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Native English speaker here that has a Fedora box as a daily driver.

I thought this title referenced cars driving in a south american rain forest.

Now I know why Android is written in Java - they are a bunch of comedians! Everything is a joke to them!

In all seriousness, career changes are very hard. I hope the best for him.

I am glad these phones were not Nokias. Who knows what damage they would have caused.

I'm glad we know the cause of the accident now. If the FAA had just explained how severe the consequences would be if someone used a phone on a flight, I think we all would have been more compliant.

What a comment. But the young generation does not know anymore what this means.

Why is it that one can have a Happy holiday, birthday, thanksgiving, halloween, etc., but only have a Merry Christmas??

John Lennon disagrees: "And so Happy Christmas...." https://genius.com/John-lennon-and-yoko-ono-happy-xmas-war-i...

My head cannon is that “merry” is a euphemism for alcohol, which is often more necess… err… prevalent when it’s cold and you’re around extended family.

This is a good guide to set up an email server, yet it lacks describing PTR Records (aka reverse DNS) and that some cloud providers block outgoing email unless you ask support to turn it on.

OP here. This just made me facepalm. I set it up so early on in the project I forgot to mention it. Will update.

It means they cannot schedule time off of work to care for an illness, surgery, etc. It would prompt most to search for other lines of work but, in rural counties, not much else is available.

>It would prompt most to search for other lines of work but, in rural counties, not much else is available.

Living in a rural area is a lifestyle choice and a luxury, and this is simply one of the costs of rural living. There's a reason people lived in larger and larger settlements (villages->towns->cities) starting from the very dawn of civilization, and probably before.

I think he means the end time is between 9pm and 11pm. The start of the shift is not mentioned.

The author needs to look into confd. I wrote about it in 2017: https://andrewwippler.com/2017/11/28/reusable-containers-wit...

Am I missing something? Isn't SELinux supposed to mitigate/stop the attacks described?

I already live in a world where money can expire in 60 to 120 days.

It's called a check, and hardly anybody accepts them anymore.

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