sometimes the scope is even larger (e.g. the vendor burning money to dig themselves into the market). Or, it may be just the buyer exploiting some corner case so obscure it's not visible unless your time is literally free.

It's a simple idea that's hard to swallow: the bargain benefits the dealer somehow, or else it wouldn't be offered.

For one off events you can have genuine bargains. I give away perfectly good computer hardware for free on Craigslist or at steep discounts.

You don't need anyone to get screwed.

That only applies if finding a buyer is free which it objectively is not.

Sometimes the effort to offload something for its value is more than that value.

This is simply not true. My grandpa was an early adopter in '92 and had an internet connection to his home in Little Falls, MN.

you're right, what i said was actually false, because there were a number of individual people who had their own internet connections. i've met some of them since then. but we're talking about maybe a thousand people out of the millions on the internet. i didn't know any of them in 01993. literally everyone i knew on the internet got their internet access by belonging to an organization that had internet access

I am old. I forgot about this hunter2 password filter phish reference.

hunter2 is 20 years old next year, just to make everyone else feel old too

Huh. i actually thought it was older. I can remember a time before *******

Interesting graph.

I believe too much CO2 in the atmosphere is a bad thing, but it is hard to find good, global suggested remediations to this issue.

- I use public transportation with my family of 6. (We do not own a car). - My kids walk to school ~1 mile away. - I stopped buying oak, because I read somewhere oak removes a good amount of CO2 over other types of trees. - We live in an area where it is easy to find evironmentally-concerned food producers and buy from them.

What else is there left for us to do?

Convincing more people that your approach is necessary and that technology will not evolve quickly enough to we (western people) continue to live like we used to? (until now, I brilliantly failed around me)

Your missed u from you're and could merged into labor.


Oh? I thought it was the implosion of X, formerly known as Twitter.

Then you can send as SVG or PDF via email.

You cannot trust Google translate with Finnish.

For example: Both of these sentences mean the same thing, but are translated differently by Google translate (mobile app, if that makes a difference): Suden syö karhu. Karhu syö suden.

Your best bet is to learn Finnish instead of relying on a translator.

Parks are excellent places to enjoy life.

The next California City!

California City was largely a fraud. There are a dozen planned cities in California that succeeded to counter the CC story. Irvine, CA would be a prime example.

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