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Because you cannot commit voter fraud nearly as easily with Voter ID, and a disturbing portion of the nation and establishment media (and their purse holders) will tell you literally anything that can stick to the wall in an attempt to continue to hijack the nation.

It is horrendously racist to claim that any race is "incapable" to be able to get an ID, and the math doesn't work out in its favor anyway. But it's the current argument du jour that allows the power to be removed from the people, so it continues to play.

Anything else discussed in this thread with respect to the lack of American voter ID is just avoiding these facts. If the people want to take this nation back, they must pass voter ID and vote out (if they possibly can) those who oppose it.

Same here, and I was called a reptilian flat eaether or something to that effect.

I'll never be shamed out of questioning clear nonsense.

No. They are getting tripped up in their numerous lies.

Last time this happened, the story simply disappeared from the media altogether. Expect that to happen here too.

We have long vilified the wrong white crystal substance for increases in blood pressure.

Good reading on the matter is The Salt Fix.

The massive cover up of sugar's toxic nature over the past 70 years has led to countless premature deaths. I would estimate it's in the millions.

There is a special place in hell for those involved. And boy do some scientists sell their souls on the cheap. So very sad.

Agreed. Time will tell, but I have a feeling that this is because they have some kind of "good ol boys club" and they're not comfortable with new people in their inner circle. I wonder why. I also wonder what's going to happen with the Alwaleed stake, and if they're connected to this.

I'm guessing that within 12 months Jack will not be a part of Twitter nor any other tech company.

That could easily be rational behavior on their part if the primary thing they're worried about is investor confidence.

> I'm guessing that within 12 months Jack will not be a part of Twitter nor any other tech company.

Interesting thought, especially considering the relative success both of his companies have had in the prior 12 months (in the stock market, anyway)

You don’t think Jack will still have a strong role in Square?

> They should just make up any shortfall via property tax or income tax

Or they can waste less money and stop stealing from me at gunpoint.

It fascinates me how those isn't even an option in some people's minds.

They're not stealing from you, it's what's been decided by our elected representatives. You're free to try to elect people who agree that taxation is theft (you won't be the only one).

Or you can always move to a state that already agreed with you and tries to minimize your tax burden.

Because most people don't see taxation as theft, and don't mind paying it in exchange for certain goods/services?

For those of you who don't believe a single thing we're being told about this situation -- including this screenshot -- just know that you're not alone.

You don't need to question the narrative publicly like some of us do, but it's always good to keep an open mind about everything we're told, and sadly, that means considering the possibility that there have been more lies than truths told since Saturday.

Hopefully someday we'll get the real story, but I have a very hard time believing that this is it.

Are you suggesting that there may have been a real attack but it's being kept quiet (by idk, the Deep State, lizard people, round-earth conspiracists, etc?)

Not at all, and I take offense to what you are suggesting - that anyone who questions the 'official' story automatically believes in lizard people or whatnot.

I find it sad that people have been conditioned to lump anyone who questions such a messed up narrative in with nonsense like that.

Let's not act as if we've never been lied to before. We have reached a very low point in both credibility and transparency, and just because I have serious doubts about this story doesn't mean I'm a flat earther or whatever else you're insinuating. Let's be mature here.

You offer no reason to doubt the official story though. If you don't present us with new information you're either pointing out the obvious or advocating nonsense.

Clearly not. He is suggesting that the alert was not send in error, but that requires no more than somebody clicking it and further that he doesn't trust the government (in would call anything else imprudent).

I can see a bunch of reasons for clicking that link, from just for fun to wanting more money to fix the UI to the more sinister of wanting to keep the populous scared so that they are more likely to support a war in the future.

No reason to bring lizard people into this.

Or that it was done for political purposes.

It seems very likely to me this situation is exactly what it appears to be: a false alarm triggered by an old, underfunded, patch-upon-patch alert system. Initially very scary, then very embarrassing, everyone involved is trying to cover their asses, so you see a lot of spin.

The lack of an actual ballistic missile or missile defense response should really settle the question, IMO.

I'm not sure how to generalize this advice without becoming a paranoid conspiracy theorist. If we maintain an "open mind" about everything we are told and the "real story" comes out later how do we know it is real?

If we are able to identify the later story as real that means we have some other mechanism for determining truthfulness which could be applied to the current information.

Do you have any reason to believe we have been lied to? Can you point to any sources? Your vague statements suggest you know something but are unwilling to reveal it. That is a red flag for me.

This isn't the first time a scary EBS message was mistakenly sent out (there was a famous incident in 1971), and it probably won't be the last time. I see no reason to doubt that it was a UX failure.

They are clearly lying, that much is certain.

The question is why, and there are far too many rabbit holes to go down for this one. For now I'll just settle for "bad people stirring things up for terrible reasons".

It might be related to today's Presidential executive order......

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